(Yanzu, the flower ticket is not moving, ask for the flower, ask for the ticket, ask for everything, thank you!)

Just when Su Yun and the five angels finalized the matter of going to the City of Angels.

Room 203 on the second floor.

Rena is bathing with Maizhao.

Don't ask why you want to share a bath.

Asking is the first time I've come to Wuzhao, and I'm very unfamiliar with everything on Earth.

Delena teaches by hand.

Secondly, when they were in the Blazing Sun Star, the two of them took a bath together.

So it's not surprising that we share a bath.

"This is shampoo, this is conditioner. "

"This is shower gel. "

"This is a bubble ball. "

"This is the bathtub, the tub of our Sunny Star. "

"You can still shower here, take a good wash! It's very comfortable, I'll help you rub your back." "

Rena taught the dance photos hand in hand, as if she didn't have the slightest shelf as the main god of the Sun Star.

It's a dance photo.

Looking at the water flowing away, a distressed look appeared on her pretty face.

"Sister Na, it's too much of a waste of water to take a bath on Earth!"

In the Sun, water is a precious resource.

That is, 26 is that they are in high positions, and they cannot be easily wasted.

Hearing this, Rena bubbled the dance photo.

He said, "Don't worry, this is the earth, and there is a lot of water resources, so we can use it with confidence." "

"Come on, turn around, the back is done, it's time to rub the front. "

With that, Rena turned the dance photo around.

The two face each other.

But I didn't feel embarrassed.

After all, what haven't the two of them seen each other?

But at this moment, Wuzhao found that Rena had several red spots on her body.

"Sister Na, why are you so red here? Are you injured?"

Rena looked down and blushed.

Damn, what kind of injury is this!

This is clearly something planted by Su Yun.

It hasn't dissipated yet, and now it's still being discovered by the dance photos.

What a shame!

So, Rena hurriedly made a mistake: "Yes, it's injured, didn't a gluttonous fleet invade the earth a few days ago? "

When Wu Zhao heard this, he didn't believe it: "Injury? shouldn't you, you are a god, and this low-level injury can be recovered in an instant." "

"Also, I don't think there's something right with this injury! "

"Goddess Rena, this can't be Xiaoyun..."

Dance photos tell the truth in one word.

Rena had no choice but to admit: "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, it's Xiao Yunyun." "

When Wu Zhao heard this, he secretly said in his heart.

Then he showed a wicked smile: "Honestly, where are you going?"

Rena's gaze was a little evasive: "Just... I've done all the steps. "

Wu Zhao smacked his tongue: "But Xiaoyun is still a child!

"Kid, let me tell you, Xiao Yunyun isn't at all..."

As she spoke, Rena described some things vividly with Mai.

Dance photos though unbelievable.

But her pretty face was still flushed.

For Su Yun, he was also more curious.

Soon, the two finished washing.

Mai Zhao changed into Rena's pajamas.

The two lay down on the big bed together.

Rena finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart and asked about Pan Zhen in the dance photo.

"Xiaozhao, let me ask you, what was Pan Zhen's expression after he knew that Xuantian Ji was dead?"

Wu Zhao Bing Xue was smart, and immediately knew what Rena wanted to know.

said: "I don't know what General Pan Zhen's expression is, but what I do know is that you don't need to worry too much. "

"General Pan Zhen didn't mean to blame you, otherwise, he wouldn't have just sent me. "

When Rena heard this, she thought about it and thought it was the same.

continued: "Then you come here, does Pan Zhen have any special tasks for you?"

For Rena, the dance photos are not hidden.

said bluntly: "It's just that I came over to spy on you, saying that you are the main god of the Burning Sun Star, and you can't do anything out of line with Xiaoyun." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Out of the ordinary?" Rena raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Wuzhao shrugged: "It doesn't matter now, because you've done all the things out of the ordinary." "

As Rena's best sister.

Rena is unguarded against the dance photos.

So when the two of them were taking a bath just now, Rena told all the things between herself and Su Yun, 1510.

After listening to the dance, his face was red and his ears were red, but he also knew that he was too late.

Pan Zhen said, otherwise, Rena and Su Yun will do something out of line.

Isn't that what these outrageous things refer to?

Sun Star values the chastity of women.

What's more, it's Rena, who is the main god of the Sun Star.

Therefore, Pan Zhen sent Wu to take pictures, just to let her keep an eye on Rena and not follow Su Yun

But what!

Rena had already given her chastity to Su Yun.

It's too late for the dance photos.

Rena also understood the meaning of Maizhao's words. []

pinched the soft flesh on her waist: "Then you won't give Pan Zhen a small report!"

Wuzhao smiled evilly: "It depends on the mood!"

Rena stopped doing it, and suppressed the dance photo: "Bad little photo, if you dare to make a small report to Pan Zhen, I will fight with you." "

Wu Zhao hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I won't say it!"

"But even if you say it, it's useless, you are now cooking porridge with Xiaoyun's raw rice, and General Pan Zhen can't stop you. "

Rena thinks about it too.

But still defend yourself.

"Me and Xiao Yunyun... Well, it's not as simple as you think. "

"Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I'm like Xiao Yunyun to improve my strength. "

When Wu Zhao heard this, he looked confused: 710 "Improve your strength?"

Rena didn't know how to explain it, just smiled mysteriously.

"You stay here permanently, get in touch with Xiao Yunyun, and you'll find out soon. "

"I promise, when that time comes, you will be reluctant to leave Xiao Yunyun. "

The dance photos are still confused.

What does it mean to know soon?

What does it mean to be reluctant to leave Su Yun?

What exactly does Rena mean?

But whatever it means!

Now, I am really a little reluctant to leave Su Yun.

She felt that Su Yun had a very magical magic in her.

will attract yourself to get close to him.

Could it be that Rena is referring to this?

But what does this have to do with the improvement of strength?

Pushed Rena, who was already asleep: "What the hell is going on, talk about it." "

Rena still smiled mysteriously: "This matter is very troublesome to explain, you can only experience it yourself, you will understand." "

"Sleep, sleep, this is your first night on Earth, I wish you a good dream!"

With that, Rena turned off the lights in her room.

The room was plunged into darkness.

Mai Zhao shook his head.

Fell asleep next to Rena.

But her curiosity has been piqued.

Therefore, she decided to find an opportunity tomorrow to study Su Yun well.

What's so special about it?

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