"You may not know that Wu Ming deliberately left the last question blank, otherwise it would definitely be a perfect score.

"I bet that except for Wu Ming, no one can score more than ninety points. "

Upstairs, why do you think so?"

"Because Lao Tzu is carving big

!" "You hooligan!"

Wu Ming didn't know about this, he was sitting next to Wan Siyu, waiting in the box with Zhang Yuyan, Zu Zimei, and Huang Sanba, ready to eat.

"Guest, your dishes are ready. The

charming proprietress in the hip skirt showed a meaningful smile when she saw Zhang Yuyan, and when she saw Wu Ming, her eyes lit up.

She opened the app of the Jialan City Forum, took a look, and determined that Wu Ming was the F-level trainer who was rumored to be today.

"It turns out that you are the one who scored ninety-nine points in the test, so let's do it, today's dish, I will give you a free order. The proprietress walked up to Wu Ming's side, bringing wisps of incense, and she bent down, revealing a large patch of snow white on her chest.

When Wu Ming heard the voice, he turned his head to see that he was buried in the two turbulent waves, and he was almost suffocated.


"When I saw Miss Zhang coming over today, of course I had to entertain her personally! I never thought that Wu Ming, the genius trainer who scored 99 points in the trainer short-entry competition, was also here. Boss

Xu blinked, and his green jade fingers swept across Wu Ming's shoulder, leaving a note, and threw a wink by the way.

"Mr. Wu Ming, my name is Xu Xin, remember to add me!" The proprietress Xu Xin twisted the seductive water snake waist and left the box.

"How does she know me?" Wu Ming looked stunned, thought of what Xu Xin had just said, and immediately opened the forum of Jialan City.

The overwhelming news came into view.

"Shocked! In this exam, a trainer scored ninety-nine points, and even Su Ying, the eldest lady of the Su family in the north of the city, ranked second, only scoring eighty points. "

This trainer's name is Wu Ming!"

"I heard that he opened a pet shop on Nanwen Street that no one cared about, and there were many people.

"Upstairs, your news is too closed, Wu Ming Trainer has in-depth cooperation with the Super Affordable Mall, and has already sold a lot of F-level evolution food. "

Exciting news, Xu Qianqian and Mr. Xu personally drove Wu Ming's trainer!"

"Open ......

"Don't think crookedly upstairs, I mean a serious car." "

What's new, the area near Nanwen Street was bought by President Zhang Yuyan, and a lot of construction is underway, and it seems that a comprehensive commercial street is being built.

"Thank you for the information provided by the good people upstairs, I heard that President Zhang Yuyan never makes loss-making transactions, so she is ready to go to Nanwen Street to develop." Someone

anonymously uploaded a video of the competition between Wu Ming's trainer and another F-level trainer, Liu Gaohan. "

Liu Gaohan lost, was hung on the chandelier, and was scared to pee, poof, laughed at me!"


All sorts of news are still going viral.

As Wu Ming refreshed the news on the forum, he suddenly saw a video that was pinned, which turned out to be the whole process of his competition with the trainer Liu Gaohan at Xu Lao's dinner.

"My blending method has been exposed...... Wu

Ming rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little difficult to do.

But on second thought, it didn't matter if his news was spread, anyway, the next most important thing was to prepare for the national competition.

If he can stand out in the national competition and help Jialan City get the list of 100 key construction cities in the future, then he will become famous sooner or later.

"Wow, the news on the forum is about to be blown up!" Huang Sanba kept flipping through the news on the forum, surprised.

"Brother Ang, now you are the man of the year in our Jialan City!" Zu Zimei hurriedly ran over and rubbed Wu Ming's shoulders, "In the future, you must take more care of our old employees!" "

I believe that after this incident, the reputation of our pet beast shop will be launched, and there will definitely be many customers coming to the door at that time." Wan Siyu looks forward to the future.

She suggested that Wu Ming participate in the trainer competition in order to build popularity.

And now, because Wu Ming accidentally scored ninety-nine points, the forum was blown up, and even the video of the competition between Yao Tao Ancient Town and Liu Gaohan was taken out, and the secret that Wu Ming could prepare super-quality F-level speed food was also exposed.

In addition, it also includes his very unique blending method, which was once suspected to be the ancient alchemy method of Wu Tianshuo, an A-level taming master.

"There's new news again. Zhang Yuyan looked at the forum and her eyes lit up.

Wu Ming also pulled down to refresh.

"Shocked, Wu Ming's trainer can actually mix super-quality F-level speed food, and personal information is defined as 'top secret' level!"

"Oh my God, super-quality? I have decided, I will go to Nanwen Street to visit me today, and beg Wu Ming to sell me an F-level speed food."

"Upstairs, don't you know that dozens of convoys have set off? Now go, you can only eat fart

!" "That's it, I see you can't even enter the door!" Many

people who eat melons have followed.

Seeing this, Wu Ming rubbed his eyebrows, he didn't expect these news to spread so quickly, it was only less than an hour, and the forum went crazy.

"Haha, I've made a lot of money!" Zhang

Yuyan slapped her thigh and put her phone on the table.

She stretched out her hand, hooked Wu Ming's chin with her snow-white slender right index finger, and said proudly: "Hmph, you are famous now, the popularity of Nanwen Street is much stronger, and the vicinity of your pet beast shop is Miss Ben's territory.

"Oh! that's the idea you played. Wu Ming gave Zhang Yuyan a big roll of his eyes.

I have to admit that Zhang Yuyan is still very business-minded, and she is by no means the kind of loser who doesn't learn and doesn't know how to do it.

"By the way, do you know the proprietress Xu Xin?" Wu Ming remembered one thing, couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked.

"What's my grandfather's last name?" Zhang Yuyan asked rhetorically.

"Of course Old Xu's surname is Xu ......" Wu Ming's eyes froze, "You don't want to say that Xu Xin is Old Xu's granddaughter, right?" "

Almost, I picked it up when I was a child, and I am not related by blood, but strictly speaking, it is my eldest cousin, a big one." Zhang Yuyan yawned and picked up the chopsticks, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, eat!"


picked up chopsticks as well.

Wu Ming's news continued to go viral.

At first, it just broke out on the forum, and it didn't take long for it to quickly reach the ears of people from all walks of life.

A palatial villa.

The trainer Liu Gaohan was lying in the hot spring pool, hugging two plump beauties, seeing the news on the big screen that kept pulling down, and also saw the video of himself and Wu Ming discussing in Yaotao Ancient Town.

Seeing the scene in the video where he was flying on the top and hanging on the chandelier to be scared of pee, he was so angry that he scolded, picked up the wine glass, and smashed the big screen angrily.

"Wu Ming, you step on a horse and die for me!" Liu

Gaohan was furious, slapping the hot spring water frantically, and for a while the water splashed everywhere, mixed with the cries of the two women and his roar.

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