Super God Universe.

Chiwu Star System·Earth Star.

Juxia City.

Tianshen International Group.

In the entire Juxia City, it can be said that everyone knows about it. It was established less than five years ago.

The business involved in Tianshen International Group includes (medical care, education, construction, people's livelihood........) involves all aspects.

Even in the international arena.

It is considered one of the best companies.

At this time, in the headquarters building of Tianshen International Group.

In the top-floor office of Tianshen International Group.

A handsome young man about twenty years old was half-squinting his eyes, lying on a chair, looking down at everything below. The warm sunlight sprinkled on the young man from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He felt a little bit of strength all over his body, which was constantly increasing.

That's right!

It's increasing!

Li Ang is not a native of this world.

He is a traverser with a golden finger.

After coming to this world.

Li Ang originally thought it was an ordinary parallel world.

But after knowing...���This world has Tianhe City, Juxia City and Angel International Group located in Tianhe City. After seeing these familiar things, you already know what kind of world this is.

Super God Universe!

Soon after the super genes in Ge Xiaolun and others are activated, the entire Earth will become a battlefield of gods.

Fortunately, Li Ang has bound a system called [Superman Template Sign-in System].

The function of the gold finger is very simple, with only two functions.

The first is that Li Ang can randomly draw various versions of Superman templates (Silver Superman, Gold Superman, Thinking Superman, Magic Superman, Supreme Superman.......) to itself.

As the template progresses, the ability will also increase.

The second is that as long as he completes the sign-in task, the template progress can also be increased.

When Leon opened the template for the first time, he extracted the Superman template.

That is: Superman·Man of Steel template.

That's right!

It is the template of Clark, the son of Krypton.

Although the bug abilities of Silver Superman and Gold Superman were not extracted.

However, when the Earth Star had not yet become the battlefield of the gods.

The Man of Steel template was enough.

After all, there is no kryptonite in the Super God Universe.

There is no magic.

Leon can be said to have no weaknesses.

It can be said that if there is no Super God Academy.

Leon is a real god on earth!

Moreover, the ability to become stronger by absorbing sunlight.

It is simply too comfortable.

It can be said that you can become stronger even when lying down.

In the future, if Leon can extract Silver Superman.

Or Gold Superman.

Shattering galaxies with one punch.

The physical body exceeds the speed of light.

These are all simple things.

Li Ang shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. With a thought, he opened his own template.

Iron Man Template: 39%.

Strength: 13,500 tons.

Speed: Mach 8.

Abilities: Energy Absorption (Passive), Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Defense, Super Brain, Super Hearing (Unlocked), Super Vision (Unlocked), Super Breathing (Unlocked).

Exclusive Abilities: Bio-Force Field (Unlocked), Solar Flare (Unlocked).

When Li Ang first opened the template, the template progress was 10%.

The unlocked abilities were only energy absorption and super strength.

As the template progress increased.

The template abilities were also unlocked.

When the template progress reached 40%, the template exclusive abilities could be opened.

For example, Superman's unique abilities (bio-force field, solar flare).

How terrifying is 13,500 tons of strength?

Five years ago, after Li Ang successfully unlocked the ability of the super brain.

His brain power increased significantly.

Therefore, he created the Tianshen International Group.

The purpose, of course, is to help himself improve his abilities better.

Gather the power of everyone and supply it to itself.

Since the steel body template loaded by Leon can absorb the radiation of sunlight and become stronger.

Does it mean that radiation similar to sunlight can also act on Leon?

Therefore, Leon used the existing knowledge reserves of the Earth Star.

To create a groundbreaking thing.

Nuclear fusion technology.

The gem-like device on Leon’s chest is a small nuclear reactor.

It can provide solar-like radiation at all times, acting on his body.

Let Leon become stronger every moment.

Similar technologies.

In the past five years, Leon has also invented a lot.

This is how the Tianshen International Group has become such a behemoth.

Therefore, Leon is also a little strange.

Since the super brain can greatly increase the brain power and computing power of Superman.

Why is Clark, the Superman in the movie, still so poor.

As long as you make good use of the power of the super brain, no matter what kind of mental work you are engaged in, you can take off directly.

"finally..."It's turned on, the bio-force field."

Suddenly, Li Ang felt a magnetic field appear on his body, all over his body, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and he murmured to himself. ps: Brothers, please support me!!! Please give me some free data! You can also leave a comment! Give the young author some motivation, the first day data determines everything! One thousand flowers will add one chapter! One hundred evaluation votes will add one chapter! One monthly ticket will add one chapter!!!

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