“”Thank you for the blessing of Mother Earth, Mother Earth is mighty and domineering!”

As a cold mechanical voice sounded in Zhong Yuxiu’s ears, countless knowledge suddenly emerged in Zhong Yuxiu’s mind.

It was the relevant information of”This World Chat Group”.

As the various underlying codes, operating logic and related manufacturing technologies of”This World Chat Group” were cracked one by one.

Zhong Yuxiu’s”brain development speed””、””Mental strength” and”soul strength” began to increase rapidly at an incredible rate.

Almost in an instant,

Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development exceeded 10%.

As the greatest treasure of the human body,

“”Brain development” does not equal”brain utilization””

“The”brain area” is a special area inside the brain known as the”forbidden zone of God”.

It is also called the”sea of mind” or”sea of consciousness”.

It is a mysterious area that cannot be observed by the existing technology of Blue Star.

It is located at the position of 0.

618 times the length of the head from the chin.

It is almost the central area of the brain corresponding to the Yintang point between the eyebrows.

It coincides with the”upper dantian” in Taoism.

It is also the so-called”dark plane space” in the super god world.

It is the storage place of”spiritual power”.

It is the gathering place of dark information such as”knowledge” and”memory”.

Except for special forms such as triangles, in the super god universe, only civilizations above the god-making level have the method to observe and develop the brain area.

At the moment when Zhong Yuxiu’s brain area development exceeded 10%, it was as if a certain invisible shackle in the body was broken.

Instantly, Zhong Yuxiu had an IQ of more than 200.

The brain became clearer than ever before.

Whether it is learning ability, comprehension ability, memory, observation ability, imagination, thinking ability, analysis and judgment ability, etc.

, they have all reached an extremely exaggerated level.

The difficult problems that Zhong Yuxiu couldn’t figure out before now became as simple as kindergarten math problems.

Even the contents of the novels that he had read in a hurry more than ten years ago can be recalled word for word.

And because of the [Innate Scientific Research Holy Body], he successfully transformed his own [dark information] into [soul].

This is also the heaven-defying feature of the [Innate Scientific Research Holy Body].

【As a scientific world, the Super God Universe should not have such a force as the soul.

Although Carl’s phantom is similar to the soul, it is essentially different.

Because it is more like a data body than a soul body.

As Zhong Yuxiu gained more and more knowledge, he felt a slight headache.

Obviously, the innate scientific research body can allow Zhong Yuxiu to obtain all the knowledge of the”Chat Group of All Worlds” in an instant.

But because Zhong Yuxiu’s brain capacity is not enough, it can only be injected into Zhong Yuxiu’s brain little by little like now.

Otherwise, Zhong Yu’s head will be like a balloon that has expanded to its limit.

It will explode.

If there is no innate scientific research body,

Zhong Yuxiu may not be able to absorb all this knowledge in a hundred years.

But at this time, as Zhong Yuxiu gained more knowledge, his brain development is also constantly improving.

Brain capacity is also growing rapidly.

While allowing Zhong Yuxiu to obtain more knowledge, it also greatly accelerates the speed of Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development, forming a virtuous circle.

Soon, Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development broke through the 20% mark.

Not only did Zhong Yuxiu’s intelligence increase several times again, but he also had a computing power that was more terrifying than that of an ordinary computer.

His [soul] was also combined with his own [mental power].

It evolved into an existence similar to the [divine soul] of a cultivator.

Zhong Yuxiu could not only become stronger by acquiring knowledge passively from the [Innate Scientific Research Holy Body]. He could also become stronger by absorbing the ubiquitous”dark energy” between heaven and earth.

Even Zhong Yuxiu’s [mental power] became more mysterious, becoming a [divine mind] similar to [mental telekinesis].

And it grew explosively.

Zhong Yuxiu’s mind moved.

Almost in an instant, a huge divine mind formed a spherical stand with Zhong Yuxiu as the center, covering an area of 100 miles.

This stand was filled with Zhong Yuxiu’s divine mind, as if it were an extension of Zhong Yuxiu’s body.

It could be regarded as his”eyes”.”、”nose”、”ears”.

Or his”hands and feet”.

At this moment, Zhong Yuxiu felt as if he had become an omnipotent God.

He could look down on everything around him from a higher dimensional perspective.

From this perspective, he could easily pass through his own manor, his own city, and”see” everything above the ground. He could also see the humans inside the buildings on the ground, and through their clothes,”see” their skin, flesh, bones, internal organs and even cells…

He could transform his divine thoughts into shields to resist attacks. He could also directly form swords, spears, halberds, axes, hooks and forks to attack the enemy directly from a distance.

When Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development reaches 30%, he can achieve perfect control over himself.

Zhong Yuxiu can change his appearance, height, skin color and even hair at will.

He can control his muscle fibers to contract violently.

He can explode in an instant. He can exert enough force to tear tigers and leopards apart alive.

He can focus his vision.

The whole world becomes slow in his eyes, as if time has stopped; he can amplify his hearing, smell, taste and touch at will.

He can hear sounds that ordinary people can’t hear, and smell flavors that ordinary people can’t smell or taste. He can also speed up digestion and nutrient absorption by controlling intestinal peristalsis and gastric acid secretion.

Better supply nutrition to the brain.

The strength of Zhong Yuxiu’s soul has also undergone a qualitative change.

He can leave Zhong Yuxiu’s body in a short time and fly freely in the sky.

Although the coverage range of Zhong Yuxiu’s [divine mind] has increased by 10,000 times.

From the original 100 miles to the current 1 million miles.

But Zhong Yuxiu’s control over his own [divine mind] has not decreased at all due to the sudden increase in mental strength.

Instead, it has become more and more refined.

Naturally, he can achieve”perspective”.”、”Hypnosis”、”Creating Illusions”、”Dream”、”Mind Communication”、”Mind Control”、””Reshape memory” and other effects.

Being able to easily lift heavy objects weighing thousands of pounds allowed Zhong Yuxiu to truly enter the extraordinary realm.

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