Super God

Chapter 1083: This guy is really acting



In the boundless dark environment, the wind screamed, thunder and thunder, and an eerie breath filled the surroundings.

Feiyang is like a lone boat, floating in the vast sea.


A strange wind blowing, accompanied by a disgusting breath, made Yun Fei on the bow slightly frown.

"Unexpectedly, this second dark area was so gloomy."

"call out!"

At this moment, the oncoming winds penetrated the sea and eroded Yunfei's soul.

"Not on your own."

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly, and immediately turned the purple lotus industry fire in Dantian to make it enveloped the whole body.

After contacting the eerie breath with Zilian Yehuo, he was suddenly evaporated and met an absolute nemesis.


Yun Feiyang raised his hand, and the purple lotus industry emerged, turning into a purple lotus shape.

In the endless darkness, the divine light resembles the light of fireflies, but it purifies the eerie breath, making the latecomers afraid of coming close.

It didn't take long for Feiyang to travel out of this area and appear in the universe.

Yun Feiyang said helplessly: "Where is the tree of the world?"

no way.

Can only go to the next dark area.


There are six unknown dark areas in the extreme east of Little God Realm.

Yun Feiyang drove the Feiyang, and entered the dark areas of the third and fourth films to find.

"There are only two areas left unexplored." Stopped at the edge of the fifth area, Yun Feiyang murmured.

He did not intend to go in because, after exploring the two areas, he encountered considerable obstruction.

At this moment, he is a little weak, and he needs to enter Feiyang Mainland to recuperate for a while, and then prepare to explore this place.


Yun Feiyang, who was about to integrate into the mainland, suddenly frowned, because behind him, he slowly came to a warship.

The battleship had a similar physique to the Feiyang, and there were many nicks and scratches on the ship's wall, as if it had gone through a war.

"What a coincidence."

Yun Feiyang raised his lips, and a gloomy smile appeared.

The embarrassed warship was the Yaoyang, and the marauder on the ship was Kuiwulin. He had taken another route before and broke into two dark areas and encountered many dangers.

Although he finally got out of trouble, the warship was damaged and he was injured.


"There is a warship ahead, and from a physical point of view, it is at least three or more!"

A man found the Feiyang.

Kui Wulin, who was sitting on the sidelines, opened his eyes and said, "Unexpectedly, I will meet my colleagues here."

"Boss, do we want to get close, exchange treasures for energy."

Hand down.

Traveling from the dark area, the Yaoyang consumes a lot of energy, which is not enough to support the return to the Lingwu Realm. Among the predators, there is such a rule of meeting in the universe and replacing supplies with treasures.


Kui Wulin Road.


Drive the Yaoyang line.

Yun Feiyang, who stood on the bow of the ship, clenched his fists in both hands, shook his shoulders and said, "Dare to lean over and find death!"


From the beginning, the two ships gradually pulled closer.

Kui Wulin's Yuan Nian finally extended to this.


When he saw the man standing on the battlefield, his expression changed and said: "Yunfei Yang!"

"how is this possible!"

"Isn't he already killed by Ye Minghui, why is he here!"

Kui Wulin's brain is a bit out of hand.

He even wondered if he had entered the dark area and was disturbed by the eerie breath, causing an illusion!


At this moment, the men clearly saw the warship from the light curtain and exclaimed: "It's a third-class warship!"


"Yes... it's Yunfeiyang!"

His men also saw the heroic man standing on the bow of the ship, his eyes were horrified, as if hell!

"You see it too?"

Kui Wulin's eyes froze.

The guy was also found under his own hands, and this is by no means an illusion caused by a strange breath!

it is true!

Yun Feiyang didn't die!

Although I don't know why the guy is still alive, Kui Wulin laughed: "Hahaha, catch this guy, you can still get a reward!"

"Speed ​​up, don't let him run!"


The Yaoyang suddenly speeded up, heading towards the Feiyang, and Kui Wulin walked out, bursting out of breath.

Although hurt, it was easy to catch Yun Feiyang.

"Boss, this guy seems to have found us, but shows no signs of running away."


Kui Wulin sneered: "This son is very arrogant, maybe think that he can fight me."

The men smiled and said, "A void is completely consummated, and you dare to fight with your boss like a supreme mid-term battle. There must be something wrong with your brain."

"When the boss shot, the guy was only abused!"

Another laughed.

These people's understanding of Yun Feiyang still stays in the great consummation of the Nether Realm. As everyone knows, he has reached the Ninefold of the God Realm.



The Yaoyang was approaching, only a thousand feet away from the Feiyang.

This distance is already very close to Kui Wulin. Even if the guy runs, there is no chance!

"call out!"

Kui Wulin showed off his body and flew away.

The breath of the midst of the Supreme Realm suddenly broke out without reservation.


This is to use a powerful state to let Yun Feiyang understand how weak he is in front of the real strong!

"Boss is mighty!"

The men on the warship showed deep admiration.

Becoming a member of the Yaoyang, followed by a supreme mid-level and third-grade marauder, is a great honor for them in these voids.

Today I will also witness how the boss captured a prey worth 50 million spirit stones!


That guy is weak.

But returning to the Lingwu Realm, you can blow it in front of other warriors!


Kui Wulin hangs over the Feiyang.

He looked down at Yunfeiyang, like a **** above.


"Dare to kill the predators of the Lingwu Realm, really eat the bear heart leopard gall, today the Supreme, will capture you!"

Yun Feiyang raised his head and said lightly: "Noisy."

"Fuck, this fake is so real!"

"In my opinion, he must be calming down in the pretense, but in fact he has already been breathed out by the old man, and he was frightened!"

"The boss hates this kind of pretending person the will definitely abuse him!"


Kui Wulin showed his anger.

He raised his hand, and the force of the pure dragon coagulated quickly.


"You are dead, the Supreme Master takes the corpse to go and can also receive a bounty."


Between the speeches, the condensed power of the real dragon turned into a mountain with a thick and breathy atmosphere, which completely enveloped the Feiyang.

"Zhenshan tactics!"

"The boss actually directly used the high-level martial arts!"

The men were excited.

Although they can't infer the strength from the mountains formed by martial arts, they can also infer that they have at least reached the strength of one hundred thousand true dragons!

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