Li Ang was able to study the valuable things in Tianshen No. 1 with the meager knowledge reserves of the pre-nuclear civilization of Earth.

If Li Ang had the huge knowledge reserves and rich resources of the Angel Civilization for 30,000 years, what terrible things could he research?

Although He Xi is one of the three kings of the Angel Civilization, her best skill is not combat ability, but her scientific research ability.

Even the defense engineering of the Angel Civilization was led and completed by He Xi alone.

Therefore, He Xi admires scientific research talents like Li Ang very much.

""Join the Angel Civilization?"

Li Ang was a little surprised.

Although the God No.

1 he invented can make people become the first generation of super soldiers, it should not be difficult for the Angel Civilization to invent something similar.

Before, Li Ang thought that even if the Angels knew about God No.

1, at most they would just send someone to check it out.

However, Li Ang greatly underestimated his own ability.

Indeed, as the top god-making civilization in the known universe, the Angel Civilization can also invent something similar to God No.


However, even if it can be invented, the various resources required to train a first-generation angel into a second-generation angel are too large.

The input and output are not proportional at all.

Therefore, the importance of Li Ang is highlighted.

"Li Ang, with your ability, you should have learned all the existing knowledge on Earth, right?"

"Even if you can invent something like Tianshen No. 1, that's all you can do."

"Join our Angel Civilization, you can obtain more advanced and comprehensive new knowledge, such as star drive technology, space-time technology, etc. These top technical materials can help you make greater breakthroughs in your research."

He Xi said slowly.

Compared with the pre-nuclear civilization of Earth,

Angel Civilization is the top god-making civilization in the known universe.

It has all kinds of knowledge in the known universe.

"Moreover, I will introduce you to a beautiful angel to be your guardian angel."

He Xi said playfully. After that

, He Xi supported his smooth chin with his right hand and waited for Li Ang's answer with interest.

Stellar drive technology?

Li Ang's expression was a little moved.

If there is any technology that makes Li Ang feel the most excited, it is the stellar drive technology.

If Li Ang can master the stellar drive technology, then Li Ang can even use technical means to make a solar star into a size that can be carried with him.

At that time, Li Ang's template progress will be dozens or hundreds of times faster than now.

After all, Li Ang is loading a superman template.

He can quickly become stronger by absorbing sunlight.

Your conditions really make me excited."

"However, as far as I know, since your angel civilization overthrew the rule of the Heavenly Palace Order, isn't there a ban in the entire City of Angels that prohibits any male from entering it?"

"Are you planning to let me stay on Earth forever?"

Li Ang asked with a smile

"It seems that the super gene in your body is even older than I thought, and you even know this."

He Xi looked at Li Ang meaningfully, and said softly:"According to the rules set by that tomboy Kesha, it is indeed like this, but it is not unchangeable."

"As long as you have an angel who becomes your guardian angel, you can live in the City of Angels."

"If you don’t want to stay in the City of Angels, you can also go to other planets with your guardian angel."

"As for Earth, you'd better not stay here any longer."

He Xi pondered for a moment, then said solemnly,"Earth is about to be invaded by the Taotie civilization of the Styx Galaxy."

The angel civilization had long known that the Taotie civilization was about to invade Earth.

However, since Earth is not dominated by angels, the angel civilization naturally has no obligation to protect Earth.

"Aren't you afraid that after I learn all the knowledge of your angel civilization, I will take your things and become your enemy?"

Li Ang stood up, picked up a bottle of wine on the table, poured a glass, took a sip, and asked with a smile.

"Angel civilization is never afraid of any challenge, as long as you are within the scope of justice. Moreover, angels have no ill will towards you, so how can they become enemies?"

He Xi shook his head, his expression did not change at all.

Just as He Xi said just now.

Angel civilization is the top god-making civilization in the known universe.

It is not afraid of any challenge at all.

Then, He Xi also picked up a goblet, poured a glass of wine, took a sip, and praised:

"Sour and sweet, you earthlings are indeed unique in eating"

"The scope of justice? Interesting."

Leon murmured to himself.

Then, he looked at He Xi, raised his mouth slightly, and stretched out three fingers,"If you want me to join the angel civilization, you only need to agree to two conditions. First, give me the knowledge of star drive technology."

"Second, I want you to be my guardian angel, how about that?"

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