Super God System becomes infinitely stronger

Chapter 218 A secret confrontation in the reception room

All these students are like Chu Wei, they are all students recommended by schools from all over the country to the Imperial Capital Academy.

These students are completely different from the ordinary students Chu Wei saw queuing outside, and this difference is in temperament.

They are all recommended by schools from all over the country, and they are all geniuses from all over the country. They all have a faint spiritual fluctuation.

From the induction of these spiritual fluctuations, Chu Wei can feel that their strength is basically at the level of supernatural beings.

In fact, as long as every spiritual practitioner emits the spiritual energy in his body, others can judge what level you are based on the degree of your spiritual energy.

Of course, if you don't emit your own spiritual fluctuations, it will be difficult for others to see your strength without taking action.

Chu Wei scanned all the dozens of students in the entire hall. They were basically dressed gorgeously, or they were full of spiritual energy. In short, these people were either very strong.

Or, they were rich at home, just like the ordinary students at the entrance of the academy said before, they bought the quota for recommendation.

These students are very different from those outside the school gate. It is not noisy here and relatively quiet.

However, Chu Wei can feel that although it is quiet on the surface, there are actually many people who think they are strong and are fighting secretly.

Because many of them emit their own spiritual fluctuations to tell others their strength.

Tell others that they are geniuses.

You can look up to me if you have nothing to do!

The receptionist sent Chu Wei here and left.

After Chu Wei entered the lobby, he did not emit his own spiritual fluctuations. From the people he had just seen, the strongest of these people was only at the level 3 of the superpower.

Such people may be geniuses in the eyes of others, but in Chu Wei's eyes, they are too weak.

He himself is at the level 9 superpower, plus the real combat power that can fight against the Great Awakener. Chu Wei is really not interested in emitting his own spiritual fluctuations and comparing his strength with these people who can't stand his blow.

Chu Wei quietly found a seat by the window and sat down.

Sitting here, Chu Wei can see most of the scenery of the Imperial Capital Academy.

The Imperial Capital Academy is indeed the highest-level academy in the entire Eastern Union. Chu Wei saw that the defensive walls around the academy were all made of gray high-tech metal.

This metal was originally a second-level material, and the Imperial Capital Academy actually used second-level materials to make defensive walls, which was basically a waste of money.

Because Chu Wei felt that these defensive high-tech metal walls alone were worth tens of millions.

I have to say, they are really rich.

Not to mention the anti-aircraft guns, concentrated guns and other high-tech and spiritual energy-combined artillery weapons arranged on the walls.

With these weapons, plus the defensive walls, I am afraid that even the second-level awakeners who have awakened to the form of supernatural life will find it difficult to sneak into the school without being noticed and do bad things to the students.

This Imperial Capital Academy has put a lot of effort into the safety of students.

However, there are so many nobles in the Imperial Capital Academy, and it is said that there are even royal children, so safety is extremely important to the academy.

If these noble children get into trouble in the academy, it will probably attract all kinds of rich and powerful parents to trouble the academy.

As Chu Wei observed the school, more and more people filled the hall.

There were both men and women, and in the end there were more than a hundred people.

After the number of people increased, someone finally started a discussion: "Hey, classmates, do you know about tomorrow's freshman ranking competition?"

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