With genetic ability, but there is no way to exert all the strength, this feeling is like a person who has a hundred years of skill, but the martial arts that he has can’t use it to 10%!

“Nova Legion, defend with all your might!”

“The Dark Star has entered the atmosphere, and they have begun to speed up their attack!”

“Lin Ye, there are too many enemies, we can’t stop it.”

All kinds of nervous voices came through the communication system, and the situation on the battlefield at this moment was extremely critical, even if Lin Ye was displeased in his heart, there was no effort to waste time here.

“Start the solar flare bombing, even if there is no giant, the power of the miniature solar flare is at least missile level, I don’t believe that I can’t blow up such a dark star ship.”

Lin Ye said as he flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Ye’s re-entry into the battlefield made the Nova Legion and Marauders, who were already on the verge of collapse, all stunned, and they continued to entangle with the enemy while turning their attention to Lin Ye.

Before knowing how to use the Sun Flares with the Sword of Flame, Lin Ye directly chose to use his hands to control these solar energies, and his left and right hands were placed on both sides of his body at the same time, and a golden ball of light was forming at an extremely fast speed, and then emitted hot energy and dazzling light.

“Offensive !!!”

The Zitari shouted loudly, and a large number of soldiers and leviathan behemoths flew towards Lin Ye.

The Chitari are mechanically modified, and nearly half of their bodies have been converted into metal, so in a way they are robots, and if the main machine that manipulates them is destroyed, they will be paralyzed.

The Heavenly Blade Trial launched by Lin Ye before directly destroyed the leader of the Chitari people, and they should lose control and mobility, but Lin Ye also understood that the real leader of the Chitari people was actually Thanos.

After the battle on Earth, they must have already thought of a strategy to deal with it, and directly transferring the control to other people after the leader died in battle was enough to solve such a problem.

“Scum, let me show you the power of the sun today!”

Saying that, the two balls of light in his hand were directly thrown out.

In mid-air, there was a huge explosion in an instant, and the two balls of light were like two powerful missiles, starting from the center of their explosion, all enemies within at least hundreds of meters were burned to ashes.

“Wow! This is powerful!!! ”

The sound of the rocket raccoon’s exclamation came, and at the same time, the intensity of his attack also became fierce.

The other Marauders, the soldiers of the Nova Legion, also cheered up, and everyone switched from passive combat to active attack.

At this moment, Lin Ye is the God of War in front of them, a god who has just blown up the leader of Chitari in outer space, and in a blink of an eye, he has returned to the battlefield and is more powerful.

“Nova Legion, pay attention to attacking those enemies close to the ground, the people in the city have not been completely evacuated!”

The voice of the Supreme, and the attack echelon that the Nova Legion had just organized, began to slow down again at this moment.

This Nova Empire seems to be fine, but it can’t tell the difference between the powerful, if the war is not won, what is the point of them protecting those residents now? No wonder in the timeline of the original Marvel world, it will be washed in blood by Thanos.

“Marauders, cover me!”

Lin Ye said loudly, at this critical time, he still has to rely on these guys who want money and death.

“I’m on your right.”

“I’m on your left!”

The fighters piloted by Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord directly converged, and Lin Ye was preparing a new solar flare at the moment, a slightly larger, medium-sized solar flare.

The attack power of the nuclear bomb level, Lin Ye did not believe that the defense ability of the Dark Star could still bear this!

“Everyone give me concentrated firepower to attack the winged one, don’t give him a chance to accumulate energy.”

Ronan was standing at the front of the Dark Star command room at this moment, looking through the glass at the forest leaf outside who was condensing powerful energy overhead, and shouted loudly.

At this moment, all the fighters were gathering towards Lin Ye, whether it was the Chitauri or Ronan’s men, they were concentrating their firepower to shoot Lin Ye down.

“Supreme, if the angel is shot down, we won’t have any chance to win!”

The voice of Dey of the Nova Legion was transmitted to the headquarters of the Nova Legion, and the other members of the Nova Legion also raised their heads.

They were all waiting for the Supreme Order, from the beginning of the war until now, they had seen Lin Ye fighting against the invaders, and at this moment, the person who saved their Nova Legion was in danger, if they just let it go, they would face other friends in the universe in the future?

“Supreme, as the man said before, if we lose this war, then everything is over.”

The commander of the Nova Legion, Dansar, he is the one who directly commands the troops, although he still has to listen to the Supreme in this Nova Empire, but the entire Nova Legion is directly guided by him.

“Everyone, immediately turn around and go to support the angels!”

Danassar said, and the Supreme who was in the command at the moment did not say anything about it, because she also understood that what these two people said was not wrong.

“Nova Legion, build a line of defense, protect the Angel !!!”

A moment later, the Supreme spoke, and her decision made the actions of the Nova Legion completely consistent, and all the remaining Nova Legion people were moving towards the direction where Lin Ye was at the fastest speed.


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