Super God

Chapter 1125: Innate 5 lines!

Real fire, decayed wood, backwater, fierce gold, and earth.

The five innate and five-element attributes are condensed in Yun Feiyang's body. After such a long period of repression, they have no intention of resistance.

"The achievement of the congenital five elements is today."

Yun Feiyang's eyes opened, and his thoughts moved.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The five innate and five-element attributes quickly rotate in front of him, and the five colors gradually merge into one, forming a colorful streamer.


The streamer is constantly expanding, completely covering Yun Feiyang, and he is frantically absorbed.

at the same time.

The breath of advancement to Nirvana period is no longer inspiring, and is perfectly integrated with the innate five elements.

"call out!"

In the streamer, the real fire attribute is separated.

Melted into Yunfeiyang's body, entrenched in Dantian, juxtaposed with the true dragon core.


The real fire coiled into a vortex, gradually restrained, and turned into a pure fire core.

This is the innate fire spirit.

It also means that Yun Feiyang now has a body of innate fire spirit!

Strictly speaking.

Now Yun Feiyang can be regarded as a fire martial artist, because the previous ground fire is only stored in the spiritual core, and it is not separated separately!

"call out!"

In the streamer, the fierce metal is integrated into the body, condensing in the fire core in a spiral shape, and finally turned into a gold core.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang already has the innate golden spirit body, the true golden warrior!

"call out!"

In the streamer, the reverse water properties are separated and integrated into the body to become a water core.

Congenital water spirit body, condensed!

"call out!"

"call out!"

The decayed wood and the soil are successively entered. Like the previous three attributes, the wood core and the soil core are condensed separately.

Innate wood spirit body!

Innate earth spirit body!


The five congenital five elements are transformed into spiritual cores and condensed in the Dantian. Yun Feiyang is equivalent to having five congenital bodies.


Not the end!

Because, what Yun Feiyang will do next is to integrate the five elements and truly shape the innate five elements!


Yun Feiyang drank in his heart.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The five spiritual nuclei spin up quickly and gradually merge into one, turning into a multicolored light energy nuclei.

This is the Five Elements Spirit Core.

Foreshadowed, Yun Fei has converged the warrior of the congenital five elements body from the five elements of God Realm!

It was at this time.

The kind of promotion momentum that always broke out finally stopped.

Yun Feiyang opened his eyes, flashing over Jingmang.


A strong breath broke out.


Yun Fei raised his arms, clenched his fists, and his powerful strength spread all over the meridians stronger than before.

He smiled and said: "Nirvana period!"


Flying across the mainland from all directions, madly pouring into the rich five-element attribute, penetrating Yunfeiyang's body.

This is the advantage of the congenital five-element body. Even if it is not absorbed, the five-element attribute can be pulled by itself.


Yun Feiyang does not need to run the anti-sky formula to extract, as long as the five element attributes are integrated into the five element spirit core, you can ingest the essence.

What does this stand for?

Representative, Yun Feiyang is now absorbing the five-element attribute all the time and condensing it into the essence to strengthen himself.

Adversity can also do this, but somehow it needs to be run in order to absorb the attributes of heaven and earth without interruption.

just now.

This step is eliminated.

Even if he sleeps every day and does not practice every day, under the self-absorption and refining of the Five Elements Spirit Core, it will continue to grow stronger.

The body of the congenital five elements is worthy of being the most powerful among many constitutions.

of course.

Self-absorption and refining are just the most common among the many benefits of the congenital Five Elements.

To say the toughest.

Or after condensing the body of the congenital five elements, self-absorption and refining for the first time brought huge benefits to Yunfeiyang's realm.


The promotion momentum is emerging!

After a while, Yunfeiyang's realm broke through from the Nirvana period to the second.


After a while, the realm went from double to triple!


The fourfold Nirvana period!


Five levels of Nirvana!

In just one hour, Yun Feiyang rose from the Nirvana period to the Fifth Nirvana period!


Because this is the Five Elements Spirit Core, when the attributes of the Five Elements were refined for the first time, the state and strength were promoted.

In the past, Yun Feiyang had only one true dragon core, and all attributes and strengths were stored in it.

Today, there is an additional five-element spirit core and an additional five-element power!

Feeling the five-level realm of the Nirvana period and the power of the newly born five elements, Yun Feiyang grinned.

Once, he envied Shepherd Luo and took an improved breakthrough pill, which had several weights in a row, and now it appears on himself, it feels so cool!

of course.

This cool, just short-lived.

An additional five-element spirit core is added. Although Yun Feiyang's strength soars and its strength is stronger, as a price, the breakthrough is higher and the difficulty will only be greater!

"As long as the strength is stronger, it doesn't matter if the realm rises slowly." Yun Feiyang secretly said.


Inside Iron Bone City.

When Yun Feiyang's promotion momentum calmed down completely, Lin Zhixi and other women finally breathed a sigh of relief.

these years.

Although Yun Feiyang often accompanies them, he is also very worried that he will be too attached to the lives of ordinary people and will never stop.

It seems now.

I think too much.

He, the heart that wants to become stronger, exists from beginning to end, and will not be completely destroyed by the lives of ordinary people.

"Brother Feiyang, become stronger again!"

Luo Mu and others are also very excited.

They couldn't wait to go to the Feiyang, quietly waiting for Yun Feiyang to test their strength, and hit them hard.


A moment later, Yun Feiyang appeared in the test room. When he just walked in, Luo Mu and Yunli and others felt a stronger breath.


Yun Fei Yang stood in front of the test stone, with great enthusiasm!

"Roman Monkey, guess how strong this time he can play?" Yunli said.

Luo Mu shook his head: "Can't guess."

It's not that I can't guess, but I dare not guess. After all, Yun Feiyang's strength after every breakthrough made him unexpected.


Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly Right handed fist, slammed towards the test stone, but listening to the sound of "Bang", dense numbers appeared on it.

After seeing this number, Luo Mu and Yunli almost did not stand firm and sat down on the ground.

Because, Yun Feiyang punched a real dragon with a figure of 6.85 million!

No wonder Luo Mu and Yunli will not stand up. After all, the last time I witnessed Yun Feiyang test his strength, the punch he punched was only 250,000.

of course.

After breaking through to the ninth Zhonggui period, Yun Feiyang once tested it, and his strength was 1.1 million.

Nowadays, it is really terrible to enter the Nirvana period with five weights and to exert six times higher power than before.

If you then fight against an opponent like the Five Elements Supreme, you will absolutely kill it.

Yun Feiyang murmured: "I don't know, all kinds of cards broke out. Now, can I overcome the early days of Tianzun?"

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