
The mechanical body of the Devouring Beast was pressed hard by Wei Laoqi and smashed to the ground.

A deep hole was created.

Whoosh! Wei Laoqi's eyes turned red and two red lasers condensed and shot out , landing on the Devouring Beast in the hole.

"Good power, but it's not enough!"

Shi Shi flew out of the pit below quickly and appeared in front of Wei Laoqi. After glancing at the body of the Shenhe body in front of him, he said with some disdain.

Although Wei Laoqi's power just now was good, reaching the strength of the third-generation super soldier, but that was just that.

He was not taken seriously by Shi Shi at all.

Even if his void engine could not analyze these Wei Laoqi and others, what could he do?

Shi Shi himself had been upgraded to a divine body by the God of Death Carl.

Even with pure power, he could slaughter all these heavenly gods.

""Seven hundred and sixty" Wei Laoqi looked at the unharmed Devouring Beast, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed slightly.

After this period of training

, the highest temperature of Wei Laoqi's heat ray has reached 20,000 degrees Celsius.

It is a full double of the 10,000 degrees Celsius that Li Ang had imagined before.

But there is still no way to cause harm to the Devouring Beast.

Seeing this scene, Wei Laoqi couldn't help but tighten his weapon in his hand and looked at the Devouring Beast with a vigilant expression.

"Shenhe body, you don't need to be so wary of me, it only takes me a few seconds to kill you."

After seeing Wei Laoqi's nervous look, Shi Shi felt a little funny, and then said with some disdain:"Let me ask you, is the Lord God Li Ang you mentioned the guy who created all of you? Where is he, let him come out to see me."

Shi Shi has already observed it just now. The unknown super soldier discovered by their Taotie vanguard did not appear here.

In other words, the super soldier should be the mastermind behind the space transfer and space-time cage in Tianhe City.

And the main god Li Ang mentioned by Wei Laoqi and others should be the mastermind.

However, Li Ang was not taken seriously by Shi Shi at all.

If Li Ang's strength could really be comparable to their Taotie's main god, the god of death Carl, he would not have not even seen his shadow until now.

Shi Shi is more inclined to believe that this so-called main god Li Ang is just an indigenous god of the third generation of gods.

Perhaps he is just a lucky person who has obtained the technology of the heavenly god civilization.

Main god?


A native also wants to become a main god?

What a pipe dream!

"You are not worthy!"

Wei Laoqi didn't say much nonsense and quickly attacked the beast.

"Forget it, I'll kill you all first. That guy named Li Ang will show up eventually."

Shi Shi shook his head, raised his hand without dodging, and grabbed the weapon in Wei Laoqi's hand.

With the force of his arm, the weapon in Wei Laoqi's hand broke into two pieces.

Shi Shi threw it aside.

Seeing this, Wei Laoqi clenched his fists.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a wave of air, it quickly hit Shi Shi's chest.

However, the terrifying force of nearly a thousand tons.

After bombarding Shi Shi, not even a white mark appeared. There was only a series of sounds of heavy weapons hitting steel around.


Shi Shi said in a cold voice. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Wei Laoqi's two arms, and twisted them hard.


Two crisp sounds rang out around.

Wei Laoqi's two arms fell vertically.

Veins on Wei Laoqi's forehead bulged, but he didn't cry out in pain or beg for mercy.

He just used his right foot to kick the body of Shi Shi fiercely.

His arm was broken, but he still had his feet and his head.

Even if he died, he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from Shi Shi's body.

This was his responsibility as a Chinese soldier.

It was also his honor as the commander of the Heavenly God Army.

Shi Shi was not polite either. He broke Wei Laoqi's legs one after another, then pinched his head and threw it heavily to the ground, smashing through buildings.

""Captain of the Legion!!"

The Heavenly God Army, who were fighting with mecha warriors and Taotie, roared with bloodshot eyes after seeing the miserable appearance of Wei Laoqi, and wanted to rush over to support him.

However, they were surrounded by the overwhelming Taotie warriors and mecha warriors.

They could only try their best to fight their way out.

Rena, who was trapped in the protective shield, frowned and said to herself:"Leon, if you don't take action, I, the goddess, will activate the cosmic war mode, otherwise your commander will die."

Rena did not want to activate the cosmic war mode on Earth.

Once it was activated,

I am afraid that the whole of China and even the whole Earth would suffer irreparable damage.

"Wei Laoqi!"

Ge Xiaolun and others looked at their comrades and were also very angry after being treated like this.[]

But, no matter how angry they were, it was useless.

Everyone's gene engines were all invaded by the void engine of the Devouring Beast. They had already lost their combat capabilities.

Moreover, there were a bunch of Taotie warriors around them, staring at them with eager eyes...

The command room of the Giant Canyon

"Well, your willpower is very good. You are worthy of being the legion commander I chose. It’s just that your strength is a little weak. After you deal with the Taotie, I will help you upgrade to a divine body."

Li Ang looked at Wei Laoqi in the picture and nodded with satisfaction.

After helping Su Xiaoli upgrade to the third generation of divine body, Li Ang still had a resource for upgrading to the third generation of divine body.

As for the advanced potion of Tianshen III, Tianshen IV,

Li Ang had already researched it.

However, Wei Laoqi had just used Tianshen III for a short time at that time.

He could not use Tianshen IV immediately.

As for the injury of Wei Laoqi's limbs being broken by the Devouring Beast?

It looks very serious.

But as long as the person is not dead, Li Ang can save him. What

's more, with Li Ang watching here,

Wei Laoqi can still be killed by the Devouring Beast under his nose?

In the satellite picture that Li Ang linked to, the capitals of countries around the world were invaded by the Taotie Legion.

The United States, Russia, Sakura, Kimchi, Gallic Chicken and other countries.

The number of direct and indirect deaths is as high as more than one billion people.

On the Chinese side, not a single person was killed or injured.

"General Dukao, I hope you have made your choice when I come back."

Leon glanced at Dukao, smiled calmly, and disappeared.


Dukao looked at Li Ang's departing figure, smiled bitterly, picked up a cigarette, took a deep puff, and looked at the rose in the image, his eyes full of reluctance.

On the battlefield in Tianhe City

"Human warrior, let me introduce myself. I am the Taotie King Shishi, the culprit of the invasion of your Earth planet, no one else."

Shishi appeared in front of Wei Laoqi, grabbed his neck, and said in a cold voice with a hint of admiration:"I admire your courage, and it is worth me remembering your name. What is your name?"

"Remember, my name is Wei Laoqi, and I am the commander of the Heavenly Army under my god Li Ang!"

Wei Laoqi didn't say anything harsh, but just spit bloody saliva at Shi Shi with a grim smile on his face.

"Wei Laoqi? I remember."

Spit fell on Shishi's face, he was not angry at all, just nodded slightly.

Just when Shishi was about to twist Wei Laoqi's neck, he found that Wei Laoqi disappeared in front of him.

At the same time, one of his arms disappeared.

Two figures appeared in the sky.

It was Li Ang and Wei Laoqi.

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