Over the city of Juxia, above the clouds.

Three angels gathered here.

These days, they have been paying attention to Su Yun's movements.

At this moment, their eyes were attracted by Suodun, who appeared in Juxia City.

Angel chased frowned.

"This is the crocodile god Thorton, a third-generation beast warrior who was sealed when I came to Earth more than a thousand years ago. "

"I didn't expect to be released, and I met with Xiao Suyun. "

"Sister Yan, the situation is urgent, let's go down and help! "

As he spoke, Angel Chase and Angel Moyi's faces were full of worry.

Su Yun is so cute and fragrant.

Ran into Thorton, who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

If they were eaten, they would die of distress.

But when Angel Yan heard this, he shook his head.

The corners of her delicate lips are slightly hooked.

"Don't you want to see how strong Xiao Suyun's strength is?"

Angel Moy was stunned: "Sister Yan means..."

Angel continued: "I've been following him these days, and I found that this little guy's strength has grown rapidly, and now he has reached the level of a third-generation super soldier. "

"In addition, these days, the little one has been training with her sisters in actual combat, and she has made rapid progress. "

"In that case, why don't we give him a chance to touch this crocodile, maybe we can also take this opportunity to find out the secret of Su Yun's body!"

After listening to this, the angel still felt that something was wrong.

"But Xiao Suyun is so cute, what should I do if it is broken? "

"Me too. Angel Moy chimed in.

Angel Yan raised his hand, and the two brains collapsed.

"Aren't there still the three of us sitting here?"

"If there is an emergency, we three high-level angels will not be unable to save even a child!"

Angel Chase and Angel Moy heard this, and thought about it too.

More than a thousand years ago, an angel chased a man and was able to hold Thorton.

Now add Angel Hiko and Angel Moy.

If you want to make a move, play Thorton every minute.

"Then let's get closer to Su Yun for safety!" Angel Moy suggested.

Angel Yan thought about it and nodded in agreement.

After all, the order Keisha gave her was very clear.

not only to maintain the relationship with Su Yun and win him over.

Also try to investigate Su Yun's secrets as much as possible.

It is also necessary to ensure the safety of Su Yun.

Although Angel Yan is confident in Su Yun's strength.

But if you are not afraid of what happens, you are afraid of 10,000.

If something really goes wrong with Su Yun, she can't explain it to Kaisha.

Also, she will feel distressed.

So, Angel Yan waved his hand.

With Angel Chaser and Angel Moy, fly towards Juxia City.

finally landed on the roof of the high-rise buildings around the battlefield where Su Yun was.

At this distance, they can clearly see the situation on the entire battlefield.

In the event of an accident, they can also do it in the shortest possible time.

Provide support to Su Yun.



South China Sea, Juxia Command Center.

The alarm bells are loud here.

Dukao walked in briskly through the door.

"What's going on?".

The slender onion fingers of the wind fluttered rapidly on the control terminal.

Pull up the monitoring screen piece by piece.

Yuqin on the side explained the situation quickly.

"Five minutes ago, our Denuo-3 reconnaissance and anti-detection satellite detected energy fluctuations in the downtown area of Juxia City. "

Satellite footage found that a humanoid crocodile fell from the sky, followed by several gluttonous squads, and the two sides engaged in a chase in the downtown area, causing a large number of casualties to nearby pedestrians. "

Hearing this, Dukao's brow furrowed.

I was thinking about what to do with this.

The voice of mercy sounded again.

"Wait... Su Yun seemed to be also at the scene. "

"No, that's Su Yun, he, Qi Lin, He Weilan, and Rui Mengmeng have arrived at the scene, and they have already fought with gluttony. "

Hearing the word Su Yun.

Dukao hurriedly looked towards the holographic screen.

Sure enough, I saw a small figure, with three beautiful women, rushing in the direction of Suoton.

That's not Su Yun and a few people, who else will it be!

Before he could speak.

The hearts of the two of them, such as the wind and the qin, have already mentioned their throats.

"General, otherwise, let's go on a trip! "

"Yes, General, Su Yun is still a child, we have to protect him. "

In just an instant, the focus of these two people shifted to Su Yun.

If something goes wrong with Su Yun.

It's going to be worse than killing them.

Dukao also came to his senses, and his eyes rolled.

To be honest, he was reluctant to let the male soldiers participate in the battle at this time.

After all, the Xiongbing Company has only been formed for a long time, and its combat effectiveness has not yet been fully formed.

If you go directly to the battle, there is a high chance of casualties.

However, now with the factor of Su Yun, it is different.

In Dukao's opinion, this is a good opportunity to get closer to Su Yun!

Thinking of this, Ducao immediately nodded in agreement.

"The situation is urgent, immediately notify Rena, let her set off with the male soldier company, and be sure to ensure the safety of Su Yun and the people of Juxia City. "

Hearing this, Lian Feng nodded.

Immediately dialed Rena's communication.


On Rena's side, she's leading the members of the Male Company.

Learn theory in one classroom.

It was Du Rose who was in charge of lecturing.

"Each of us has a microcomputer connected to the dark plane on our dark alloy armor. "

"Our lesson today is..."

As she was talking, Rena, who was holding Erlang's legs in the back row, suddenly pressed the headset next to her ear.

"What? There is a gluttonous invasion in Juxia City?"

"Xiaoyun is also there?".

"Okay, okay, I'll take people out. "


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