【Wanwan: I’m so envious! The group leader is really generous. He upgrades the third-generation divine body whenever he wants and gives away the genetic engine whenever he wants. I don’t know when I will be able to enjoy such treatment!】

【Xiaolongnu: Yes, I’m so envious!】

【Butterfly Kanae: Envy +1! 】

Because it was a live broadcast, the eyes of all the friends who saw it all turned red with envy.

The straightforward Wanwan even said in a sarcastic tone.

Even Xiaolongnu and Butterfly Kanae were a little jealous.

【Ye Hei: Envy +1!】

【Tony: Envy +1!

Xiongba, Yue Buqun, Jiushu and others didn’t say anything.

After all, they were not that close to Zhong Yuxiu. They were not strong enough.

Even if they were a little envious, they didn’t dare to say it directly.

Zihe Hutao, Shirona, Namikaze Minato and others had just joined.

They were not that familiar with Zhong Yuxiu.

Naturally, they didn’t dare to say much.

But Ye Hei, as a modern man, had the identity of a future strong man, and might have a future body watching over him. He was also a fellow villager of Zhong Yuxiu.

Naturally, he didn’t have to worry too much.

Tony was the richest man in America. He was a super genius.

He also had his own pride.

So he was not as cautious as others.

【[[Group leader] Zhong Yuxiu: Hancock gave up his share of the faith for the next ten years.

If you develop believers well, you will earn more points.

You will have everything by then.

So there is no need to be envious!】

【Xiongba: Then if I also allow group leaders to come to my world to preach freely, can I get the same benefits?】

【Yue Buqun: Same question】

【Ying Zheng: +1】

【[[Group Leader] Zhong Yuxiu: If you are willing to give up future profits, of course you can.

But even if I make a gene engine, it will take time.

So if you want me to upgrade, you can sign up directly!】

【Xiongba: I want to sign up!】

【Yue Buqun: +1】

【Wanwan: +1】

【Ying Zheng: +1】

【Namikaze Minato: +1】


Zhong Yuxiu looked at it.

All the group members actually chose to upgrade to the third generation of divine bodies and obtain the gene engine directly.

Although it was a bit unexpected, it was understandable.

After all, they were not Zhong Yuxiu.

Even if they had some power in their own world, it would be very difficult to spread faith for Zhong Yuxiu.

And it would be laborious.

Instead of wasting that time, it would be better to become stronger directly.

Although the third generation of divine bodies was not very impressive in the heavens and the worlds, the levels of the worlds where the group members were now were not high.

Therefore, upgrading to the third generation of divine bodies was still very attractive to people other than Ye Hei and Hu Tao.

Especially the gene engine.

Even if you don’t count the various abilities that come with it, the computing power alone is powerful enough to help them solve many problems.

The Pokémon in the world of Sirona are above the third generation level, but humans don’t.

Moreover, the identities and status of people like Uncle Jiu, Old Tianshi, Hu Tao, and Ye Hei have not reached the peak in their respective worlds. It is even more difficult to spread faith for Zhong Yuxiu.

So it’s actually better to let Zhong Yuxiu spread it herself.

After all, Zhong Yuxiu just needs to show a miracle.

Then they contracted some people in power.

The rest could just be hands-off shopkeepers.

Both the”efficiency” and”effect” would be far better than if they spread Zhong Yuxiu’s faith by themselves.

【[[Group leader] Zhong Yuxiu: Since everyone agrees that I can spread the faith myself,

I will go there when I have time.

As for your”engine” and”divine body”, I will upgrade them little by little.

Don’t worry.】

【Ying Zheng: Okay, thank you group leader. If you are going to come, please let me know. I have prepared many surprises for you!】

【[[Group leader] Zhong Yuxiu: Oh? Surprise? Then I am looking forward to it. But even if you bribe me, I will not upgrade yours first. Just follow the order in which everyone joins the chat group! ]

Zhong Yuxiu was doing two things at the same time.

Although she was chatting with her group members, she did not neglect serious matters.

Although this pen is a bit stiff and not very round, but for the purpose of harvesting faith, it is not shabby!

Zhong Yuxiu looked at the four people in front of her.

Her mind turned quickly.

The same”low-profile dark matter computer” as the four little dragon girls took shape instantly.

Zhong Yuxiu originally had to waste some time and experience to manufacture this kind of dark matter computer.

But after Zhong Yuxiu’s mind was upgraded, it was no longer difficult.

As long as Zhong Yuxiu wanted, she could manufacture a batch in minutes.

Of course, this low-profile version of the”gene engine” would naturally not be implanted in the body.

Zhong Yuxiu made it into the shape of a bracelet.

Then she handed it to the four people.

“My teachings are about prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, honesty, friendliness, science, setting new trends, pursuing truth, and exploring nature!

You are my chosen spokesperson in this world.

So I hope you can also carry forward my teachings.

Let all the creatures in this world be bathed in the glory of God.

Live happily and happily in this world!”


Everyone said in unison

“Well, I have uploaded some proven revolutionary experiences from other worlds to your bracelets.

You can take a look at them when you have time.

” Zhong Yuxiu was actually skeptical about the wisdom of these people.

After all, Luffy’s childhood life shows how backward the education in this world is.

Even the grandson of Garp, the top admiral of the navy, had no school to go to.

He didn’t even have a teacher.

It was good enough that he could barely read.

So the truth depends on your own understanding.

No wonder the world is so corrupt.

Of course, this is what the world government wants to see.

If everyone is enlightened, how can they be so high and mighty? So this is actually no different from the ancient policy of keeping the people ignorant.

It’s just that they are more cruel.

In ancient times, at least there were private schools that allowed motivated people to learn the knowledge and principles of being a human being.

And the education in this world is almost completely monopolized by the nobles.

So Zhong Yuxiu not only let them know how to revolt, but also showed them the history of Dragon Country and other countries.

Let them learn from history and make fewer mistakes.

As for why Zhong Yuxiu wanted to put Kaido, Why did he recruit Kaido? Besides the fact that Zhong Yuxiu liked his devil fruit and got a lot of inspiration from it, the main reason was that Kaido’s nature was not hopeless.

He also wanted to become Joy Boy and change the world.

Unfortunately, he did not receive the correct teaching, so he went into the attempt.

But even so, he actually had a bottom line at the beginning.

Although he was young after being betrayed by the country, he already had good strength.

If he became a pirate directly, he could easily obtain a lot of wealth.

But he did not rob houses.

When he was hungry, he would attack navy ships or bases.

Then he would leave after eating and drinking.

But later, he saw more things.

And in the chaotic place of the new world full of pirates, he was inevitably affected.

This is how he fell into darkness step by step.

If there was a righteous navy to help him at that time, he would definitely be a good naval commander.

(To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!



Although these people are all rough, at least”Drag” and”Sakakis” should be able to learn.

As for”Garp” and”Kaido”,”?

Just be a thug.

The civilians and righteous navy officers who saw all this through the sky were excited.

It was as if they had seen a quiet and peaceful future.

They all knelt on the ground from the bottom of their hearts.

They expressed their gratitude to Zhong Yuxiu sincerely.

At one time, nearly 10 million faith powers were earned.

Zhong Yuxiu couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

This is also what Zhong Yuxiu values the most.

The size of the pirate world is almost twice that of the blue planet.

Together with the”Sky Island Residents” and the”mermaids” and”fishmen” on the seabed, it has a population of more than 20 billion.

Although it is said in the theater that Uta has 80 trillion fans.

But that should include some”non-human” animals and the like. It indirectly proves Uta’s high popularity.

After all, although WT has not said the size of the pirate world, with the navigation technology of the pirate world, the speed of the pirate ship is there.[]

There is no magic or technology to support it.

It all depends on the wind.

How much faster can it be?

So although One Piece has been updated for nearly 30 years, it actually took less than three months from Luffy’s departure to the top war.

If we go by the speed of ancient sailing ships, the size of the Pirate World should actually be smaller than that of the Earth.

But after all, it is a world with extraordinary powers.

It is normal for the ship to be faster, right? ?

So it is acceptable that it is three times the size of Blue Planet

“Well, all the things that the World Government and the Celestial Dragons have collected over the years are here. With your current strength, it shouldn’t be difficult to control this place, right?”

“Don’t worry, my God, all the wealth here will become the development fund of the new world!”

Sakakis said in a loud voice

“With this wealth, we can save more people!”Drager was also excited.

“”What about these Celestial Dragons… pigs?” Kaido asked.

Zhong Yuxiu answered casually,”Let those who were hurt by them deal with it!”

Zhong Yuxiu said casually, and then turned her eyes to Hancock.

“Here are two bottles of talent awakening potion. You know the effect. Give them to your two sisters. I’m going to Ye Hei soon. If there is anything here, please tell me anytime!”

“”Okay, group… God, I will definitely take good care of this world for you!”

Although her eyes were filled with reluctance,

Hancock still said in a resounding voice.

“”Very good!”

Zhong Yuxiu rubbed Hancock’s head.

Then he disappeared from the spot.

But the sky screen made by Zhong Yuxiu did not disappear.

It was now connected to the dark matter computer of Dorag and the other four.

They could freely control the displayed images on it.

It could be used to spread Zhong Yuxiu’s faith better.

【Ding, welcome the group owner of”Wanjie Chat Group” to the world where group member Ye Hei is!】

【Ding, the Heavenly Dao of this world is shocked by your heaven-defying talent and wants to make friends with you.

A permanent pass to the world of”One Leaf Covering the Sky” is specially presented to you.

In the future, you will no longer need to obtain the approval of group member Ye Hei.

You can travel to the world of”One Leaf Covering the Sky” at any time and stay here indefinitely! 】

It is indeed a high-level world.

Just like the world of spiritual energy revival.

Although they were all shocked by Zhong Yuxiu’s heaven-defying talent, they only gave him permanent residency.

It is not like the low-level world.

They directly give him the identity of the Heavenly Dao spokesperson.

In fact, if it is the identity of the Heavenly Dao spokesperson of the world of Covering the Sky,

Zhong Yuxiu might actually agree!

After all, the level of this world is still quite high. It is a sure step to heaven.

Seeing Zhong Yuxiu suddenly appear,

Ye Hei said with a weird face.

“”By the way, what exactly is your talent? It’s too abnormal, isn’t it?

Even the heavens of this multi-dimensional world where I live look at you differently. If you were allowed to travel to this world, I’m afraid my identity as the protagonist would be taken away, right?”

Zhong Yuxiu spread her hands and said casually.

“After all, I am the protagonist of the fan fiction world. Isn’t it normal for me to be a little more talented? If I am as miserable as the protagonist of the original novel, who would still read the fan fiction?”

Ye Hei:”What you said makes a lot of sense! I was speechless!”

【Ding, you have discovered the mythical talent”Ancient Holy Body”.

The effect of your”Innate Scientific Research Holy Body” is triggered.

You have cracked all the mysteries of the”Innate Scientific Research Holy Body”.

With your current knowledge reserve, you have not yet found a direction for optimization.

Your”brain development degree” has increased to 58.86%!

Your”soul strength” has increased significantly!

Your”mental strength” has increased significantly! 】 After absorbing the relevant knowledge of the Ancient Holy Body,

Zhong Yuxiu suddenly had a new understanding of the mysteries of the human body.

In the field of science, quarks are already the smallest elementary particles.

But in metaphysics, there are many elementary particles that are even smaller than quarks.

The reason why the Ancient Holy Body is so powerful is that these elementary particles smaller than quarks have a magical property that can continue to become stronger by absorbing dark energy.

This is the reason why the Ancient Holy Body is so powerful.

As for the so-called Holy Body Curse, it is simply because the”concentration” and”activity” of the”spiritual energy” between heaven and earth, that is, the”dark energy”, are not as high as those in the mythical period and the ancient period.

For ordinary physiques, this is not a miracle.

But for the ancient holy body, which is much more difficult to cultivate than other physiques, it is like adding insult to injury.

However, for the people in this world, the need for massive resources is a disadvantage. (Qian Zhaohao) But for Zhong Yuxiu, it is nothing. The so-called various resources are nothing more than energy in different forms.

As long as you give Zhong Yuxiu a sample, he can easily replicate it for you through scientific means.

As for the problem of opening up the bitter sea, it is easier to solve.

Because as long as it is a problem that can be solved with energy, it is not a problem for Zhong Yuxiu.

So after studying Ye Hei’s ancient holy body, Zhong Yuxiu patted him on the shoulder and said

“Xiao Ye, I’ve read your problem. It’s just a matter of energy, which is easy to solve. I can carve a spirit gathering array on your body now. It will greatly increase your cultivation speed.

If you don’t mind changing your heart,

I can directly make a gene engine for you.

By then, most of the problems that bother you can be solved.

But your heavenly tribulation may become more severe by then!”

Ye Hei shook his head and said,”Forget about changing your heart, just carve a spirit gathering array on my body!”

As for how Zhong Yuxiu got the spirit gathering array,

Ye Hei didn’t ask.

After all, as long as you have points, there is everything in the Wanjie Mall.

Zhong Yuxiu nodded,”Okay, I will refine a dark matter computer for you at that time. It will be very good whether it is used to assist in cultivation or combat!”

Ye Hei was a little excited when he heard this and said,”Group leader, you are so handsome, I love you so much, how about I marry you!”

“”Get lost, I’m not interested in men!”

Zhong Yuxiu rolled her eyes at Ye Hei.

Because of her own lack of strength and the fact that this world was too dangerous,

Zhong Yuxiu did not wander around.

After obtaining the relevant information about the Ancient Saint Body, she left Ye Hei’s world directly.

The imagined incident of Ye Fan’s future incarnation or the ruthless empress blocking the door did not happen.

Zhong Yuxiu was relieved but also a little disappointed.

If she saw them, maybe her brain development degree could directly break through to 60%.

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