Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 24 Sweeping the Black Blade Alliance (2)!

"Hmph, it's a resentful spirit possessing me again! But it's useless. I have the absolute initiative through stealth. I can kill this kid instantly with one move! What's the use of him summoning a resentful spirit?"

In the shadows, Xiao Dao sharply stared at Yang Tian, ​​curling up the corner of his mouth and revealing a cold smile.


The sharp knife came three yards behind Yang Tian. A cold light flashed on the dagger, and it suddenly stabbed Yang Tian. He was so furious that he didn't notice that Yang Tian's ears were trembling slightly.

At this time, Yang Tian's energy was extremely concentrated, and there were no distracting thoughts in his mind. He could even hear the slight sound of wind around him.

Suddenly! Yang Tian felt a strong wind blowing from his back. He moved his body, and under Xiao Dao's shocked eyes, he took a step slightly out of the way in a strange way, causing Xiao Dao's sharp attack to miss.

The sharp skill of the knife was released, hitting the air and causing a slight muffled sound.

If the sharp knife didn't hit anyone, it would naturally not enter the "attack state", and he would still be in the "invisible state". But Yang Tian had locked his position at this time and kicked out like lightning. He failed to break through the defense and only dealt 1 point of forced damage, but he forced the knife out!

You know, while sneaking, the movement speed of the sharp knife is halved! Now that Yang Tian forced him out, he returned to his peak speed. Does this seem like Yang Tian was a little unwise?

In fact, it's not the case, because if Yang Tian doesn't force the knife sharpness out and the knife sharpness remains invisible, then he will always be passive, which will be even more troublesome!

"Boy, die!" The sharpness of the knife was repeatedly frustrated in Yang Tian's hands. He gradually realized that Yang Tian was a master, which made him a little afraid.

But his hatred for Yang Tian was even greater. He roared and rushed towards Yang Tian without thinking.

Being so impulsive, he didn't even notice that the resentful spirit was moving. He took one step ahead of him and possessed him!

"Tsk, tsk, no one dares to be so arrogant now." Yang Tian smiled disdainfully, waited for a while, and after the bone spear cooled down, he immediately used the bone spear to take away the sharpness of the knife, and then turned to look at the fight with the skeleton captain. black knife.

The strength of the black sword is quite impressive. He is a level 10 warrior and his equipment is very complete.

His attributes in all aspects are only slightly worse than Captain Skeleton, but in a real fight, he has the upper hand. After all, the player's wisdom must be higher than the skeleton.

However, unlike Yang Tian's stance, Heidao was extremely shocked and fearful at this moment.

"Fuck, this is not a skeleton warrior at all, but a skeleton captain, a level 5 elite monster! Muddy water, you can actually summon an elite monster, do you have bronze equipment in your hand?!" A sword knocked the skeleton captain back a step, and the black knife He turned to Yang Tian and shouted.

Bronze equipment corresponds to elite monsters, and some top-quality bronze equipment can indeed temporarily summon elite monsters to assist in combat.

But he didn't know that Captain Skeleton was not a summoned object at all, but an eternal and real existence!

"Haha, so what if I have it, can you kill me?" Yang Tian sneered.

This time, he took the initiative to kill, and he has become famous now. If he is killed, he will drop at least one piece of equipment, and there is even a chance that all the equipment in his body will be exploded! But how could he be killed?

"Wraith Spirit, charge forward!" Yang Tian waved his hand.

The resentful spirit received the order, let out a piercing scream, and flew toward the black knife with its floating body.

"Damn it!" Seeing the resentful spirit coming towards him, Heidao cursed. It would be difficult for him to deal with the skeleton captain alone. If the resentful spirit was added to the mix, he would definitely die.

As soon as he thought about it, he turned around and ran away.

"Idiot, the possession skill of the resentful spirit has a full 5-second cooldown. I used the sharp knife before, but now you are so panicked." Yangtian's mocking laughter sounded from behind, and Heidao's face suddenly became gloomy. He knew he had been tricked and ran away in anger.

The black sword turned around angrily, but met the Skeleton Captain's slash with a swipe, and blood spattered.

Of course, "Taixu" can be set to hide blood, and even the pain can be adjusted, but Yang Tian didn't set it up. What he wanted was this real feeling.

The damage deepens!

Yang Tian immediately added another damage amplification, causing the black knife to receive 50% additional damage. In an instant, he only had a trace of residual health left.

At this moment, Heidao finally panicked, completely lost his will to fight, turned around and ran away frantically.

"Run? It's too late to think of running now." Yang Tian smiled coldly, and when he saw the TP bone spear cooling down, he instantly killed the black knife.

Those squishy players in the back row had long been hacked to death by three skeleton warriors, and the black knife was the one that held on the longest. Now that Black Sword is dead, the so-called Black Sword Alliance will be completely destroyed...

Yang Tian really thought too highly of the Black Knife Alliance before. There were only a few people, so why call them the Black Knife Alliance? It would be more like calling them the Black Knife Team...

System: You maliciously killed the player "Black Knife", the crime value is +1, and the current crime value is 10 points!

System: Congratulations on obtaining the title of [Villain]. You can check it in the title book.

Players with a red name are no longer malicious. A red name is evil. Whether it is an active or passive counterattack, as long as they kill people, their sin points will continue to increase.

1 sin point, red name for 1 hour, and after being killed, imprisoned in the dungeon for 1 hour.

If an ordinary player kills a red-named player, not only will his sin points not increase, but he will also get 1 honor point. Honor points can be used to cleanse sin points. 1 point of honor value can clean 1 point of sin points.

Because of this, the red-named players are like rats crossing the street, and everyone wants to kill them. Especially after the red-named players are killed, at least one piece of equipment will be dropped, and there is even a chance that the whole set of equipment will be dropped, which makes them more likely to be targeted.

Of course, Yang Tian was a god-level assassin in his previous life, and he had many enemies. Killing red-named players was a common occurrence. Now that he is a red-named player, he doesn't care.

Anyway, he has gradually become stronger now, and I'm afraid no one in the entire Dark Moon Village can be his opponent.

[Evil] (Black Iron)

Equipment type: Title

Level 1

Physical attack power +5

Magic attack power +5

Click on the title book and find the evil title. Well, the attributes are very rubbish.

The so-called title book is actually a book specifically used to store titles. There is a lot of space inside, page by page, and I don't know how many titles can be stored.

There are 10 grids on the title book, and up to 10 titles can be placed.

Putting a title into a grid will increase the attribute! In other words, players can wear up to 10 titles, and the attributes of all of them are superimposed, which is not to be underestimated. Especially for some high-level rare titles, the added attributes are very considerable.

Of course, the 10 grids in the title book can also be expanded by doing corresponding tasks in the later stage.

The player's equipment column, consumption column, material column, task column, pet column, gem slot, title grid, these can all be expanded as long as you have the ability.

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