Originally, Zhong Yuxiu thought that since the”God-killing Power” could be successfully transformed, it should not be difficult to transform”ether particles”.

But the facts proved that he thought too much.

To transform the”God-killing Power”, one only needs to control the divine mind at the atomic level.

To transform the divine mind into ether particles, more precise divine mind control is required.

So Zhong Yuxiu can be said to have succeeded or failed.

To say that it is successful is that as long as Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development reaches 60%, and more precise divine mind control is achieved, divine mind can be transformed into ether particles.

So although it is impossible to do it now, it does not mean that it cannot be done in the future.

If Zhong Yuxiu deliberately exercises, it may be possible to do it when the brain development is 55% to 58%.

It may be difficult for others, but for Zhong Yuxiu, who has an innate scientific research body, it only takes some time.

When Zhong Yuxiu sees the”Void Engine”, the”Astronomical Computer”, the”Sky Blade Battleship”, and”Carl”, he may naturally achieve it.

This made Zhong Yuxiu look forward to Angel Yan’s”sub-organism/void engine” even more.

Although Zhong Yuxiu now has the ability to create void things, he can directly convert telekinesis into various ordinary materials.

Even precious materials such as dark iron, dark silver, and dark energy crystals.

But the consumption of divine thoughts is extremely huge.

Because”divine thoughts” and”dark energy””、””Stellar energy” is different from the energy from the outside world.

It is an energy born from Zhong Yuxiu’s spirit and soul.

It is a recyclable energy.

Even if it is scattered between heaven and earth, it can be recovered through the mutual positioning characteristics of telekinesis.

But if Zhong Yuxiu directly transforms telekinesis into various objects, although it can make Zhong Yuxiu better control it, this part of telekinesis can no longer be used.

Or it can not be used easily.

So compared with using telekinesis to create things,

Zhong Yuxiu is more looking forward to the void controller’s ability to create things in the void.

It does not need to comply with the energy conservation of the main world.

It only needs to have the corresponding knowledge.

It is a perfect match with Zhong Yuxiu’s innate scientific research body.


Although it is still a bit difficult for me to directly create a genetic engine now.

But it should be possible to grab one and modify it. Yes.

Even if it is not implanted in the body, it can be used as an external plug-in for a transition.

Zhong Yuxiu set her sights on Europe.

Surprisingly, that is where the scumbag Sumali is.

As a veteran male angel and ancient slayer,

Sumali is a genuine second-generation god.

He is a true male god with a nearly eternal lifespan.

His strength is even higher than that of an ordinary third-generation super soldier.

In the super god universe, the difference between”super soldiers” and”gods” of the same generation is probably the difference between”ordinary version” and”high-end/top-end version”.

Although at first glance they are not much different and are at the same level, the configuration is as different as heaven and earth.

As long as Zhong Yuxiu kills him, she can naturally obtain the genetic engine in his body.

Although the model is a bit backward, it is just right for Zhong Yuxiu to study and transform.

After all, as an ancient angel, A veteran male god from the palace era.

Let’s not talk about Sumali’s original inventory.

The resources he has collected over the years alone are not few.

When he was exiled to Blue Star, the humans on Blue Star were still in the ancient Stone Age.

Not to mention all the resources on Blue Star that are useful for god-making civilization.

At least a large part of them are concentrated on him.

This can be seen from the fact that he was able to upgrade to the third-generation god body after obtaining Ge Xiaolun’s gene backup. He is definitely the best candidate for Zhong Yuxiu to rob at this stage.

Not only can he use it to train his own explosive strength.

He can also obtain a large amount of resources.

With Sumali’s gene engine as a foundation.

Plus those resources.

It would be much easier for Zhong Yuxiu to transform a gene engine that belongs to him alone.

After all, from zero to one is often the most difficult.

Zhong Yuxiu’s figure disappeared from the spot again.

When he reappeared, he had come to the Vatican. As the spiritual leader of Catholic believers from all countries, the Vatican is one of the smallest countries in the world.

The permanent population is only more than 600 people.

But it is Sumali’s seclusion.

Even in the world, it has a good status.

All countries that attempt to annex the Vatican have been crushed.

There are even rumors that if the Vatican is willing, it can easily unify Europe and even the whole world.

If someone does not know the truth, he will naturally regard it as bragging.

But as one of the few people on the blue planet who knows the truth of the world,

Zhong Yuxiu knows that this rumor is true.

Perhaps Sumali, who is guarded by the Super Seminary and Monkey King, dare not provoke the Dragon Kingdom easily.

But other countries are no different from ants to him, the ancient god-killer.

If he wants, he can hack into the networks of various countries in minutes.

He doesn’t have to do it himself.

Just controlling the weapons controlled by electronic devices can make countries in chaos.

This is also the meaning of the existence of super soldiers.

There is no need to use antimatter weapons or dimensional weapons.

Super soldiers can solve most problems against”pre-nuclear civilization” and”space civilization” simply by crushing them with computing power.

Because the higher the level of civilization, the more dependent on computers.

If there is no Carl behind Taotie, any female angel can paralyze their network in an instant and let their warships kill each other.

This is also the main reason why Taotie, as a space civilization, has a fierce tide that is powerful enough to explode a star.

But the main reason why the fighting method of the god-making civilization has become close combat.

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