Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 420: Majesty

Xiu Mi was very proud.

He and Liu Yan were jointly responsible for this operation, and the other four people he found happened to be two couples.

Europeans are very open, and under the pressure of death, venting every night is essential.

Six people live together in a small spaceship day and night, two couples, and the other one is a man and a woman. In this environment, for Xiu Mi, it is a rare opportunity for him to be close to Liu Yan.

It must be said that he is very courageous and bold.

In order to pursue a woman, he actually accepted this action with a mortality rate of up to 50%. His sincerity simply moved the world...

"Hi." Liu Yan naturally noticed Xiu Mi's intention and felt disgusted in her heart, but on the surface she still greeted him indifferently.

As a Saint King, she didn't think Xiu Mi would dare to mess with her.

"Dad, wait until I come back." Liu Yan finally said goodbye to her father, and then went up the stairs to the spaceship, and Xiu Mi and others followed closely.

Women are complex and contradictory creatures after all.

It was clearly she who gave Yang Tian the medicine herself, but now at the moment of parting, she began to miss him again.

That crazy longing made her want to escape at all costs, so that her steps began to tremble.

"Liu Yan, now is not the time to regret. Don't worry, if there is any danger, I, Xiu Mi, will protect you with my life!" Xiu Mi made a vow, laughing in his heart that women are women after all, and their hearts are not strong enough. Once they are afraid, they need the embrace of men even more.

With Xiu Mi's reminder, Liu Yan calmed down, immediately gave up unrealistic ideas, walked through the hatch, and came to the spacecraft.

At this time, she widened her eyes - on the other side of her gaze, Yang Tian was sitting on a chair, looking at her with a bright smile.

"You... why..." Liu Yan was surprised and happy, tears flashed in her beautiful eyes, and there was something shiny in them.

"I didn't drink that glass of wine, because if the positions were reversed, I wouldn't let you take risks with me." Yang Tian smiled and opened his arms.

Liu Yan bit her lips tightly, unable to suppress her emotions any longer. She ran over and threw herself into Yang Tian's arms. She laughed and cried, and reached out to beat Yang Tian's back.

Hugh looked at the scene in disbelief, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, as if he had eaten something.

"Hey! Who is he?!" Hugh took off his sunglasses, rushed over and roared at Liu Yan, asking who Yang Tian was.

Yang Tian could understand some simple English, but he couldn't speak it. He said, "It's obvious, idiot."

"I want to duel with you! You shorty are not worthy of Liu Yan at all!" Hugh suddenly said a string of Chinese, although the pronunciation was very unstandard.

"Damn, you can speak Chinese, you dare to call me shorty, you are looking for death." Yang Tian let go of Liu Yan, rolled up his sleeves and was about to challenge Hugh.

Liu Yan hurriedly stopped him, standing between the two of them, and shouted at Xiumi: "Xiumi, Yangtian is my boyfriend, please be a gentleman."

It has to be said that most Europeans are very gentlemanly in the process of courtship, but some rookies are not excluded.

Xiumi is obviously such a rookie.

In Xiumi's view, I risked my life to pursue you, and you didn't appreciate it, and you found a boyfriend in an instant...

This unspeakable sense of frustration once made Xiumi crazy.

In the madness, Xiumi's face was red and his neck was thick, and his qi soared to the maximum value in an instant. A punch containing the power of the Holy King suddenly hit Yangtian's face, and the strong fist wind crushed the air, causing a piercing roar.

Reality is reality, without attributes and any data-based things.

The strength of a life can only be distinguished by "qi".

Feeling such a strong qi, Yangtian knew that the other party was playing for real, his pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately stopped holding back, fighting with full strength, and instantly transformed into a human-shaped bone dragon and punched him.

At that moment, Yang Tian's energy reached its peak without reservation, shocking the whole audience.


The two fists met, accompanied by a crisp sound of bone cracking, and Hugh flew out like a cannonball.

"Wow!" Hugh flew out from the direction of the hatch, and the other four team members exclaimed, and hurriedly evacuated from the trajectory, watching Hugh fly out of the spacecraft in a blink of an eye.

Hugh fell to the ground, spitting blood from his mouth, and his body twitched. And that right arm was completely broken.

Yang Tian followed and rushed to the platform, his cold dragon eyes without a trace of emotion, looking down at Hugh and domineeringly said: "You dare to snatch a woman from me, you are tired of living."

After speaking, Yang Tian dispersed the undead transformation and the dragon transformation, and returned to his original appearance.

At this time, he was pale and felt powerless, so that his body trembled slightly. The sequelae of the weakness of the dragon transformation are really too terrible. The game is like this, and the reality is even worse.

"Quick...quickly close the door, close down!" Yang Tian's prestige lasted only three seconds. With a weak body, he immediately rushed into the hatch.

The four teammates burst into laughter, but at the same time, they also helped Yang Tian close the hatch.

"Hey, that young man just now, I feel so familiar." Under the hatch of the spaceship, Liu Jun saw Yang Tian's true appearance at a certain moment and was slightly surprised.

In fact, when they were very young, Yang Tian and Liu Yan were childhood sweethearts. Although the two families were not neighbors facing each other, they were also in the same community.

However, Liu Jun had not seen Yang Tian for many years. At the moment, he just felt familiar but did not recognize him.

When the rocket started and the transport spacecraft took off, the two missed the opportunity to meet.


Inside the spaceship, there were still six people in the team. Yang Tian accidentally replaced Hugh's position.

"Yang, you are so cool! We in North America appreciate men like you!" A blonde girl with big boobs threw a wink at Yang Tian and uttered a string of English.

Sure enough, not all foreigners can speak Chinese, just like not all Chinese can speak English.

The following communication was inconvenient for Yang Tian. Fortunately, there was a free translator like Liu Yan next to him, so he didn't look so embarrassed.

"Yang, I can't believe that you raised your Qi to a higher level in an instant!"

"Yes, Yang's Qi is slightly stronger than our Immortal Kings, not obviously. After that cool form change just now, the Qi instantly rose to a level that surpassed the Saint King! I can feel that Yang's Qi was much stronger than that guy Xiumi at that time."

"Yang, is that your secret weapon? But it's too short-lived. You know, you only lasted for three seconds just now, and then quickly weakened to the point that I lost interest in you!"



Unlike Xiumi, the other four teammates seemed to be easy to talk to, and Yang Tian quickly got along with them.

Despite some communication barriers, Yang Tian didn't take it seriously and just regarded it as learning English.


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