Du Qiangrose and Su Xiaoci also echoed one after another.

"That's right, you angels are really a little shameless, everyone took turns to take care of Xiaoyun, but you always want to swallow it alone, it's too much!"

"Xiaoyun is my fiancé, and he can't leave me. "

The dance photos on the side are also weird at the moment.

It's a day, she just came to Earth!

I was just attracted by Su Yun.

I just tasted the sweetness on Su Yun.

Good guys, you angels are going to take Su Yun away.

Play like this, and do it!

Also, what the hell did Su Yun say just now that Su Yun is her fiancé?

Shouldn't Su Yun be Rena's concubine?

Messy, this relationship is really messy.

Angel Yan had expected that Qi Lin and the others would strongly oppose it.

At this moment, he continued: "Don't be impatient, listen to what I have to say." "

"First, we angels don't mean to swallow Xiaoyun alone, we just want to bring Xiaoyun to the City of Angels as a guest. "

"Second, we won't imprison Xiao Yun either, Xiao Yun is free at any time, he just goes to the City of Angels for a while, at least a few days, at most a month or two, and he will come back. "

Hearing this, Qi Lin's emotions 623 eased slightly.

But I still have some doubts about Angel Hiko's words.

So, they all looked at Su Yun again.

"Xiao Yunyun, you can be honest, did they threaten you? "

"If there is, you name it, the sisters are there, and the sisters will give you a head. "

Su Yun was speechless when he heard this.

God is so threatening, where do they want to go!

He's a succubus!

Is there any other woman who can threaten him?

The answer is no, not at all.

Coughing lightly, Su Yun explained, "Sister Qilin, Sister Weilan, don't worry too much. "

"It was my idea to go to the City of Angels, I was not coerced in any way, I won't go for too long, I will come back after playing for a while, the earth is my home. "

Hearing this, Qi Lin and the others sighed in their hearts.

Going to the City of Angels emotionally, Su Yun still took the initiative to go!

If Su Yun wanted to go by himself, they really had no way to stop it.

However, being unable to stop it doesn't mean that they are not worried about Su Yun.

Su Xiaoxi seemed to think of something, and raised his hand at this moment and said, "Since Xiaoyun wants to go, then take me with you!" "(cgfj)

When Qi Lin and the others heard this, they all echoed it.

"That's right, we're going too. "

"If everyone goes together, Xiao Yunyun won't be homesick. "

As soon as the words fell, Angel Leng retorted, "No, you can't go." "

Qi Lin and the others immediately frowned.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was a little frozen.

Angel Yan hurriedly came out to play a round: "Several, please don't misunderstand what we mean. "

"You can go to the City of Angels, but not now, the earth is still in gluttony, the threat of demons, if we are all gone, then who will protect the earth?"

"This is Xiaoyun's home!"

"Also, none of you can fly, you can't sail fast in the universe, the City of Angels is millions of light-years away from Earth, how can we bring you there?"

One sentence instantly made Qi Lin and the others speechless.

There is one thing to say, and what Angel Yan said is not unreasonable.

Planetary security aside.

They can't fly, they can't even get out of the earth.

And how do you get to the City of Angels?

Isn't that a joke?

Helplessly, several people had to give up.

"And when are you leaving?" asked He Weilan.

"Two days later. Angel Yan said.

He Weilan sighed lightly and looked at Qi Lin: "Then let's take a break! "

Qi Lin also had this idea, and nodded in agreement.

Although they believe in Angel Yan's character, they won't really do anything to Su Yun.

I also believe in Su Yun's strength, and when he encounters special circumstances, he can teleport back by himself.


If you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what happens.

What if Su Yun can't come back?

So what do they do?

So!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Before leaving, accompany Su Yun more, rua rua Su Yun, also to leave no regrets.

Also thinking about it are Rena and Du Rose.

The two had only taken two days off.

Looks like this holiday has to be extended.

Rena even came up with an idea.

That is to see when there is an opportunity to bring Su Yun back to the Burning Sun Star.

Angels can bring Su Yun to the City of Angels as a guest.

Then she, Rena, why can't she bring Su Yun to the Burning Sun Star as a guest?

When the time comes, she will find a way to let Su Yun get Pan Zhen and be recognized by Di Hongkun.

She and Su Yun will be able to become a legal husband and wife.

Isn't it beautiful?

After this little episode, Qi Lin's emotions were a little heavy.

Su Yun also knew that they were worried about themselves.

So I've been sticking to them.

Calm their emotions. []

As for the dance photos, she is really curious about the improvement of her strength, what is going on.

So after breakfast, he and Rena went to the outskirts of no man's land.

"Okay, there's no one here, you can try!"

"I'll surprise you, I promise. Rena laughed.

Maizhao is her best sister.

She'd love to see the strength of dance photos improve.

Wu Zhao nodded when he heard this, and as soon as he raised his hand, he took out his weapon.

It was a man-tall, flaming longbow.

Then she drew her bow and arrow, aiming at a boulder a kilometer away.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and arrows shot out.

Turned into an afterimage and hit the boulder in an instant.

Originally, it was supposed to be a boulder that should have been pierced by arrows.

After being hit, it exploded directly with a bang.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zhao's eyes widened.

"My God, it's really enhanced. "

"What the hell is this?"

Rena grinned, "I don't know what the principle is, but you just need to be clear." "

"It's good to have more contact with Xiao Yunyun, it's really true, my strength has more than doubled compared to when I first came to Earth, and it's all due to Xiao Yunyun. "

"Also, remember to keep this matter secret! But don't tell Pan Zhen, I don't want Pan Zhen to come to the earth and snatch Xiao Yunyun away after he finds out. "

Maizhao nodded in understanding.

Pan Zhen and Rena's orders, she chose to listen to Rena.

"I promise not to, but... Xiaoyun is going to leave with the angel in two days, can he come back if he leaves?"

"I've just tasted the sweetness!"

The corners of Rena's lips hooked slightly: "Don't worry! I will definitely come back, I believe that angels are not treacherous villains." "

"Besides, even if they are, Xiaoyun himself must have a way to come back, I am still waiting for him to come back, and then find a chance to take him back to the Burning Sun Star!"

"Back to the Blazing Sun Star?" Wu Zhao was a little puzzled.

Rena and Su Yun have cooked raw rice into porridge, and she still dares to take Su Yun back to Lieyang Star?


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