"Su Ying's news!" Wu Ming was surprised.

Since the end of the audition in Jialan City, he and Su Ying have basically not been in touch.

After all, there is not much contact between the two sides.

Strictly speaking, it's just an ordinary friend.

"I'm Su Ying, I don't know if the noble brother Wu Ming has forgotten me? By the way, don't talk nonsense, tonight, I made an appointment with ten of our trainers to have a small meeting to discuss some things about the Nanjiang City National Competition. "

This is Su Ying's news.

Seeing this, Wu Ming patted his head.

"I almost forgot that the national competition was about to start. Wu Ming immediately stood up, causing the silk to slip off.

The beauty beside her suddenly came into view.


Wu Ming hurriedly pulled up the silk quilt and put it back on for Ye Sanniang, but saw that the other party turned over and looked over with a smile.

"You're awake too?"

"I'm a killer, I can wake up with the slightest movement."

"That's my fault. "

No, you are the boss, in my eyes, everything you do is right, and I will accept and execute it unconditionally.

Wu Ming was stunned.

Then, there was a hint of emotion.

"I'm going to an important meeting tonight, and you, as my assistant, are going too...... Well, though, your strength is still a little weaker, and before you go, I must promote you to the E rank. "


Ye Sanniang's eyes lit up.

She knew that Wu Ming had those E-level evolved food recipes, each of which had miraculous effects.

Lightning Chain, Extreme Speed, Vajra Claw, Healing Aura, Sonar Detection.

In her opinion, all five of them are suitable for herself.

"Get up and work!"

Wu Ming got up, reached out and pinched Ye Sanniang's upright buttocks, and began to wash up and eat breakfast.

Today happens to be Saturday.

The pet beast shop didn't work, and Wan Siyu didn't come over, but Wan Siyu said "good morning" in the group very early, and then, Huang Sanba and Zu Zimei began to show affection.

After a busy morning, Wu Ming prepared five portions of E-grade evolved food and put them on the table.



Ye Sanniang sat beside Wu Ming.

She stretched out her hand, and the Night Witch inside her began to manifest, like a graceful beauty condensed by purple-black mist.

It reached out, picked up a piece of Evolutionary Food, and began to eat.

The process of evolution is fast.

With the emergence of a purple-gold light, the Night Witch successfully completed her ascension.

Ye Sanniang, who was spiritually connected to it, couldn't help but snort coquettishly and fell softly into Wu Ming's arms.

After ten minutes of rest, the Night Witch continued to evolve.

In less than an hour, it digested five E-level evolutionary foods, and not only was it promoted to E-level pet beasts, but it also climbed all the way to the peak E-level.

"It's a pity that there is no D-class evolution food yet.

Wu Ming said.

There are a lot of materials required for D-level evolution food, and with the current inventory of medicinal materials in the pet beast store, it may not be able to be deployed.

"By the way, give your new abilities a try. Wu Ming stretched out his hand, "E-class Vajra Claw and E-Class Healing Aura."


Ye Sanniang stretched out a slender, straight, snow-white index finger, and the purple-black aura lingered on the fingertips, turning it into a sharp claw, gently slashing across Wu Ming's palm, leaving a wound.

Blood flowed out instantly.

Ye Sanniang immediately stretched out her other hand, and an emerald green halo appeared in her palm, reflecting the wound in Wu Ming's palm.

It is visible to the naked eye that the blood is no longer shed.

As for the surface of the wound, there were still granulations wriggling, growing rapidly, and in less than ten seconds, it healed.

"It's a real talent.

Ye Sanniang caressed Wu Ming's palm, and couldn't see any scars, so she couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's fine. Wu Ming nodded.

Now, even Night Sanniang has been promoted to the peak E level, and it will be safer to have her as her personal assistant and bodyguard.


Wu Ming prepared some F-grade evolution food and fed it to the Night Demon Vine rooted in the flower garden.

This guy is a plant-based pet beast and has no mouth.

However, it can extend out of the vine and use the sensing cells at the tip of the vine to directly absorb the medicinal power of the Evolution Food to complete the evolution.

By dusk, the Night Demon Vine had successfully absorbed five E-rank evolutionary foods and had been promoted to peak E-rank.

It's enough to have it at home.

"Let's go, go to the Su family in the north of the city. Wu Ming was about to sit on Long Dabao's back.

"Boss, I've got my sports car here. Ye Sanniang pointed to the brand-new dark black sports car on the street.

"Eh, do you have a sports car?" Wu Ming was stunned.

"I used to be an elite killer and saved more than 10 million, so when I was bored, I bought a car, and today I contacted the pothos, and she sent someone to bring me the car.

"That's good. "

More than 10 million deposits? Wu Ming didn't expect that Ye Sanniang was also an invisible little rich woman.


small sports car drove into the street and headed north of the city.

Su family.

A luxurious estate covering an area of dozens of acres.

"Your Excellency Wu Ming, you are finally here, please inside, our young lady, and other trainers have arrived.

As soon as Wu Ming and Ye Sanniang got out of the car, an elegant middle-aged man in a butler-style suit walked over with a smile on his face.

"Trouble leads the way. Wu Ming said with a smile.

Banquet Hall.

When Wu Ming came here, he found that there were no less than twenty people sitting inside.

Nine of them are Su Ying, Gu Shaocheng and other domesticators who have passed the audition.

The rest are their assistants.

"Your Excellency Wu Ming, you can be regarded as here.

As Wu Ming walked into the banquet hall, everyone, including Su Ying and Gu Shaocheng, stood up to welcome him.

Ye Sanniang followed Wu Ming's side, wearing an evening dress transformed from dark gold armor, outlining a perfect figure, sexy and attractive.

She looked at the trainers who greeted Wu Ming, and she could see a trace of admiration in their eyes.

"It turns out that the boss is so famous. Ye Sanniang said secretly.

She knew that Wu Ming was a genius trainer, but the other trainers had always been very arrogant, and no one obeyed anyone.

However, these trainers were very convinced of Wu Ming.

That's a big deal.

"Sit down!"

Wu Ming found a vacant seat and sat down, pointed to Ye Sanniang beside him, and introduced: "This is my personal assistant, E-level beast master, Ye Sanniang." "

E-rank Beast Master?" everyone exclaimed.

At first, everyone thought that this woman who was so beautiful and sexy was most likely a vase, but who knows, she just looked at the vase, but in fact she was a very powerful E-level beast master.

"It's worthy of His Excellency Wu Ming, even his personal assistant is so powerful, strong!" everyone praised.

Then, the trainers present exchanged a few words of greeting.

Soon after, the dinner began.

The crowd didn't get down to business at first.

At a cocktail party, talking about things as soon as you say it is disrespectful to other people.

Normally, it is after three rounds of wine that only with the help of a wedge machine to cut to the chase.

Finally, when the time was ripe, Su Ying, the initiator of the banquet, finally stood up and said, "Speaking of the national competition, I got a statement of the rules of the competition today. As

soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

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