Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 451 VS Lich King (3)

Under Yang Tian's crazy attack, Xuanyuan Long'er and others soon fell, and countless spoils of war fell below.

Swift Wind Stab!

Yang Tian's offensive continued, riding on an undead warhorse and rushing towards the Lich King. The long spear in his hand spun rapidly, twisting the air and causing terrible airflows, and then stabbed the Lich King fiercely.



As a wave of damage emerged, the Lich King snorted coldly.

Unfortunately, this damage was not as high as expected.

The Lich King is a divine beast, and its defense, protection and even resistance are extremely high. In addition, it is the king of the dark system, and its dark resistance is very high, which greatly weakened Yang Tian's damage. As a result, Yang Tian's Swift Wind Stab, with a combat power of at least hundreds of billions, hit the Lich King, but only caused 2 billion damage, which was weakened by more than a hundred times!

Of course, Yang Tian had anticipated this situation in advance, and he was not surprised at the moment, and continued to attack fiercely.

Undead transformation - Nether Assassin!

Throat slitting!



Heart piercing!

Undead transformation - Skeleton Mage!

Corrosion Black Hole!

Explosive Pyrotechnics!

Cursed Arrows!

Dark Whirlwind!

Undead transformation - Skeleton Archer!

Rain of Arrows!

Armor-piercing Arrows!

Multiple Arrows!

Meteor Arrows!

In a few seconds, Yang Tian continuously switched to various undead forms, and the cumulative damage caused to the Lich King reached more than 20 billion.

However, the Lich King's HP was as high as 2 trillion, and after suffering 20 billion damage, its health bar only dropped by 1%, which was not painful.

On the contrary, the sacred beast Man-eating Grass beside it and the undead army below were all killed instantly.

Yang Tian had been focusing on the Lich King, and did not attack them deliberately, but they could not bear the aftermath of the battle...

"Human, you are the strongest necromancer I have ever seen in my life!" While Yang Tian was focusing his fire crazily, the Lich King also counterattacked at the same time, and in a few moves, Yang Tian's shield lost one trillion strength.

Unfortunately, the Lich King is a necromancer. Like all necromancers, although he can summon an army of undead, his output skills are too few.

The Lich King used up his output skills in a few moves and fell into a long CD gap.

Yang Tian is different. Seriously speaking, he is not a necromancer, but a lord of the undead! If there is no undead transformation, his output skills are also very few.

"It's a pity that your realm is too low, and a mere Saint King dares to challenge me! If I don't kill you today, you don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!" The Lich King roared, ignited ten soul fires above the sky, and then a series of black summoning arrays appeared one after another.

The lich has the blood talent of [Dark Affinity], and the chanting time of all dark attribute skills is greatly shortened.

The Lich King is even more terrifying. From beginning to end, Yang Tian has never seen it chant for half a second, all of them are instantaneous.


Because of the existence of extreme summoning, Yang Tian only needs to chant for 1.5 seconds to summon ten teams of undead at a time.

Of course, Yang Tian wears a blood-sucking staff, and it takes three seconds to chant the extreme summoning.

However, when he chants the extreme summoning, he will first change the magic beads, and the chanting time will be halved directly to 1.5 seconds.

However, the Lich King did not see any chanting, and in an instant he cast ten huge black summoning arrays, and then the dark undead emerged, bringing a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling to the dark sky.

A legion of skeleton warriors, skeleton mages, and skeleton archers at the level of spirit king; a legion of zombies, a legion of werewolves and zombies; a legion of mummies; a legion of headless knights; each legion has 1,000 undeads;

A legion of werewolves and zombies at the level of fairy kings, with 500 undeads;

A legion of black knights and a legion of nether assassins at the level of holy kings, with 100 undeads each.

Yang Tian also has these undeads under the Lich King, but the undeads of the Lich King are more than one level higher than his undeads.

Yang Tian is currently a holy king, and all the black knights he summons are in the sub-fairy realm.

The Lich King is a divine beast, and the black knights he summons are not sub-sages, but directly holy kings!

"My stupid servants, go and let him feel the fear of being dominated by darkness!!" The Lich King opened his hands, embraced the world, and laughed arrogantly above all things.

Immediately, eight armies of the undead attacked Yang Tian from all directions.

The domineering aura that was determined to destroy everything only made Yang Tian's scalp numb.

Under the blessing of the Lich King's attributes, each undead in the undead army had a combat power far beyond his own realm!

"Damn it, let's go! I have blood sucking, what am I afraid of?!" Yang Tian roared, and transformed into a huge bone dragon, and this bone dragon had a layer of shield with a life strength of 6 trillion.

Of course, if it was only a 6 trillion shield strength, it would not be able to stop the attack of this terrifying undead army. It must suck blood to form a stronger shield.

Yang Tian took the lead, and the huge dragon mouth opened and closed, swallowing and spitting out a blue flame, blasting towards the skeleton mage group at ten o'clock.


The dark blue flames whistled past, and the 1,000 skeleton mages were all charred black, and then fell apart and shattered.

With one move, Yang Tian killed 1,000 spirit kings in one second! !

At the same time, 1,000 blood balls popped out and quickly rushed to the bone dragon that Yang Tian transformed into. A strange red light flashed, and the shield refreshed its strength-20 trillion+!

"Damn human, the vitality is obviously very weak, but the scarlet shield is extremely strong." The Lich King snorted coldly, and murderous intent surged in his terrifying eyes.

Yang Tian killed 1,000 spirit king skeleton mages in one move, refreshing the shield strength.

The next moment, another seven undead armies gathered around and focused their fire on the huge bone dragon body, causing a loud explosion that made the earth tremble.

Within a second, Yang Tian was hit by a series of terrifying blows. Although he himself did not lose blood, the scarlet shield on his body quickly dimmed.

At this moment, Yang Tian naturally continued to pay attention to the strength of the shield. At this time, he was shocked to find that the shield, which originally had a life strength of 20 trillion, now only had a life strength of more than 1 trillion.

This is too terrible. If he is distracted for a moment, he will definitely fall.

Black Flame Bomb!

Yang Tianlong opened and closed his dragon mouth again, spitting out a huge black flame, which suddenly hit a group of skeleton warriors, zombies, headless knights and other melee undead in front of him.

This time, because many melee undead had gathered in front of him, although the attack range of the black flame bomb was not as good as the blue flame, it hit more undead, all of them were shattered, turning into countless broken bones, and the rotten corpses fell down. One move killed thousands of undead at the level of spirit king.

Countless blood balls rushed in, once again refreshing Yang Tian's almost blasted shield.

This time, the life strength of the shield generated by blood sucking reached a terrifying 50 trillion!

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