When Shinobu Kocho brought Zhong Yuxiu to the butterfly dance, the three little girls had already put on the little skirts made by Zhong Yuxiu.

It must be said that

Zhong Yuxiu’s aesthetics are still very good.

These three little girls are already pretty. They are even cuter after wearing beautiful princess dresses.

The only drawback may be that their shoes and hairstyles don’t match the beautiful princess dresses.

But it doesn’t matter.

Zhong Yuxiu directly made matching shoes, leggings and headdresses for them, and then gave them to the three of them.

Watching them leave happily,

Kocho Kocho’s delicate and beautiful face couldn’t help but reveal a gentle smile like the warm sun.

I don’t know how long it has been.

She hasn’t seen their smiles from the heart for a long time.

Only at this time, she realized that Shinobu Kocho was just a 14-year-old child.

Even she herself was only 17 years old.

Kocho Kocho stared blankly at Zhong Yuxiu’s handsome face like a god.

It took a while for me to react, and I said a little embarrassedly

“” I’m sorry, group leader, for making you spend money!”

Zhong Yuxiu shook her head and said indifferently,”They are just some small things, no big deal. I have already locked the location of Muzan Kibutsuji. Do you want to do it yourself, or do you want me to help you solve it?”


Butterfly Chanahui’s face was full of”?”Although he didn’t say anything

, his meaning was obvious.

“Did I miss something just now? How did you lock on to Muzan Kibutsuji’s location as soon as you arrived in this world?”

Zhong Yuxiu smiled confidently and did not explain.

He waved his hand.

A picture condensed by Zhong Yuxiu’s mind appeared in front of Zhong Yuxiu, Kocho Kanae and the chat group.

However, the picture shown on it was not Muzan Kibutsuji.

It was a young man in a suit and leather shoes. It was still midsummer and noon.

But he closed all the doors and windows in the room. And pulled the thick curtains. Illuminated by electric lights. It looked very strange. At this time, he seemed to be dealing with some public property. He lowered his head and looked extremely focused. His appearance was different from Muzan Kibutsuji. So Kocho Kanae didn’t know whether he was Muzan or not. But looking at his behavior at this time, it was certain that he was definitely not a normal human being.

“Is this Muzan Kibutsuji?”

Kanae Kocho looked at Zhong Yuxiu uncertainly and asked cautiously.


Zhong Yuxiu nodded affirmatively,”He is the most powerful being in this country in terms of energy and physical fitness. If there is no being stronger than him in your world, it should be him.”

With Zhong Yuxiu’s current mental power, he almost instantly enveloped the entire Demon Slayer world.

As a world of Hengsha with a round sky and a square earth, there are no other countries in the Demon Slayer world.

The entire world is composed of island countries, plus a sea area that is almost the size of three island countries.

【Wanwan: I seem to have some impression. This should be the identity that Tanjiro used when he first came into contact with Muzan Kibutsuji, right?】

【Tony: Although it has changed from the two-dimensional world to the three-dimensional world, it should be that guy. How did the group leader do it? He actually locked his position in an instant. Isn’t this too incredible?】

【Maoshan One-browed Taoist: Yes, even I, an old Taoist, can’t quite understand it. If this is true, then wouldn’t the leader of our group have already become an immortal by now?】

【Zhong Yuxiu: I haven’t become an immortal, my mental strength has just become a little bit stronger!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: I think it is a little bit stronger!】


“Okay, I will report to the lord now and call all the pillars of the Ghost Slayer Corps to kill him together!”

Although Kocho Kanae looks intelligent and gentle, since she has become the pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, she is obviously not a person who lacks decisiveness.

So she quickly stood up and prepared to call on the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps to encircle and suppress Muzan Kibutsuji.

“No need to do that. If you don’t want to kill him personally, then just do this!”

Zhong Yuxiu shook his head, and he casually stretched out his right hand, and then lightly snapped his fingers.

Snap! ~

The crisp sound of snapping fingers rang out, and then Muzan Kibutsuji seemed to suddenly think of something, and his face suddenly changed.


Muzan Kibutsuji roared, and a woman with gray skin, long black hair, bangs on both sides of her face, and just covering her eyes suddenly appeared.

She was wearing a black kimono and holding a wooden pipa. As the sound of the pipa rang out,

Muzan Kibutsuji’s figure disappeared directly on the spot.

Although he failed to kill Muzan Kibutsuji directly.

But Zhong Yuxiu’s mouth curled up a smile.

Because it was Zhong Yuxiu who deliberately let Muzan Kibutsuji go.

Because Zhong Yuxiu suddenly found that this Demon Slayer world did not seem to be useless.

At least those strange blood demons The art has great value.

Take Mingnu’s ability to control the Infinite City as an example.

It actually involves knowledge of”space” and”dimension”.

Although even Mingnu herself may not know the principle of her own blood demon art.

But Zhong Yuxiu, who possesses the [Innate Scientific Research Holy Body], figured out the principle of this skill the moment she used her ability.

This is also the reason why Zhong Yuxiu chose to stop.

Because after obtaining this knowledge, not only did Zhong Yuxiu’s combat methods become richer.

Even Zhong Yuxiu’s brain development has been improved.

Just this wave of gains.

He has made a lot of money by coming to this”Demon Slayer” world.


Thanks to”682123.” for the reward. The author thanks you..

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