Chapter 10: The Super Seminary leads the distorted public opinion! Wang Yuan is completely crazy!

(Three updates, please collect. Your support is the motivation for me to write. The next update will be around 10:30. Thank you for your support!)

Because the speed of time is different.

Wang Yuan spent a month in the Dragon Ball World. But just three days have passed in the Super God Universe.

In these three days, a lot of things happened.

Morgana has successfully contacted Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun and others have also activated the super soldier gene, Angel Yan entered the earth according to the order of Holy Kesha, Qilin awakened the super soldier gene…

Of course, these things have not entered the vision of ordinary people.

The only event that caused an uproar among ordinary people was Wang Yuan’s disturbance in Tianhe City and the tentative attack by Taotie.

In order to cover up the truth, the Super God Academy announced the existence of aliens. And portrayed Wang Yuan as a lackey who surrendered to aliens in order to resurrect his girlfriend Han Qingqing.

The reason why Wang Yuan was bombarded with missiles was because Wang Yuan tried to take away the super soldier and give it as a token of surrender. In exchange for the other party to resurrect his girlfriend Han Qingqing. For the sake of authenticity, Super Seminary also selected a video of Wang Yuan holding Liu Chuang’s parents and threatening Liu Chuang and posted it online. As soon as this video was released, it instantly set off public opinion on the Internet.

In the past three days, topics about this incident have been dominating the charts on major platforms all the time.

“Alien running dog! This Wang Yuan really deserves to die!”

“Damn! He actually wanted to take the super soldier away and give it to Taotie. This bastard who forgot his roots”

“Han Qingqing is a beauty who brings disaster!”

“I checked Han Qingqing’s information. She dropped out of middle school and went out to work. I heard she was working in a foot massage parlor! It’s really a bitch and a dog, forever!”

“It turns out that there are really aliens! Fortunately, we have the Super Seminary in China. Otherwise, who knows what will happen?”

“It’s not just China that has supernatural organizations. Xiao Rizi also announced that they have a so-called”Hero Association”, and Bald Eagle also has mutants!”

“The world is changing too fast.”

“I heard that the reason why Han Qingqing fell from the building was that she went to the rooftop with a guest, and the guest pushed too hard and accidentally knocked her down.”

“Is this true? Such a trick!”

“A must!”


As time went by, Wang Yuan became synonymous with”traitor”, while Han Qingqing was branded as a bitch. Photos of the two became the object of scorn by thousands of people.

There was even a host named”Brother Kun” who built a statue of Wang Yuan kneeling on the ground for traffic.

He placed it in front of Xingfu Community to comfort the innocent residents who died in that incident.

So, when Wang Yuan came to Xingfu Community through the [double-through door], he was instantly recognized by the staff who were cleaning up the ruins and the people who came to mourn the dead!

“You dog traitor, you are not dead!”

“Call the police. Let the police catch him!”

“Traitor! How dare you show up in Xingfu Community? You are a traitor who has forgotten your roots!”

“For that bitch Han Qingqing. You actually became a traitor! Bah!”


Wang Yuan was stunned at first when facing the accusations of the crowd, and then he understood in an instant. Why was he labeled a traitor in just three days?

It must be the Super Seminary that guided public opinion in order to protect its reputation!


Very good!

It’s really great!

You wantonly slandered the reputation of Laozi and Qingqing in order to cover up your crimes. Don’t you think that Laozi has been blown to ashes?

Can’t speak for yourself anymore?

It really proves the saying: Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living!

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan couldn’t help but smile cruelly. Since you have already labeled me like this.

Don’t blame me!

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan wanted to leave Xingfu Community, go to the cemetery to collect Han Qingqing’s ashes into the”Universal Capsule”, and then go directly to the Super Seminary headquarters.

Let them pay the price for what they did!

But the guys around him who didn’t know the truth saw that Wang Yuan was about to leave. Relying on their large numbers, they actually stopped Wang Yuan.

The anchor who built the kneeling statue of Wang Yuan in order to attract traffic saw that the popularity of the live broadcast room was rising wildly at an incredible speed because of Wang Yuan’s appearance.

This gave him a bold idea.

That is to stop Wang Yuan in public in front of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room and accuse him of the crime. He believed that as long as he did this.

In the future, he will be the king of the live broadcast industry.

No one can shake his position. As for whether Wang Yuan will go berserk on the spot, which will be disadvantageous to him.


He just doesn’t believe that Wang Yuan dares to do this?

After all, so many people are watching? If he dares to do this, he will bear the infamy forever. There is no possibility of whitewashing.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, rushed to Wang Yuan, and shouted:”Wang Yuan, you dog traitor who has forgotten your ancestors!”

“How could our Long Country produce a bastard like you!”

“Don’t go!”

“For Han Qingqing, that bitch. You are a traitor!”

“It’s really a bitch and a dog, forever and ever!”

The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited when they saw that Brother Kun was so brave that he dared to stop Wang Yuan and let him give everyone an explanation. The free gifts dominated the screen crazily.

The popularity soared like a rocket, and in just a moment, it directly climbed to the top of the national anchor rankings. Even Su Xiaoli’s popularity was pulled by an order of magnitude higher by him.

“Brother Kun, awesome!”

“Brother Kun, you will always be the God in my heart!”

“Damn it! Brother Kun, can you help me give Wang Yuan, that bastard, a big slap in the face?”

“As long as you���I’ll give you a thousand rockets. I’ll let you build a statue of that bitch Han Qingqing. Let them kneel down and atone for their crimes forever!”

“Brother Kun, I’m sorry! I will never criticize you again.”

“That’s right! If anyone dares to slander Brother Kun again, I will chop him up”

“Actually, playing basketball in overalls is pretty cool. My taste is poor. I apologize to Brother Kun here.”

“That’s right! Brother Kun is invincible!”


Seeing the screen full of comments and gifts in the live broadcast room, the anchor Kun Ge almost climaxed on the spot. He thought: I am too wise.

Let’s see who dares to criticize me!

From now on, I am the undisputed god in the live broadcast industry.

Just when the anchor Kun Ge lamented that happiness came too suddenly, Wang Yuan’s slightly indifferent voice sounded at the right time:”Originally, I didn’t intend to bother with you idiots.”

“After all, you know nothing!”

“They are just a bunch of idiots who were misled by the Super Seminary.”

At this point, Wang Yuan paused, and then continued:”But what should you never do? You shouldn’t slander Qingqing!”

“The reason why you are so unscrupulous!”

“It’s just that you have already won, and I dare not do anything to you?”


“It’s true that kind people are often bullied, and kind horses are often ridden!”

While speaking, Wang Yuan, under the gaze of millions of people in the live broadcast room, under the astonished eyes of the people around him, and under the surveillance of the major cosmic forces of the Super Seminary… walked up to Brother Kun and smashed his head with a punch.


With a muffled sound, bright red blood mixed with broken bones and”tofu brain” scattered in all directions. It fell on the indignant faces of the people around.

These people were stunned at first, and then they felt a fear spreading from the depths of their hearts.


Wang Yuan killed someone!

He really dared to risk the world’s condemnation and kill people in public!


In an instant, the original angry emotions disappeared without a trace. Instead, they were replaced by a strong fear, which made them no longer have the same face as before.

They screamed in all directions and fled for their lives.

They were afraid that if they ran slowly, they would be like Brother Kun, who was killed by Wang Yuan’s punch to the head.


Wang Yuan looked at the fleeing crowd and laughed crazily. He laughed so hard that he even coughed, as if he had seen the funniest thing in the world.

Defamation, abuse, slander… plus the despair of having no way out for three months and the pain of losing Qingqing.

Wang Yuan would have gone crazy long ago.

The reason why he hadn’t gone completely crazy was that he saw the hope of resurrecting Qingqing. He didn’t want Han Qingqing to be disappointed with what he had done after her resurrection.

So, facing the accusations of others, he chose to endure and didn’t take action.

But they shouldn’t, they shouldn’t! They shouldn’t slander Qingqing! She was so kind, so innocent, so beautiful… She died unjustly.

Why do they want to slander her reputation after her death?

Damn it!

Damn it! Damn it all!

Damn it all!

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan’s mind flashed with Qingqing’s sweet smile, and then the picture turned to Qingqing’s bloody body…

In anger, the veins on Wang Yuan’s forehead bulged.

He decided to give up everything completely.

Completely throw yourself into darkness, turn into a demon on earth, and settle accounts with all those who slander Qingqing’s reputation.

Super Seminary!

You forced me to do this!

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan condensed a wisp of air full of destructive breath in his hand, and then threw his sculpture kneeling at the entrance of Xingfu Community.

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