"Didn't you say it would take a week to come back?

Why did you come back today. "

A barbecue stand somewhere in Juxia City.

Qi Lin and Shi Yuan were holding a meat skewer.

Talk while masturbating.

Speaking of rising, I will also pick up a wine glass to dry one.

"I was persuaded to come back, and the leader said that the research work there was not very important.

Let me hurry up and write this paper."

Shi Yuan casually made an excuse.

Anyway, Qi Lin wasn't very interested in history.

"There was a major discovery of that ancient tomb this time?

Is there a certain history that is different from what people know?".

Qi Lin asked casually, she wasn't very interested in any of this.

I just wanted to find something to talk about with Shi Yuan.

"It's pretty much the same as you said, but it's much more serious.

It can even be said that it completely turned the history of the entire planet upside down. "

Seeing Shi Yuan dancing excitedly.

Qi Lin also became interested.

"What kind of historical truth can reach this level?"

Shi Yuan picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

With the help of alcohol.

Even his voice was high.

This completely aroused Qi Lin's interest.

"Hurry up, you're really going to kill me. "

Shi Yuan did not follow Qi Lin's wishes.

Instead, he continued to sell the guanzi.

"I've seen Journey to the West. "

"Yes. "

"Sun Wukong knows, right?".


"It's possible that he really exists. "

"Oh~~~ That... Hmm, what do you say?".

Qi Lin's eyes widened, Sakura's lips opened slightly, and the string in her hand had fallen to the ground without knowing the right fit.

"You weren't kidding, were you?

Is the Monkey King in Journey to the West real?

Then he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, where is the trouble?"

Shi Yuan smiled mysteriously.

"That can't tell you, if you're interested.

You can check out the paper I wrote a month later. "

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth twitched, revealing a pitiful look.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on.

People want to know. "

"It's not impossible to want to know, but... "

Shi Yuan didn't speak, just looked at Qi Lin directly.

And Qi Lin seemed to understand what Shi Yuan meant.

"Cut, I'm not uncommon to know, you like to talk about it or not. "

Although it is said that it is so.

But when Qi Lin lowered her head and masturbated

From time to time, he used his spare light to peek at Shi Yuan.

The big watery eyes of Carslan were full of curiosity.

And Shi Yuan is a good swim.

Someone won't be able to sleep tonight.

This thought rose in my mind.

made Shi Yuan wonder if he was better off being a pleasure envoy.

After about half an hour, the two of them wiped out all the skewers on the table.

Qi Lin patted her somewhat round belly.

A look of melancholy

"I'm going to go on a diet again tomorrow, it's all your fault, you called me out for supper in the middle of the night. "

Shi Yuan shouted for injustice.

"Can you blame me for this? It's because you don't discipline yourself, and if I tell you to do it, you'll come out. "

Qi Lin, who was full of alcohol, slapped the table when she heard this.

The wine bottles on the table were shaken by the sudden slap.

"Did I want to come out? Didn't you tell me to come out? I took off my makeup and was going to sleep. "

Shi Yuan was stunned.

No wonder it was inked upstairs for two hours.

The co-author is just after removing makeup.

"Actually, you look good without makeup. "

As the owner of a super gene.

Qi Lin's appearance naturally didn't say.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a natural beauty.

It's just that she doesn't know it.

Shi Yuan's subconscious compliment.

made Qi Lin feel a little happy in her heart.

She lifted her chin a little pride.

"Miss Ben naturally knows about this.

Do you still use your deliberate reminder?".

Shi Yuan shook his head with a smile, got up and went to the boss to pay.

"Hello, a total of 138 yuan, give you a change, 130... "

This boss is weirdly good.

Fu Heng paid happily.

"Let's go, I'll take you home. "

Shi Yuan was very conscious, but Qi Lin was a little dizzy at this time.

"Let's go. "

Subconsciously, Qi Lin naturally grabbed Shi Yuan's hand to stabilize his body.

The cheap ones sent to the door are not taken advantage of.

Shi Yuan helped Qi Lin up.

The other hand naturally wrapped around Qi Lin's waist.

But it's a pity that Qi Lin slapped Shi Yuan's hand off.

"What are you doing? "

Qi Lin glared at Shi Yuan and thought:

'This guy doesn't really think I've drunk too much, does he?'

Wait a minute, if he still has to find an excuse to go upstairs for a cup of tea or something? ’

Qi Lin's heart suddenly went up.

And Shi Yuan didn't mean that at all.

After he sent Kirin home.

He left directly.

For the next month, the two of them basically used text messages to communicate.

Qi Lin is full of police in Juxia City.

And Shi Yuan said that he wanted to catch up with the paper at home.

However, Qi Lin is really busy.

Shi Yuan is playing games at home.

Papers or something, just hand it over to the AI module.

And that's it, a month later.

A paper appeared that shocked the archaeological and historical communities.

"Exploration of Ancient Tombs in a City: The Third Kind of Contact a Thousand Years Ago".

The time of the tomb's existence is described in detail in the paper.

as well as frescoes and records of tomb owners.

As evidenced by this, more than a thousand years ago.

The humans of Blue Star have been in contact with aliens.

And Shi Yuan named this extraterrestrial civilization Heavenly Dao Civilization.

Because it is mentioned in the notes of the owner of the tomb.

"This monkey said, 'Heavenly Dao' is not a good person. "

Of course, this alone is not enough.

Shi Yuan cites some of his own discoveries in other countries.

For example, the altar of a certain country's desert power.

Many of the symbols on it are suspected to be some kind of encoding.

Shi Yuan cited a lot of evidence like this.

At the same time, he also marked it at the end.

The gods in mythology are likely to be some kind of super-soldiers with upgraded genes.

As soon as this archaeological paper appeared.

It immediately caused a great shock around the world.

When mythology comes to you in a historical, scientific way.

It will represent the complete collapse of the worldview and perception that took decades to build.

Countless scholars have been studying Shi Yuan's published papers day and night.

I want to try to find out the evidence of Shi Yuan's fraud here.

But alas, this evidence has almost been excavated.

There are a lot of markers, and contents, that are difficult to explain with general history.

But if you add the setting of aliens.

It's very easy to explain.

Of course, aliens exist or not.

Those scholars can't define it.

But after Shi Yuan's discovery.

It was already determined almost a long time ago.

Aliens have already visited the area.

More and more archaeologists are beginning to investigate extraterrestrial civilizations.

In the course of the investigation, more and more information about the alien civilization was revealed.

Juxia City, the headquarters of a military region.

Dukao blushed.

kept flipping through the information sent by the wind.

Crazy, the whole Bluestar is crazy.

Just because of this alien paper.

It caused such a big sensation around the world.

If they knew that they aliens were here, what would it be?

"Shi Yuan's thesis just lit a fire.

What really bothers is what another biologist publishes".

"It's not about archaeology, it's about biologists?".

Ducao flipped to the end.

"Extraterrestrial civilizations have been discovered all over the globe.

These civilizations are technologically advanced than ours.

Why didn't he occupy the Blue Star?".

There's nothing wrong with the first half.

It looks a lot like questioning the recent craze for the Stars of Man.

But the next twist was a big problem for Dukao.

"If what Professor Shi Yuan found is true.

It means that there is a powerful being guarding the Blue Star.

But will those invading aliens really stop there?

I don't think so, since physics doesn't work, you can switch to something else.

For example, biotechnology, gene technology.

Invade in a subtle and silent way.

Gradually change the genes of the Blue Star people.

Let the genes of the Blue Star people become the same as their genes, so that although the invasion time is relatively slow.

But there is not much risk.

That's why I propose to other countries that every citizen be tested for genetic testing.

Use this to see if the aliens are using this method to invade the Blue Star. "

"Help me contact Sun Wukong and the chief immediately. "

Ducao knew that he couldn't let this matter continue to ferment.

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