Zhong Yuxiu asked Ling’er to copy a video of her chanting from Zhang Shaozhong, and then uploaded it directly to the group file.

It served as her own promotional material.

Of course, for the world without Internet and computers like Xiaolongnu, Wanwan, Yue Buqun, and Xiongba,

Zhong Yuxiu also thoughtfully prepared paper versions of books for them.

It can greatly shorten the difficulty of their missionary work.

And the facts have proved that

Zhong Yuxiu’s approach is still very effective.

Because now Zhong Yuxiu can feel hundreds of thousands of strands of faith power coming in every day.

Even if he does not practice specifically, one day is equivalent to his 70 days of hard practice.

Zhong Yuxiu is very satisfied with this.

This Wukong looks different almost every day after he was born.

When he was just born, he was still a cute little monkey.

But in just three days, he has grown to a height of 1.

8 meters and has become a heroic and mature appearance.

And because his chainmail golden armor has a”micro dark matter computer” that can directly connect to the network of this world, Wukong now not only looks mature.

Even his mind and cognition of this world have become the same as those of real adult humans.

So Zhong Yuxiu did not take him to the Super God Universe.

Instead, he stayed in this world of spiritual energy revival.

After all, compared with the Super God Universe, the spiritual energy in this world is more active.

It can improve his cultivation speed faster.

But Wukong is his first apprentice anyway.

So Zhong Yuxiu went to the Li family in Haizhou.

Li Zhengdao directly made Wukong a younger brother.

After seeing Wukong’s appearance, the latter said nothing.

Not only did he bow his head, but he also generously gave Wukong a half-mountain villa worth more than 1 billion.

A professional team of hundreds of people was sent to maintain the operation of the villa and take care of his daily life.

In addition, before leaving, Zhong Yuxiu set up a spirit gathering formation in his villa.

Only after confirming that he had treasures in terms of safety and cultivation did he leave with peace of mind.

Zhong Yuxiu first returned to the Super God Universe.

She had a good time with Zhu Shi and soothed her tired body and mind during this period.

【[Private chat] Xiaolongnu:”Brother Xiu, are you coming to see me? When will you arrive?”

Zhongnan Mountain.

Tomb of the Living Dead!

Xiaolongnu was lying on the cold jade bed bored, staring at the dark cave ceiling with lifeless eyes.

Obviously, she had long been accustomed to darkness and loneliness, but at this moment, she often felt the emptiness and loneliness from her soul.

Zhong Yuxiu’s slender and upright figure and handsome face like a god would appear in her mind from time to time.

It even made her feel like she had no appetite.

Although Xiaolongnu had been staying in the ancient tomb and had not yet come into contact with outsiders, she did not know what love was.

But she truly felt the unforgettable longing for Zhong Yuxiu.

Obviously, the two of them only had some intersections in the chat group.

Obviously, she and Zhong Yuxiu had never really met.

But just like a little girl who had just experienced online love.

Her mood had already been unconsciously attracted by Zhong Yuxiu.

A heart was also unconsciously branded with Zhong Yuxiu’s name.

As for Yang Guo?

He was just a stranger on the street.

After seeing a perfect male god like Zhong Yuxiu, other people just had to make do with him.

But Xiaolongnu obviously didn’t intend to make do with him.

So at the critical moment, Xiaolongnu rescued Granny Sun, who was supposed to be killed by Quanzhen Sect.

Then, on the grounds that the Tomb Sect did not accept male disciples, she refused to let Yang Guo live in the Tomb.

She let Granny Sun and Yang Guo live together at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, completely severing this evil fate.

Seeing Xiaolongnu’s private chat,

Zhong Yuxiu was slightly startled.

If her ID was covered,

Zhong Yuxiu would have thought it was Wanwan.

After all, in his impression, Xiaolongnu should be as cold and fairy-like as a fairy. Although she has changed after being baptized by the chat group, Zhong Yuxiu still found it hard to believe. Looking at the face on the avatar that was 80% similar to the Fairy Sister, but more perfect, Zhong Yuxiu thought for a moment and tentatively replied in the private chat.

“Because the story on my side is about to begin, I need to make some arrangements in advance, but since Long Er is anxious, I will go over now!”

【Private chat] Xiao Long Nu:”Really? That’s great! [Happy face].JPG![Excited face].JPG![Expecting face].JPG!”

Xiao Longnu’s joy almost penetrated the chat group screen.

But she soon found out why Zhong Yuxiu didn’t come, and said with some worry

“If Brother Xiu is busy, you should come back later. Long Er is used to waiting, and a few days won’t make a difference!”

Looking at Xiao Long Nu calling him,

Zhong Yuxiu’s smile became more and more obvious.

Although he is not a veteran in the love field, he still has the most basic emotional intelligence.

When he tried to call Xiao Long Nu the intimate Long Er, she did not object and agreed.

Zhong Yuxiu was sure that the other party definitely had feelings for him, so Zhong Yuxiu said half-jokingly and half-seriously

“Silly boy, what could be more important than seeing my baby Long Er!”

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