Super God

Chapter 1108: Merit Pavilion

The first light curtain Yun Feiyang saw was called meritorious martial arts.

There are at least dozens of martial arts above, from the lowest yellow level to the highest sky level!

of course.

To get these martial arts, you need to redeem the corresponding merit points.

A book of the lowest-order Huang-level initial martial arts requires five points of merit, and the most expensive heaven-level martial arts requires 10,000 points!

Although Yun Feiyang knows nothing about the battlefield outside the territory, he can still judge that the so-called merit points should be the merit medals he brought.

"This little friend."

At this moment, a kind-hearted old man on the counter beckoned at him and smiled, "Is this the first time you have come to a foreign battlefield?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

The old man took out a book and put it on the table: "This is the manual of the extraterritorial battlefield. The rules described above are very useful for novices like you."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang came and took it when he reached out.

The old man hurriedly pulled over the manual and extended a finger: "It takes a little merit to redeem."

"How to change?"

Yun Feiyang asked.

The old man took out a compass and said: "Place your merit card on it."

Yun Feiyang did as he did, and placed the merit badge on it, only to see the streamer flashing, and the originally engraved'Ten' was changed to'Nine'.

The old man handed the merit card along with the extraterritorial battlefield manual to Yun Feiyang, saying: "Little friends, if you get enough merit, you can come to the old and exchange for what you want."


Yun Feiyang packed the two things, turned and walked to the lobby lounge, and began to carefully read the manual of the extraterrestrial battlefield.

The first page is an index of books. He immediately followed the index and turned to the introduction page of merit points.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the merit card obtained from the formation method is the merit point. The merit card held by the warrior is calculated based on the array method to give the initial merit points.

There are four levels in the body shaping phase, bone quenching phase, heart refining phase, and crushing realm: one point, two points, three points, and four points.

The four stages of True Dragon Period, Kaiqiao Period, Biyuan Period, and Void Reality are five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, and eight o'clock respectively.

There are four levels of the glimpse of the sky, the sect period, the Nirvana period, and the God of Perfection, which are nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, and twelve o'clock.

"My merit card is ten points. It seems that the formation is based on my strength in the return period."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

The latter is recorded in the Supreme Realm. Obviously, the initial merit points of the warriors who have reached this level have gradually expanded to the God Realm.

For example, at the beginning of the Supreme, there are 20 o'clock, mid-term and later, and the Supreme Consummation, which are forty, sixty, and one hundred!

Tianzunjing's initial score is higher.

Five hundred points in the early days of Tianzun, one thousand points in the middle days of Tianzun, two thousand points in the later days of Tianzun, and five thousand points in Tianzun!

"Huh." Yun Fei said: "If you kill two Tianzun Dzogchen, you can directly exchange for a Heavenly Martial Skill."


"It's too difficult."

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

Tianzun Great Consummation at this level corresponds to the peak strength of the year when he was the God of War. It was impossible to kill him.

After reading the introduction of meritorious service, Yun Feiyang continued to read, and finally understood that if the two realms are at war, there will be two initial bases.

One is Mad City.

The second is Tianxiong City.

The two cities, each controlled by two circles, are the base camps where the warriors gather and exchange points, and the enemy cannot enter.

To get merits, you need to go out of the city, go to the battlefield of life and death, and fight with the enemy warriors, so as to obtain merit medals and earn merit points.

of course.

There are very strict rules for the achievement of merit points. Those who are too high, wantonly rob low-level warriors, and cannot get them.

For example, the supreme strongman, if you want to get points, you must grab the merits from the warriors above the magical realm, and only one point for grabbing a warrior who sees the sky.

To get the normal merit points of the other party, they must be in the same big realm or stronger than yourself.

Low-level warriors are not subject to this restriction, as long as they grab the merit card and carry points on it, they will belong to themselves.

Take Yunfeiyang for example.

After he entered the formation, he was judged to have nine points in the reign period, and gave him 10 points to gain merits. He could only find warriors above the void.

If you go to the Warrior of the Broken Realm and kill more, you will not give any merit.

The rules of merit formulated by the True Martial Art Realm have effectively avoided some martial arts, opportunistically, seek out the low-level martial arts to kill.

It is precisely because of the level restriction regulations that the warrior wants to get 10,000 points of merit and redeem it for Heaven-level martial arts. It is very difficult!

of course.

It's not that nobody has done it.

In each battle, there will always be a few powerful warriors who will earn 10,000 points in exchange for the martial arts skills.

"Tianzun level strong, I have no ability to kill. It seems that I can only start with the warriors in the two realms of God Realm and Supreme Realm."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

"In the early days of killing a Supreme, give 20 points and get 10,000 points, which is to kill 500."

Only five hundred?

This is to be heard by the warriors of the two realms, and they will definitely vomit blood directly. After all, there are no more than 500 Supreme Masters participating in the war this time!


Yun Feiyang put away the extraterritorial battlefield manual and began to look at other light curtains.

The second light curtain is the merit medicine, which is similar to the merit martial arts. There are four kinds of immortality medicine in the world.

The difference is that immortality medicine is relatively cheaper than martial arts. For example, the most expensive celestial medicine is only 5,000 points.

"The above elixir has no special features. It does not matter whether it is exchanged or not." Yun Feiyang looked at the third light curtain.

The third light curtain is relatively cool.

The above are all weapons, down to the yellow level, up to the high quality of the level, and the required merit points are the same as the martial arts.

"The two of martial arts and weapons are particularly important for martial artists, so if you want to exchange them, you have to exchange them." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Keep reading.

Other light curtains, meritorious herbs, meritorious armor, and even meritorious attributes!

The attributes listed on the merits are some very rare heaven and earth attributes, such as Netherfire, such as rock and soil, and also like Purple Thunder!

of course.

The required merit points are also very high.

For example, the rare thunder property of Purple Thunder, the points to be exchanged require 5,000 points, which is equivalent to the price of half-level martial arts and weapons.


Yun Feiyang said with emotion: "This merit cabinet is really a huge treasure trove of everything."

He looked again at another light curtain, and that was a stone of merit, and all of them listed were very rare ores.

Yun Feiyang glanced at them one by one, his eyes locked on the strange stone named ‘Taixu Shenshi’, and his face appeared excited.

Taixu Platinum Battlegear.

It is made of Taixu God Stone. With this stone, the damaged armor can be completely repaired to restore the style of the artifact.

No wonder Yun Feiyang will be so excited after seeing Taixu Shenshi!


The merit points required for this thing are three thousand!

"Three thousand is not much." Yun Feiyang shook his fist and said: "The first thing I exchanged is it!"

With that said, he turned and walked out of the Gongxun Pavilion, and went towards the layman of the maddening city, planning to kill the martial warriors of the Lingwu world while earning merit points while looking for the suzerain!

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