Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 93 King's Cloak

Yang Tian went offline to wash up, and then had breakfast with Lan Yue and the others.

Lan Yue asked the question she wanted to ask before, but didn't because Leng Feng was there: "Yang Tian, ​​are you a hidden profession? I see you're leveling up so slowly?"

"Yeah." Yang Tian nodded casually.

"What hidden profession?" Lan Yue asked curiously. In her opinion, players with hidden professions are all high-end players.

"Undead Overlord is an enhanced version of the Undead Mage." Yang Tian ate the slim meat cooked by Aunt Li, feeling very refreshed, and couldn't help but secretly praised it.

"Is this profession very strong?" Lan Yue asked.

"Yeah..." Yang Tian smiled and said, "If you know how to play, it's really strong."

In fact, whether it's the Undead Mage or the Undead Overlord, as long as you know how to play, they are very strong!

If you don't know how to play, don't know how to match equipment, and can't find a balance point, then it's garbage...


Hidden professions are not considered trump cards. Even if Yang Tian reveals his identity as the Undead Overlord in the game, it doesn't matter.

The real trump card is the exclusive skills of hidden professions, such as undead transformation.

And even the undead transformation, he has been exposed many times.

Is the exposed trump card still a trump card?


Because after Yang Tian's level is increased, he will also obtain various summons, so there are too many options for undead transformation. The enemy never knows which undead he will transform into in the next second...

This is the true meaning of undead transformation! It is basically a growing trump card!


After a quick breakfast, Yang Tian went online immediately.

Yang Tian didn't know that Li Chuang, Sharp Brother and others had begun to search for him in the entire Dark Forest.

He opened the friend list and found that Xiao Fei was not online yet.

"That kid, won't he go to eat three bowls of ramen again?" Yang Tian smiled and opened the mailbox. In just a short while, all his equipment and gems were sold.

Collecting money - it was indeed more than 50,000 silver coins.

What to do with money? Of course, buy, buy, buy...

As for mana, it is difficult for him to stack it now.

Because energy gems are the best for stacking MP, but unfortunately his six gem slots are full. With 50,000 silver coins, at most he can buy a 10th-level high-level energy gem, which will only increase 4,000 MP.

If he replaces a 10th-level intermediate energy gem, it will only increase 2,000 mana.

Spending 50,000 silver coins, equivalent to 110,000 RMB, to stack 2,000 MP, is it too unwise?

"Let's get some speed first." Yang Tian made up his mind. His damage is off the charts now. If he stacks speed, his explosive power will be even more amazing.

And strengthening explosive power is the style passed down from Yang Tian's previous life when he played an assassin.

"If you want speed, buy a cloak." Yang Tian smiled and began to search for cloaks——

[King's Cloak] (Gold Quality)

Level 10

Agility +100

Movement speed +20%

Attack speed +20%

Minimum selling price: 55,555 silver coins

In Taixu, cloaks are rare equipment, and they are harder to drop than other equipment.

The main function of cloaks is acceleration.

However, the wind gem also increases speed.

For example, the effect of a level 10 advanced wind gem is: agility +200 points, movement speed +20%, attack speed +20%!

Wind gems of the same level and grade are more effective than cloaks.

This has led to an awkward market for cloaks...but this is undoubtedly a bargain for Yang Tian.

Because no matter in the past, present, or future, all of Yang Tian's gem slots are reserved for energy gems! !

After all, the secret of the Undead Overlord is the lack of mana, and other attributes have to stand aside.

In other words, if Yang Tian wants to stack speed, cloaks are the best choice, and the price of cloaks is relatively cheap...

With just enough money in hand, Yang Tian decisively bought the King's Cloak, and his speed suddenly soared...

With a snap of his fingers, Yang Tian summoned Xiao Bai to ride on him, preparing to go around Ping An City to the ice and snow plains.

Red name does not restrict you from using the Empire Teleport Stone.

But after entering the main city, all players and NPC guards will be hunted down by all players.

Players are fine, but the NPC guards in the main city are 10 levels higher than the first player in the Empire ranking list by default.

The ranking list of Shenwu Empire, NO1, I am extraordinary, a level 29 elemental mage. So now all the NPC guards in the main cities of Shenwu Empire are level 39, and there are many of them.

Yang Tian will definitely die if he crushes the teleport stone and returns to the city.

In addition, PK is prohibited in the Novice Village. Players in the Novice Village are protected by the system and are invincible by default. PK can't do any damage at all.

All major main cities allow PK!

However, if you kill someone in PK, you will definitely be red-named and will also be hunted down by NPC guards.

Because of this, even if the main city allows PK, ordinary people don't dare to commit suicide.


Yang Tian rode Xiaobai and just ran a distance, but was blocked by an elite group.

"This is Team Five. We have found our target, Hunshui. Coordinates: [0, 0, 1024, 768]!"

Jun Mochou smiled sinisterly and sent a message to their discussion group. He then looked at Yang Tian with a stern look in his eyes, raised his knife and roared: "Kill!"

Yang Tian single-handedly defeated Li Chuang's elite group. His strength must be extraordinary. Jun Mochou did not dare to slack off and led the group to launch a fierce attack.


The army under Jun Mochou roared together, and rushed towards Yangtian with Jun Mochou.

Yangtian snapped his fingers coldly and summoned Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin roared, causing metal cracking sound, which hurt everyone's eardrums. Xiao Jin directly smashed through the road and knocked away a straight line of people, causing those people to die in mid-air.

Yangtian controlled Xiaobai to jump high and keep up with Xiaojin's pace. Soon, Jun Mochou's team was far away.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that black-robed berserker? If it's a player, how could Hunshui summon it? Is it a humanoid pet?!" Jun Mochou looked at the backs of Yangtian and the others in shock.

"Boss, I seem to have seen the face of the black-robed berserker just now. It's a golden skull face!" said one of Jun Mochou's younger brothers.

"Golden skull?" Jun Mochou touched his chin.

He knew that the skeleton commanders were only white skulls, and the golden skulls... lord level? !

Lord's war pet? !


If it is really a lord's war pet, it will definitely be the No. 1 on the pet list, but the No. 1 on the pet list is only at the leader level.

"Hiss... Could it be..." Jun Mochou suddenly thought of something, and his face became extremely ugly.


Not long after, Li Chuang, Brother Xili and others came with a team.

"Where is the person? Damn, he ran away again?!" Li Chuang saw that Jun Mochou's team was missing some people, and he immediately understood and cursed.

"A Chuang, you are in trouble." Jun Mochou said with a dark face.

"What's wrong?" Brother Xili asked, and Li Chuang also felt confused.

"Do you know that the boss of Tiansha cooperates with someone? We Tianmen provide inferior bones and rough bones, and that person is responsible for making skeletons and skeleton soldiers." Jun Mochou said.


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