Super God

Chapter 1230: provocative

Are you Xuan Jiuzhong?

A few words, extremely loud, passed on the Shanggan Dan Palace, making everyone look surprised.

This guy, dare to call Xuan Gongzi's name? Moreover, Erlang's legs were tilted.

Too arrogant!

In the minds of the younger generation in the pharmaceutical world, geniuses like Xuan Jiuzhong are unattainable peaks, and they can only look up, not blasphemy.

You may also know this, so Yun Feiyang smiled on her face, with a sarcasm.

A hypocrite, who steals the flames of others, has a face that is admired and respected.

Yan Sanxing was a little stunned, thinking that this son was brave enough to dare to talk to the chief disciple of Shendan League in this way.


In the distance, the wine Banxian took a sip of wine and grinned: "There will be a good show."

"This guy……"

Qiu Yishui kept his head down, but in his heart was helpless: "It's too chaotic."

She does not deny that Yun Feiyang is very strong, but now he is very unwise to provoke Xuan Jiuzhong.

"How can you call Xuan Gongzi's name casually!" a Tianzun in the air sneered.

Yun Feiyang is still sitting on the Dan stage, the smile on his face is thicker, the smile is very uncomfortable.


Zun was angry that day, so he had to go and teach this ignorant junior.

Xuan Jiuzhong raised his hand, instructed him not to be impulsive, and then smiled: "Yes, I am Xuan Jiuzhong, is your Excellency?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "You are not qualified, know my name."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was ignorant.

Dan Wu genius, the strongest in the pharmaceutical industry, is not qualified to know his name. What an arrogance and arrogance!

"Damn, this guy is so easy!"

"Isn't there a congenital true fire? Compared with Xuan Gongzi's chaotic fire, **** is not!"

Many young admirers couldn't help but glared at Yunfei, with the urge to eat him with their eyes.

Xuan Jiuzhong frowned.

The few Tianzun next to them were unbearable, one by one angrily glaring at Yunfei.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "Want to hit me?"


Many Dan people are completely speechless.

They haven't seen it before. In front of several Tianzun strong men, how can they be so arrogant?

Do not.

This is not arrogance, this is death!

That's right, if Yun Feiyang didn't die, he wouldn't be God Realm of War, and he wouldn't be the Sect Sect Master.

Yun Feiyang waved and said, "Want to hit me, just come."

Yan Sanxing's mouth twitched.

I thought, this kid, is there a problem with his mind?

Jiu Banxian saw Yun Fei's arrogant and arrogant posture, and his smile was thicker.

Yun Feiyang was so provocative, as long as the few Tianzuns in the air were tempered, they would definitely be intolerable.

"Son, I will teach this arrogant boy."

Tian Zun said angrily at the beginning.

However, Xuan Jiuzhong shook his hand and said, "There are still important things to do, and no time will be lost."

He looked at Yun Feiyang and smiled: "Friend, come to Japan and grow up, maybe, we can meet again."

"Master Yan Palace."

Xuan Jiuzhong rushed to Yan San provincial road: "The juniors leave first."


As soon as the words fell, the people flew away, and the five Tianzun stared at Yun Fei with hate, and then followed.

"Xuan Gongzi really generous!"

"If you change to me, you must unload this kid."

After Xuan Jiuzhong and others left, the present Dan whispered and admired Xuan Jiuzhong very much.

Of course, it is inevitable to treat Yun Feiyang with a stupid gaze.

You're lucky, boy, when you meet the kind-hearted Xuan Gongzi and change to someone else, you are dead now.

Ignoring the cold eyes of everyone, Yun Feiyang leaned on his chin and secretly said: "I'm so provocative and I can bear it. This person is not simple."

Yi Yunfei's current strength is not afraid of any Tianzun, even five, so he dares to challenge Xuan Jiuzhong.

The purpose is also temptation.

But this Xuan Jiuzhong, in the face of provocation, indifferent, but made Yun Feiyang surprised.

A genius.

Especially the strongest in the pharmaceutical industry.

In the eyes of everyone, being so provocative and ridiculed, he can remain calm and smile, either stupid or deep-minded.

Xuan Jiuzhong is obviously not stupid.

So, that is to say, his mentality is deep, and he is good at forbearance. Such a person is the most terrible.

Yun Feiyang laughed and said: "It's fun to bully such a genius, it's interesting."


"Son, why don't you let me wait to kill the boy." Thousands of miles away from Shanggan Dan Palace, a Tianzun man who fell in the forest was very unhappy.

If it wasn't for Xuan Jiuzhong to block, then he would have rushed down at that time and wiped out the **** kid.

"It's easy to kill him."

Xuan Jiuzhong said: "But you can't do it in Shanggan Dan Palace, otherwise you will disturb the wine half fairy."

Speaking of Jiu Banxian, several Tianzun's faces suddenly changed, and they finally understood why the son had to be patient.


Someone said unpleasantly: "If Shanggan Dan Palace had wine half fairy, my **** pill union could easily ruin."

Xuan Jiuzhong said lightly: "Since the kid was placed at the front, it must have been valued by the Shanggan Dan Palace. According to the regulations of this gate, the new entry Dan will enter the Dandi Valley after three months."

One Tianzun said: "The son means, kill that kid in Dandi Valley?"

Xuan Jiuzhong smiled and said: "If you humiliate me, you can survive."


A Tianzun volunteered to ask: "I will go to Dandi Valley now and wait for the kid to appear."

Xuan Jiuzhong said lightly: "Don't reveal your identity."


On that day, the Zunshen method was applied and went to Dandi Valley.

Xuan Jiuzhong thought slightly and said, "Qian Feng, you go too."

Tian Zun, who was called Qian Feng, said, "Son, Li Shang is enough to deal with a stinky little guy, right?"

Xuan Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "I always feel that the kid is not simple, and I will be relieved when you two go together."


Qian Feng immediately chased past.

The other three Tianzun shook their heads. The son sent two Tianzuns with such care, and really gave the boy face.

Xuan Jiuzhong said: "Let's go."


Shanggandan Palace.

After the elders announced, the interrupted Danby officially began.

Before the alchemy, the contestants looked at Yun Feiyang, without the envy in their eyes, but a little bit more hatred.

Inside the Several elders were also very dissatisfied with Yun Feiyang's arrogance just now, and are talking about it at the moment.

"Palace, this kid is too crazy. If I enter the palace of Gandan, I'm afraid it will be difficult to settle."

"Although Xuan Jiuzhong left with grace, he may have remembered him. If he learns that this son has joined my sect, he may come to trouble that day."

Several elders were very worried, and Yan Sanxing was also quite tangled, frowning and thinking.


Suddenly, a hot wave of fire came from the outside, and its intensity made everyone in the temple stunned.


They collectively looked in the direction where the heat was floating, and they saw Yun Fei standing on the Dantai, and they had summoned the flames.


The elders startled: "Earthfire!"

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