City of Angels, the Queen's Bedchamber.

Keisha and Hexi sat facing each other.

Still talking about the coming to Earth.

"Man, do you really want to do this? It's not our only option. "

"Maybe we can think of something else. "

Hexi said, her beautiful eyes full of complexity.

Keisha sighed softly, "If Morgana and Carl really join forces to deal with me, I won't be able to escape." "

"Instead of bringing the entire angelic civilization to the funeral, it is better to sacrifice me alone and let Carl relax. "

"It is also just the right time for the angel civilization to achieve a real transformation. "

"But—" Hexi stopped talking.

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Keisha.

"Wait a minute, Hiko is here to communicate. "

As she spoke, she connected to Angel Hiko's communication.

Angel Hiko's voice of joy and excitement rang in Kesha's ears.

"Queen, good news, Xiaoyun is back. "

As soon as these words came out, Keisha was stunned.


Su Yun is back?

I wiped it, and she almost explained what happened to her.

I'm ready to go to Earth to find Morgana desperately.

As a result, you tell her now that Su Yun is back?

"What's going on, how did the little guy do it?"

"Is it hurt?" Keisha asked.

Angel Yan replied truthfully: "Xiaoyun escaped by himself. "

"I inquired about the whole process of his arrest and didn't get any harm, the only one he received."

427 Speaking of this, Angel Yan paused, embarrassed to continue.

"Received?" continued. Keisha urged.

Angel Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said softly, "Xiaoyun... Lost. "

The corners of Kesha's lips twitched.

But it soon returned to normal.

Angel Hiko also hurriedly changed the topic: "In addition, I guess that Morgana has most likely discovered Xiaoyun's ability to enhance her ability and strength. "

Keisha apparently had that idea too.

After staying for a night, I lost my body.

With Morgana's ability, it was impossible for her not to discover the secret of Su Yun's body.

"So you mean, Morgana will come to Suyun again?" asked Keisha.

Angel Yan nodded: "Yes Queen, so your plan to come to Earth, do you want to continue?"

Although Angel Hiko is looking forward to Keisha's visit.

One is to take a look at Su Yun.

The second is to deal with the time bomb of Morgana.

Morgana had already robbed Su Yun once.

also tasted the sweetness from Su Yun.

With Morgana's character, she would definitely come back.

So, the best thing to do in this case is:

Kill Morgana directly and never suffer from it.

In this way, Su Yun only belongs to the angels and the goddesses of the earth.

Keisha heard this, but hesitated.

What was the purpose of her sending Angels to Earth in the first place?

is to determine whether Morgana really went to Earth.

and the execution of the righteous order of the heavenly envoys, to see if the earth is about to be invaded by gluttony, and whether it needs the protection of angels.

Now, Morgana is sure that she is indeed on Earth.

Keisha herself has plans to go to Earth.

However, it will be dangerous for Keisha to go to Earth!

She learns that Morgana is already secretly teaming up with Carl to attack her.

Although it is not known what their specific plans are.

But Keisha is sure of one thing.

With Karl intervening in this matter, the threat to himself will be great.

It is very likely that once you go to Earth, you will have no return.

And this is the reason why she explained the aftermath to Hexi.

She was afraid that when she went to fight Morgana, she would actually be killed.

But she also wished that she would be killed to give the angel a chance to transform.

Because Carl's research on the Void has reached a critical moment.

He was afraid that Keisha would do something.

So only by killing Keisha can he have peace of mind.

Instead of waiting for Carl to hit the City of Angels and annihilate the Angels.

It's better for Keisha to take the initiative to kill herself and make Carl let his guard down.

In this way, the angels will also have time to breathe and continue to grow stronger.

As for Angel Hiko's thoughts now.

Let Keisha go to Earth and kill Morgana for the sake of disaster.

That's a good way to do it.

But the problem is!

With Carl's intervention, even if Keisha goes to Earth, can she really kill Morgana?

Not necessarily.

If Su Yun is still in Morgana's hands now.

Then Kaisha will definitely have to go, at least snatch Su Yun back first.

After all, Su Yun's ability is very likely to change the pattern of angels.

It is the future of the angels.

But now, Su Yun has come back on his own.

Then Keisha's plan to go to Earth, Keisha felt that she had to let go.

Thinking of this, Kaisha said: "Since Su Yun is out of danger, then my plan to come to Earth should be postponed!"

When Angel Yan heard this, he looked confused.

I'm rubbing, this doesn't fit her cognition!(Read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In her cognition, even if Su Yun came back.

The domineering Queen Kaisha will still come to Earth in person to clear Morgana's obstacle.

"Queen, but I'm afraid Morgana will come again, and when the time comes..."

Kaisha took a deep breath: "Then you three high-level guardian angels, just stay by Su Yun's side every step of the way!"

"With Morgana's strength, it shouldn't be enough to snatch Su Yun away again. "

"In addition, take this opportunity to talk to Su Yun again, if you can, let him come directly to the City of Angels, this is an absolutely safe place. "

"If it really doesn't work, I'll send cold and scorching hearts to the earth again. "

Angel still doesn't understand the reason why Keisha didn't come to Earth.

But she believes that Keisha must have a reason for doing so.

So he nodded and agreed.

"Okay Queen, I'll talk to him again and see if I can take him back to the City of Angels. "

Then, Angel Hiko reported something else.

He hung up the communication.

As soon as the communication here ended, Hexi immediately took over the conversation: "Change your mind and don't go to Earth?"

The corners of Keisha's lips hooked slightly: "The little guy has come back by himself, and he has been free from Morgana's threat for the time being, so our plan can be appropriately postponed." "

"Perhaps, as you said, we have a second solution. "

Hexi looked at Keisha with interest: "For example?"

Keisha stood up and stretched.

The graceful curves are unmistakable: "For example, let the little one come to the City of Angels." "

"Find out what the hell is going on with him, maybe, he can change the way we are, can't he?"

"When the time comes, you will have to go on the field and explore the mystery of the little one. "

The corners of Hexi's lips hooked: "That's what I mean, as long as the little guy can come to the City of Angels." "

"I'll leave it to me to explore the mysteries. "

After hearing this, Kaisha seemed to remember something: "By the way, although I won't go to Earth for the time being, I decided to send a few reinforcements to Yan and them. "

"When will your little apprentice come back?"

Hexi took a sip of flower tea: "The little girl will come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I think she should be happy to go to Earth, as for the cold..."

Speaking of this, Hexi paused, and said meaningfully: "Aren't you afraid that after she arrives on Earth, Heyan will do it?"

Keisha shrugged: "Don't be afraid, if Yan can't even deal with the cold, then one day after that, I will really fall." "

"How else can Hiko take charge of the Angel Legion for me?"


Juxia City, Suyun Villa.

Angel Hiko falls from the sky and joins Angel Chaser and Angel Moi.

The two of them are the only two people other than Angel Hiko who know that Kaisha will come to Earth.

At this moment, they hurriedly surrounded him.

"How is Sister Yan, when is Queen Keisha coming?"

Angel Yan smiled bitterly: "Queen Keisha said... She's not coming for a while. "

"Not coming?"

Angel Chaser and Angel Moy looked at each other.

"But Morgana's threat is still there, and only Queen Keisha can eradicate her!" said Angel Moi.

Angel Yan shook his head: "The queen must have her reasons for doing this, let's not speculate." "

"Although the queen didn't come, she had an explanation, and let us protect Xiaoyun every step of the way. "

"Also, she said she'd send us reinforcements. "

The angel flashed in his eyes: "Oh, are those sisters coming?"

"Cold, burn her," Angel Yan said.

"That's great, when they come here and see Xiaoyun, they will definitely like Xiaoyun too, hehe!" Angel Moy was very happy.

She is a person who loves to share.

Su Yun had long wanted to share such a good thing with the other angel sisters.


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