Angels' love comes from genes.

Each angel will only be paired with one person in their lifetime.

Moreover, the genetic matching was originally done by He Xi and Kaisha.

Its accuracy is beyond doubt.

Generally speaking, after the genetic matching between an angel and another person reaches more than 80%, it can be considered true love.

And Leon's genes actually match He Xi's genes at a rate of 99.99%.

Such a high value has never been seen since the creation of the genetic matching system. Even the Galaxy Power, which their angel civilization has high hopes for, only has a genetic matching rate of 92% with Angel Yan. There is no way to compare with Leon and He Xi's 99.99%.

"How could it be so high? Could there be something wrong?"

He Xi was a little bit unbelievable.

Then, He Xi tried several times in succession.

The results were exactly the same.

There was no change at all.

Since the gene matching system was not wrong.

Then, it means that

Li Ang might really be the best partner for her gene matching.

"Is this man in front of me really my true love?"

He Xi raised her head and cast her eyes on Li Ang, thinking to herself

""Did you find any problem?"

Li Ang asked in confusion when he saw He Xi's expression suddenly change.

Li Ang thought He Xi had just tested his blood and found some problem.

He never thought that

He Xi would use his genes to calculate the matching degree.

"No, I just suddenly thought of some things in the Angel Nebula that have not been dealt with."

He Xi made up a lie and did not tell the truth.

If Li Ang knew that the genetic match between He Xi and him was 99.99%, who knows what kind of accidents might happen.

Li Ang was speechless, but he did not expose He Xi.

It was obvious that He Xi's words were lies.

Anyway, it was enough for Li Ang to get the stellar drive technology from He Xi.

He Xi quickly calmed down and began to test Li Ang's blood. He exclaimed:"Li Ang, the strength of the cells in your blood is equivalent to 7,500 times the strength of ordinary humans on Earth."

"No wonder you have such terrible strength and supersonic speed."

"Even though this drop of blood has left your body, it still maintains its amazing vitality without any signs of weakening."

"Moreover, it can also enhance its own cell strength by absorbing sunlight radiation."

"It's an incredible super gene."

After discovering this ability, He Xi finally understood why Li Ang wanted stellar drive technology so much.

It's because the super gene in Li Ang's body can become stronger by absorbing the radiation of sunlight.

This is completely different from the super genes in the currently known universe.

No matter which super gene you use, if you want to improve yourself, such as upgrading from the first generation of super soldiers to the second generation of super soldiers, you have to spend a huge amount of scarce resources to complete the upgrade.

And if it is a mass-produced super gene, even if you have the resources, you can't upgrade yourself.

Li Ang's super gene is different. It can become stronger just by absorbing the radiation of sunlight.

No wonder in a pre-nuclear civilization like Earth, it can be upgraded to the third generation of divine body.

Now He Xi can be sure that Li Ang's super gene is definitely not left by the Shenhe civilization.

Perhaps it comes from a more ancient civilization.

"You are worthy of being the King of the Sky. With just a drop of my blood, you were able to analyze all my most important abilities in just a few dozen minutes."

Leon praised generously.

As for being able to absorb the radiation of sunlight and become stronger.

Even if it is exposed, it's okay.

Leon has already prepared himself mentally.

"By the way, a friendly reminder to you, this drop of blood separated from my body will be automatically destroyed in one hour."

Li Ang said with a smile.

Li Ang dared to give the blood to He Xi, the top scientific research god. He was not unprepared.

If someone tried to copy the genetic information inside.

Or after the specified time set by Li Ang through the bio-force field, the bio-force field would destroy all the information at the first time.

He Xi's understanding of genetic technology is so thorough.

The genetic system of the entire angel civilization was almost researched by He Xi himself. It would be funny if He Xi used this drop of his blood to obtain genetic information and use it.

"Are you so wary of me?"

He Xi looked at Li Ang with some depression.

She had some thoughts about the super gene in Li Ang's blood.

"What do you think? Pipixi!"

Li Ang looked at Hexi with a smile.

"Forget it, I have already researched the general capabilities of your super gene."

He Xi curled his lips.

"Come on, follow me to the research institute downstairs, I'll help you make something."

Without waiting for He Xi to respond, Li Ang took her hand and walked straight outside....

A certain military base in Juxia City.

The door of the command room opened.�

"Lao Du, Sunlight, Lena, report in!"

A tall, flaxen-haired, beautiful woman wearing a black windbreaker, a black miniskirt, and a pair of black boots walked in from outside. ps: Please give me data and support, brothers!

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