After all, angels transformed through genetic engineering are only transformed by genes. They are different from real pure-blooded angels.

So Kaisha and Hexi have been studying ways to remove the tyrannical factor in the bones of Tianzha for many years.

Once she finds it, the angel civilization will return to a society ruled by men and women.

That kind of angel civilization is a truly complete civilization.

This is also the main reason why Kaisha is so fond of Ge Xiaolun and regards him as the future of angels.

It is not that the power of the galaxy is so powerful.

In the final analysis, it is just the carrier of the anti-void engine. What

Kaisha really cares about is the angel gene that accounts for a large proportion of Ge Xiaolun’s body.

So Sumali was saved by Kaisha.

It is specially used to appease Hua Ye.

In addition to Sumali and Hua Ye, there is another general under Hua Ye, Kunpeng, and countless elites.

Kaisha deliberately left it to give Hua Ye a thought of overthrowing his rule and restoring the ancient Tiangong era, so that he would not be desperate and do something irrational.

Zhong Yuxiu transformed his [divine thoughts] into”god-killing power”.

He easily destroyed the genes in the body of Sumali, the ancient scum.

With the death of Sumali, his originally indestructible dark plane became as fragile as paper.

Zhong Yuxiu easily invaded it.

The computing cloud composed of five”large dark matter computers” suddenly caught Zhong Yuxiu’s eyes.

It was constantly absorbing the dark energy between heaven and earth.

It wanted to repair the genes destroyed by Zhong Yuxiu.

Zhong Yuxiu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Even his breathing became rapid.

Each of these five dark matter computers has a computing power equivalent to 10 billion galaxy-level supercomputers.

Even compared with the Super Seminary’s Denor III, it is not inferior.

But now all of them are cheap for Zhong Yuxiu.

In addition to Sumali’s”dark matter computer”, Zhong Yuxiu’s most valued”dark energy crystal” among the remaining resources collected by Sumali.

This is an important resource that can be called a strategic resource even in the god-making civilization.

It is a special crystal that can only be produced in the deepest part of the”natural dark iron ore vein”.

As the name suggests, it is condensed from pure dark energy.

If it is placed in the fairy world, it is probably called a spirit stone or spirit crystal.

It takes hundreds of millions to form.

Not only are the conditions for formation extremely harsh, but the output is also extremely low.

Even in the vast universe, it is a very precious resource.

It is the main material for making”gene engines”.

At the same time, it can also be used to upgrade the divine body, replenish consumption in battle, and treat injuries.

It has a wide range of uses.

Most of them are in the hands of those god-making civilizations.

Although the top god-making civilizations such as the Angel Civilization and the Death Song Academy have invented the”dark energy collector” and can artificially produce dark energy crystals, they are limited by the speed of absorbing dark energy.

In addition, the high manufacturing price.

The output is still not high.

And because Zhong Yuxiu has obtained the third generation of divine body technology, the invincible body technology, the indestructible body and other divine body technologies.

These dark energy crystals also play a huge auxiliary role in improving Zhong Yuxiu’s physical strength.

With these dark energy crystals, Zhong Yuxiu can save dozens or even hundreds of years of dark energy accumulation.

It can make his physical strength directly reach the third generation level.

He can truly occupy a place in the upcoming cosmic chaos.

After transferring all the collections in Sumali’s dark plane to his own dark plane, Zhong Yuxiu directly cut open Sumali’s belly and took out the”heart” in her body.

This is the so-called gene engine in this world.

This heart seems to be no different from a real heart.

But in fact, it is a computing cloud composed of countless”micro dark matter computers” with a diameter of only 10 microns.

Although these”micro dark matter computers” are only 10 microns in size, their computing power is still above the galaxy-level supercomputers of Blue Star.

This level of technology sounds so advanced.

No wonder Zhong Yuxiu can’t make it.

It can repair its own injuries and strengthen its own cells by absorbing the ubiquitous dark energy, stellar energy and other energies between heaven and earth.

It can allow super soldiers to mobilize the muscle groups in the body more scientifically.

Finally, mortals are transformed into gods.

If it is not a product of technology, it is really similar to the godhood in mythology.

The difference in the strength of super soldiers is often reflected in computing power.

Sumali’s gene engine is a product of 30,000 years ago.

Therefore, the diameter of the”micro dark matter computer” is 10 microns.

The gene engines in Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang’s bodies are composed of”micro dark matter computers” with a diameter of 1 micron.

In other words, the computing power of Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang’s gene engines is at least ten times that of Sumali.

Some people may say.

Since the space in the body is limited, wouldn’t it be better to install it outside the body? That’s right.

So Sumali’s dark plane has a large dark matter computer as the background.

Let him have the computing power to crush Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang in the early stage.

And top gods like Kaisha, Morgana, Carl, and Pan Zhen will directly connect to their own celestial-level computers that are more powerful than dark matter computers.

Play a strength far beyond their own.

This is also the reason why the angel civilization is so powerful.

Every female angel in the angel civilization has a gene engine in her body.

So even a generation of angels has an eternal life.

In addition, every female angel can connect to Kesha’s Knowledge Treasury, the celestial computer of the angel civilization, at any time.

Therefore, even if they were first-generation angels, they could beat ordinary second-generation or even third-generation super soldiers when Kesha was still online.

But when Kesha was offline, these people could no longer access Kesha’s treasure trove of knowledge.

They were immediately beaten back to their original form and became mediocre.

Of course

“The”gene engine” is the crystallization of the cutting-edge technology of the Super God Universe.

It is a privilege that only”Gods” have.

The first and second generation super soldiers like Qilin, He Weilan, Rui Mengmeng, Zhao Xin, and Wei Ying do not have gene engines in their bodies.

They are just ordinary humans who have activated the [super gene code].

If there is no small celestial computer, Denor III, to act as their backstage, they are actually no different from Captain America and Spider-Man in Marvel. They do not even have the ability to live forever.

So in order to better exert their combat power, the group of people in the Super God Academy equipped them with [black armor] with built-in”dark matter computers” to act as plug-ins to assist them in fighting.

This is also the main reason why the original book mentioned that they could not afford the black armor even if they sold Blue Star.

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