After driving away the"sissy squad".

Immo's goosebumps finally got better.

The goddess team looked on happily.

The"shy" look of Xin Zhao and Ge Xiaolun is definitely the scariest thing Imo has ever seen!

Great horror!!!

Immo hid behind Reina and said relieved after seeing the person leaving.

"Fortunately, Liu Chuang's loud voice didn't say a word, otherwise I would have been sick for a long time."

But he had just finished speaking.

Reina turned around, put her hands on his shoulders and said"coquettishly"

"Then Xiaona, press it for you~"


For a moment, Imo didn't know whether to feel uncomfortable or okay.

It makes me sad to think of the Sissy Team again.

Fortunately, Reina’s cute look is also good

"OK OK."

Imo finally pressed Reina's face and pushed it away.

"Let me slow down, you can do this again in the evening, I think of them again during the day"


The surrounding goddess team burst into laughter.

After you have laughed enough.

Everyone began to walk into the ship.

Everyone walks on the road together. while walking.

Then he saw a familiar woman wearing a navy uniform and an officer's hat walking over.

After seeing Imo.

She walked over quickly and asked kindly

"I heard from Xiao Lun and Zhao Xin that Taotie is going to launch a general attack on the earth?"

After seeing the woman,

Qiangwei and Qilin all nodded and said,"Chief Lianfeng."

Lianfeng nodded after hearing this:"I've said it all, as long as there are no outsiders, just call me the same as before."

Seeing this,

Yimo understood that Lianfeng was promoted to the commander of the Xiongbing Company.

After Dukao was gone,

Lianfeng was naturally the one who could take over.

And compared to Dukao, the war madman, the higher-ups were more at ease. Leave the Xiongbing Company to Lianfeng.

At least Lianfeng can see that he has no ambitions.

And his mentality is very stable.

His attitude is also good.

He was okay with Yimo before.

So Yimo nodded and responded.

"It's not preparation, it's on the way, but this time it's still far away from the earth, and they have only reached half the distance."

This time it was discovered by angels patrolling outside.

So it is still far away from the solar system.

Hearing this, Lianfeng breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good, so that the higher ups and us will have enough time to prepare. 21"

At this time, Reina reminded

"This is a general attack, remember it's a fight to the death"

"Although Yimo will be able to deal with units above gods and dark matter nuclear bombs, their battleships and aircraft are of very high technological level, so it will be a fierce battle."

"Chief Lianfeng, you need to make it clear to Mr. Huang and the others that the things at the bottom of the box must be taken out."

Press the bottom of the box?

Imo guessed in his mind.

Is it some kind of technological breakthrough?

Sure enough.

Lianfeng sighed softly and nodded in agreement.

"It's time to take those things out and use them, even if they are still in the experimental process, they have to be put on top."

After that,

Lianfeng knew that Yimo was still unclear about this matter.

So he waved, turned around and took the lead.

"Come on, let me introduce to you the latest research from the higher-ups, so don’t destroy your own stuff too."

Imo nodded:"Let's go."

Everyone followed Lianfeng into the combat command room of the Juxia.

After the transformation here, the equipment is already high-tech, and all of them are projection operation technology of the whole system.

After Yimo and others came here, they discovered that the super gods used to be The combat command room of the academy is full of engineers from the Deno system.

But now inside the Grand Canyon, there are not only people from the Deno system, but also scientific researchers from the earth.

It is no longer just Deno engineers.

It seems that we have seen The look in Yimo's eyes.

Lianfeng smiled and took the initiative to explain

"After Dukao's death, after a vote by all the engineers and I, we decided to deepen the cooperation between the Deno system and the Earth's military to fully complement each other."

"The Deno galaxy is gone, so we decided to join the Earth, conduct in-depth research and development of technology, and help each other."

"Therefore, through the warships and aircraft left by the Taotie civilization, our research during this period has made rapid progress."

"For example, directly modify the Taotie battleship for our use"

"Yuqin called up the data of the"Warrior" battleship."

Among the engineers,

Yuqin with long hair nodded:"Yes."

Then she connected the dots with both hands.

The next moment, the three-dimensional diagram and data of the"Warrior" battleship appeared in the sky in front of everyone.

Immo looked up with everyone.

The painting of the battleship has all been changed.

Changed to It is a mixture of black, blue and white, which is a bit like the color scheme of armed police armored vehicles.

It also has a lot of additional weapons.

The overall appearance has not changed.

But the firepower has increased a lot.

Imo even saw plug-ins. There are a lot of missiles.

Lianfeng was walking next to the three-dimensional model and introduced them to everyone.

"This kind of aircraft will be collectively called"Warrior" from now on. After the Battle of Tianhe and the Battle of Juxia, we captured a lot of these warships, two of which were used for research and dismantling, and the rest were all modified for military use."

"Their performance can support combat in the universe. As long as there is no galaxy crossing, they can be used on the battlefield within the solar system. This is enough for us."

"There are also three other ships during the Cross of Taotie Civilization. One of them was seriously damaged. We are doing reverse research, one is trying to repair it, and one is close to the best preserved. We are trying to crack the network firewall inside."

"As long as the highest authority is cracked, this cross flagship can also be used by us."

After Lianfeng finished speaking, he turned to Yuqin and said

"Then bring out the military interstellar combat suit"


After Lianfeng finished speaking, he changed to the next one.

The next one was a set of military equipment, Lianfeng said directly.

"This set is based on the suit worn by the Taotie Warrior, and is the interstellar suit we designed for the warrior."

"It contains a life-support device that can replenish energy, oxygen, etc., to support warriors' activities in the sky."

Imo thought it was over.

But Lianfeng was next. It seemed to be for show.

It seemed that Lianfeng was expressing her stance to Yimo.

She told Yimo all the latest research in one breath.

Including the battleship and interstellar suit just now.

The research cooperation between Deno galaxy engineers and the earth's military has also had many successes during this period of time.

For example: bolters matching the interstellar suit, tank modified energy weapons, missile additions Installing shaped explosives, vehicle modifications, etc.

Through this series of technological breakthroughs, the military battlefield suddenly became a bit uneven.

Some technologies are still in the pre-nuclear era.

But some technologies are It has already reached the space age!

It is even more advanced than the space age!

After Lianfeng finally finished talking about all the progress, he looked at Yimo closely and said

"All the current scientific and technological achievements are these. We have not directly contributed to the scientific and technological heritage of the Deno Galaxy, but only have in-depth cooperation with military researchers."

"Only those scholars with highly developed brains can learn the scientific and technological heritage of Deno to prevent scientific research from being mixed with political influence."

"What do you think, Imo?"

After finishing speaking,

Lianfeng looked at Yimo quietly, waiting for a reply.

And Yimo was right.

At least 80% of Lianfeng's decision was to express his stance to Yimo.

The other 20% was because of these If the technological heritage is not taken out, it will rot in the hands of some Deno engineers, and there will be no development and cooperation.

If the earth is severely damaged by then, then the technology they hold in their hands will be useless.

So after some thinking,

Lianfeng made a...Forehead...Go against the decision of your ancestors?

That's pretty much it.

However, Yimo couldn't listen to Lian Feng's words.

He turned to look at Lena, Qiangwei, and Qilin.

These three women will never lie to him.

As long as they are sure that there is nothing wrong with Lian Feng.

Then it shows that Lianfeng really joined the earth sincerely.

And after being asked by Yimo with his eyes.

Qilin nodded and said:"Actually, it's not just that. The theoretical knowledge of the Xiongbing Company during this period was learned together with the Deno engineers and earth scientists. The theoretical knowledge of the Male God Team has improved very quickly."

Qiangwei also agreed. Said:"The military has really made great progress in vehicles. There must be hundreds of the latest tanks equipped."

The last one was Rena. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Faced with this question, Reina waved her hand and said

"I don't know about her, but Chief Lianfeng is quite a good person."

Rena doesn't care so much about knowledge and technology.

But she knows what Lianfeng is like.

From the beginning to now, Reina thinks Lianfeng is fine and sincerely brings the Deno engineer to join the earth.

Seeing Lianfeng After getting the approval of the three women,

Yimo turned his head and glanced at Lianfeng in admiration.

"I have to say that you have successfully chosen the most correct path."

Indeed, no matter which path, this one is not as good as this one.

After hearing this, Lianfeng's face suddenly burst out into a smile and answered

"I think this is also the most appropriate way"

"Maybe we have other ways, but I think this is the best way for us."

Imo smiled and nodded:"Indeed."

Whether it's setting up one's own, guarding the Xiongbing Company, or sticking to the Super Seminary, etc., it's not suitable to join the Earth directly.[]

When Dukao was around.

It's really not good for them to do this.

But Dukao is gone now!

Then no one will say anything if they do this.

Lianfeng's expression ended.

After seeing Imo's approval.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she also recalled saying

"Before the destruction of the Deno galaxy, Principal Kieran also came here with knowledge, but due to scientific research mixed with political influence, it led to the final destruction."

"But it will definitely not happen this time. All research results are unanimously disclosed to the outside world and are only in the hands of scholars. The Xiongbing Company will never be controlled by politicians in the future!"

Lianfeng is a guarantee for Imo.

No matter what happens in the future, scientific research will not be controlled by politicians.

Instead, scholars will lead it.

This will greatly reduce the political nature and personal ambition of scientific research.

Even if something goes wrong.

Then there is also the god Yimo here.

So Lianfeng only needs to express her stance and guarantee, and show results.

Then the road will be really widened for her.

"Your path has become wider."Imo couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Returning to the topic.

Faced with this kind of equipment,

Imo made a guess.

"At this level of technology, it can already be used to fight and intercept in the earth's space, right?"

"more than. Lianfeng nodded, looked at Qiangwei and said,"With Qiangwei's help, we can also carry out special ambush tactics, which can severely damage the enemy fleet similar to the last battle of Tianhe in one go.""

That is to say, with the blessing of Qiangwei's time and space.

Now the earth's combat power level has the strength to severely damage the last battle of Tianhe in one go.

"That's not bad."Imo nodded appreciatively.

Being able to use super soldiers and the military to such an extent.

This is also a manifestation of command ability.

"correct."Imo remembered it again and asked:"These are space battleships. How do you replenish the energy of the battleships?"

"This should......"


Lianfeng hasn't answered yet.

Reina"coughed" on the side, then raised her face slightly.

That expression seemed to say

"It's down there!"

No one needs to answer this time.

Imo smiled when he saw Reina's expression asking for credit.

"Okay, I'll know it's you just by looking at your expression"

"Really~! You've seen it all! Reina grinned in a modest manner:"I didn't do anything. 937 is just an adapter and power bank. Oh, you don't need to praise me.""


Qiangwei and Qilin walked away from each other.

But you still have to praise, after all, you have done a good thing.

So Imo touched her head

"Yes, I know how to turn waste into treasure"


When Leina was stunned,

Lianfeng explained with a smile.

"Reina will not always be used as a power bank, but the battleships require too much energy, and the controllable nuclear energy equipment is still under construction. There is nothing else to support the consumption of these battleships, so it is good to have Reina here."

"But not only is controllable nuclear energy under construction, we are also studying how to absorb stellar energy. Maybe after driving away the gluttons, we will also start in the direction of dark matter and stellar energy."

Dark matter energy and stellar energy.

One is noble but has high technical content.

The other is large in quantity but difficult to collect.

Both are very reliable sources of energy.

Both are better than controllable nuclear fusion to boil water.

By then all engines and motors Changes are also needed.

It’s no longer about burning oil or consuming electricity.

"very nice."

Looking at these developments, Yimo was quite satisfied.

That's it.

After all the technological advances were introduced,

Yimo and everyone went back.

Lianfeng sent everyone outside and watched everyone leave before going back..

Walking on the way back to the dormitory.

Not long after,

Imogen came to the door of the familiar women's dormitory again.

As Reina opened the door.

After everyone entered,

Reina flew to her bed and lay down.

Imogen looked at The people around me were also a little curious and asked:"Have you never thought about having your own independent lounge?"

Qiangwei went into the door to put things away.

When she heard Imo's question, she answered in passing.

"Lianfeng has prepared a separate lounge for us, but we have no reason to separate, so that when we are free, we can chat at night before going to bed."

Qilin's hair was a little messy. She answered while untying and retying it.

"This is good. We all like this and are used to it. Independent dormitories are so boring."

Let alone Reina.

When she was in Lieyang Star, she always slept alone.

Now as long as nothing happens, there are still people chatting and sleeping every night.

This is very rare for Reina.

In Lieyang Star , she always sleeps alone. In Yang Xing's palace, don't even think about it

"That's pretty good."Imo nodded, walked to Lena's bed and sat down and said:"Actually, not only is there a general attack by Taotie this time, but the scum of the sky from long ago has also made a comeback, but the angels will deal with them alone, so it has nothing to do with the earth."

"Angel?"Leina, who was lying on the bed, was stunned when she heard this.

Then she suddenly remembered and immediately got up and lay on Immo's body and asked

"By the way, has Yan become a queen? Her name is Shengyan now? Was she commanding their battle this time?"

Imo:...... bad!

You shouldn't mention this!.

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