Soon, the Demon Castle and the Demon Wings merged.

With a wave of her hand, Morgana boarded the ship with Ato, Thorton, and Chamberlain.

Just got on the devil's wings.

A few people saw the rows of demon warriors.

When they saw Morgana, they saluted reverently.

In front of them, a black mist floated in mid-air.

It's black, and he's wearing the special armor of the Demon Legion.

His name is Black Wind.

He is another general under Morgana, in addition to Ato.

The ability is to invade dreams.

In the original book, Morgana relied on him to control Rena.

Then detonate the Emerald Star and blow Keisha to death.

At this moment, when Black Wind saw Morgana, he immediately floated over with a cheap face.

"Queen, long time no see, I miss you to death. "

But he was greeted by Morgana's big fight.

"Get out of the way, don't look like this, the old lady will be disgusted when she looks at it. "

The black wind was fanned out and blew a few times.

Then floated to Ato's side.

He poked Ato's ass with his elbow: "Ato, why does the queen look so irritable in her 30s?

Atto glanced at him and whispered, "You forget, there are always a few days a month when the queen is very grumpy, and tell you that it's best not to hit the queen." "

When Hei Feng heard this, he immediately reacted.

He shrunk his neck in understanding.

Seeing the two of them chattering behind her, Morgana was upset again, and scolded: "What are you talking about? Come with me to the command center, I have something to announce." "

With that, the group came to the command center of the Demon Wings.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a celestial-class battleship.

The command center here is much, much bigger than the command center on the Demon Castle.

There are dozens of demon warriors working here.

As soon as they saw Morgana, they all stood up and saluted.

Morgana waved her hand and motioned for them to sit down.

Then he looked at Ato: "Import the data we detected before, and then calculate, how to destroy the Earth Super Seminary." "

Hearing this, Atto was stunned for a moment: "Queen, but you said before that in order to avoid Su Yun getting angry, we can't enter the earth. "

Morgana gave him a blank look: "I'm talking about the woman who doesn't move Xiaoyun, and the Super Divine Academy has nothing to do with Xiaoyun." "

"The main thing is that my demon wings are already in place, and this old boy Carl must be staring at me. "

"If I don't make a show, I'm afraid this damn pervert will be angry. "

"So, let's take the Super Seminary! Let Carl see, we're also contributing to the plan to invade Earth. "

There was no way, Morgana had to count on Carl to help kill Keisha.

Although Carl is a licking dog, his tolerance for her is relatively high.

But that doesn't mean Carl will always be patient.

Previously, Morgana could also use the angels on Earth and the lack of demonic wings as a reason not to attack Earth.

And now, the angel has taken Su Yun to the City of Angels.

The Demon Wings are also in place.

What would Carl think if Morgana hadn't moved at all?

Don't let this affect Morgana and Carl's plan to kill Keisha at that time.

Isn't that embarrassing?

So, even if it's for show, Morgana must do something.

Atto understood after listening to this. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then organize the demon warriors here and import the data they have detected before.

Then use the computing cloud of the Demon Wings to invade the command center of the Super Divine Academy.

More than ten minutes later.

Atto reported, "Queen, it's the same as we detected before. "

"The super soldiers of the Super Divine Academy are currently training on a fleet group called the Great Gorge. "

"If we're going to shoot at them, there are three options. "

"First, I will lead the team, equip the lightning halberd, and directly attack the fleet group of the Giant Gorge. "

"Second, it's up to you to unleash the ultimate curse. "

"Third, use the Devil's Wings of Heavenly Damnation to bomb the Giant Gorge fleet to wash the ground. "

Morgana frowned when she heard this.

"Direct attack? no, no, there are still a few strong people in the Earth Super Divine Academy, that monkey, and that little girl from the Burning Sun Star, you can't handle it, rushing in will only send you to death." "

"As for me, Ato, do you want your queen to go striptease over the earth?"

"Damnation bombing? no, that thing is too powerful, the earth is Xiaoyun's home, he will be unhappy when he comes back and sees the earth full of holes. "

All three of Ato's proposals were vetoed by Morgana.

This made Atto a little speechless: "Queen, then we." []

Morgana crossed her arms to her chest and walked through the command center.

After a moment, she seemed to think of something, and said, "By the way, I remember that the earth has a very powerful one, what do they call it with a weapon of cannibalism?"

"Nuke!" Atto reminded.

Morgana's eyes lit up: "Yes, it's a nuclear bomb, just use this thing!"

"By destroying the Mighty Gorge fleet, our risk will be minimized, and it won't cause too much 690 damage to the Earth itself. "

Atto scratched the back of his head: "Queen, but we don't have a nuclear bomb!"

When Morgana heard this, she suddenly became angry.

rushed up and kicked a few times: "Stupid, wouldn't you rob it without you?"

"Give me the data on the invasion of the Earth and find out where there is a nuclear bomb. "

When the demon warriors in the command center heard this, they didn't dare to slack off.

They began to control the control terminal and invade the Earth's database.

A minute later, a demon warrior stood up and spoke.

"Queen, I found it, in the Yunshan base in the southwestern mountains, there is a nuclear bomb called Donghong 49, and its power is just right for our request. "

"It's not far from the Mighty Gorge fleet group, which is convenient for transportation. "

Morgana's beautiful eyes lit up: "Okay, it's Donghong 49." "

"Ato, you study the battle plan for Donghong 49 and act in five days. "

"I was a little unwell, so I went to rest for a few days, and five days later I personally supervised the battle and won Donghong 49. "

With that, Morgana turned and left the command center and went to rest.

Ato, on the other hand, began to organize demon warriors to investigate the Yunshan base where Donghong 49 was located.


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