Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 822: Step into level 9 and transform completely

Within the belly of the mountain.

Chen Lang once again began to devour the divine power in Daogu and part of the true meaning of the world.

The ninth order is different from the previous.

If it is said that the eighth step is the beginning of contact with the law, so it is different from the seventh step in the sky, and it is called a demigod.

Although for the gods.

This is just the power of the roughest and most obvious rules.

But the law is the law after all.

It is the source of all power.

It is a natural change of heaven and earth.

It is the life of all beings in the universe.

It is the true expression of various forces.

The laws of the universe have different views in the eyes of different people, but there is no doubt that everything is correct, and eventually it returns to its origin, and the law is the source.

Why is technology valued by the gods?

Because of technology, it is much easier to see the rules than to practice.

The so-called physical laws of the earth are actually part of the laws.

It's just that it's not that deep.

The deeper the understanding of the rules, the more horrible the enhancement of power, and the more horrible the combat effectiveness.

The rule of this stuff.

From the perspective of spiritual civilization, it is very profound, it is the nature of heaven and earth, the change of heaven and earth, and it is mysterious.

But in fact.

The universe has only rules and no rules. The so-called rules are actually changes in energy, matter, and spirit, laws in nature, and changes in different things with different energy and different things.

Then these changes meet different things and produce new changes.

For example water.

What is water?

Why does water freeze? Why does it evaporate?

Gaseous, liquid, solid, different forms of water, what changes?

These are the laws, the laws of water.

The most obvious rule of water.

Combining one's own mental energy to change external material changes is the use of laws.

Such as understanding the nature of weather changes.

Communicate the outside world with your own spiritual energy, so that the clouds become rain. This is the call to the wind and the rain.

The power of all is always the most easily overlooked nature.

All laws are always natural changes.


Easy to learn, easy to understand.

If you want to study the rules and understand the rules, you need to accumulate, or you must spend time to accumulate research, or to accumulate learning knowledge, or to accumulate it with your own eyes.

The more you know, the deeper you get, and the stronger you control the rules.

When fighting.

At the same level, the rules are deep enough to easily crush each other.

Why is the eighth step a demigod?

Because they can already perceive the natural changes in the outside world, thus affecting the outside world with every move.

Tier 7 is still a normal battle.

But the eighth order can easily communicate the gravitation and break the stars.

Ninth order is even more incredible.

And the gods.

It is the realization of the rules that reaches the limit, ignites the fire of God, simulates the changes of the universe, and thus gains the recognition of the universe, and controls the god-given power.

The gods are great.

The great places are not pure power, but they are part of the law itself, the eighth order is the comprehension rule, the ninth order is the borrowing rule, and the gods are the rules of true integration and control.

Divine power is the power of laws.

Inside the mountain.

As Chen Lang began to evolve.

He began to devour the divine power in the Tao fruit and the true meaning of the world. Divine power is the power of the gods, or in other words, the source of all kinds of energy or material or spirit.

Even a trace of it made Chen Lang feel like he was going to be exploded.

The true meaning of the world, in fact, is to construct a world, or in other words, all kinds of knowledge and information contained in the real world.

Because of the integration of divine power, this true meaning can be understood and absorbed.

Even more so, it can be consumed directly.

At this time, the system was controlling the further growth of the eight **** genes in Chen Lang's body and making them complete.

Once successful, the next step is to control their integration.


The system is also cooperating with Chen Lang to consume the broken intentions. This consumption is actually exhausting the divine power containing the information related to the breaking.

Without the constraints of Daogu.

After those divine powers came out of Chen Lang's body, they began to collapse directly, and the entire belly of Wangshen Mountain was filled with rich energy.

These energies are the result of that burst of divine power.

And these energies also contain the true meaning of fragmentation. The various scenes around Chen Lang are constantly changing, just like being in purgatory.

These scenes are the product of the resonance of all kinds of information and energy in the broken truth.

Constrained by the matrix method, these energies and scenes are constantly repeated and cannot be dissipated for a long time.

Chen Lang sat in the middle.

It is already a crucial time.

The eight **** genes shivered, flickered, and gradually completed.


As the **** gene grows to completion, the eight major **** genes seem to come alive, or they are activated as they automatically start to assimilate Chen Lang ’s genes. Chen Lang ’s genes are constantly degenerating and evolving .

All genes at this moment seem to be immersed in golden pool water, all shining with golden light.

This speed is fast.

It was almost several hours.

Chen Lang's entire body of gene cells was completely occupied by the **** gene. Even Chen Lang's appearance became slightly different at this moment.

Genes affect systemic changes.

Chen Lang was able to perceive that his power was tenfold and tenfold higher.

At this time, Chen Lang was full of **** genes, this body is already called a **** body.

Although there is no physical or physical change of the divine deity, this divine body has a defensive power comparable to that of the deity. Even if it can be injured, there is very little that can be injured in the entire universe except for the deities and deities. Rarely.

But this change is not over.

at this time.

Chen Lang was fully focused, putting all his energy on his super powers.

The assimilation of **** genes requires energy. Unless it is fruitful, unless Chen Lang relies on the energy of all the people in the group chat, otherwise he will not be able to absorb all kinds of higher energy to make up for it.

The power of the Five Elements stabilizes itself so that it does not collapse.

The new ability of the origin of life also exploded to the extreme, and Chen Lang was plunged into the emerald green light.

The body is constantly being reborn, constantly being transformed, and constantly being assimilated.

After assimilating all the common gene cells of Chen Lang, the eight **** genes finally met, and they began to devour each other and fuse with each other.

Chen Lang's gene cells continue to die, regenerate, die, regenerate.

The flesh is on the verge of collapse.

The whole process relies on the stability of the power of the five elements, and the healing of the life of origin.


The war between **** genes has just begun.

This war lasted much longer than Chen Lang imagined.

He thought it would end soon, but in fact, the war lasted for more than three months.

More than three months.

Even Chen Lang's mental consciousness is already exhausted to the extreme.

For three months, the eighth step of evolution had not used the Tao fruit of one ten thousandth of the divine power, and was directly consumed by Chen Lang.

The cells that are constantly being born and destroyed have been devouring the Divine Power.

Stay here three months later.

Finally, assimilation was completely completed.

God gene, eight kinds in one!

Chen Lang, step into the ninth stage!

The new superpower awakened, and the new multiverse Chen Lang was perceived to be drawn into the group chat, and the new physical body was comparable to the divine body.

Although tired.

However, at this moment, Chen Lang, with exceptionally clear consciousness, has entered a new level of perception of everything.

As if ~ ~ everything in the world has its own truth, as if everything is waiting for Chen Lang to unlock it, that is the law of all things.

At this moment, Chen Lang finally understood the sentence.

What is the Tao?

The Tao is everything, the avenue is simple, but the avenue is too complicated, everything in the world is Tao.


Chen Lang saw the fluctuations of space and the passage of time.

At this moment, Chen Lang really understood what was the ninth order.

This is a completely different feeling from the borrowed power.

The borrowed strength is, after all, just strength, just combat effectiveness.

But the improvement of the origin of life is a step closer to the road.

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