Super God

Chapter 1236: Brother? Uncle Shi?

Zhen Deshuai was defeated.

Dan didn't make it, he lost completely.

He was arrogant and arrogant, and it was difficult for him to accept such an ending, so a spur of blood spurted out and the man passed out.

Yan Sanxing and the elders looked at Yun Fei in shock.

"It's Mandan again, perfect quality!"

"This kid is terrible!" Everyone was dumbfounded at the ten perfect pills.

Qiu Yishui's pretty face raised a smile.

Unexpectedly, this guy can refining a real product in a very short time by relying on innate real fire.

The demon is well deserved.

Jiu Banxian grinned: "Good student, your performance is okay."

The contestants on the high stage and the spectators under the high stage are also envious and admired!


In just over a day, Yun Feiyang will be refined from Zhaoling Zhendan, which not only made the arrogant Zhen Deshuai spit blood and faint, but also won the first place without accident.

Participants knew that they had no ability to pass him, they could only adjust their mentality, and began to practice alchemy, trying to squeeze into the top ten.

After a few days of competition, nine other Dandao geniuses successfully refined the panacea and declared the end of Danby.

Feng Ming, who entered the top ten, naturally leaned over after Danby and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Brother Yun, won the first!"

"Tong Xi, Tong Xi."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Feng Ming scratched his head and said, "In the future, we will all practice Dandao in the Shanggan Dan Palace. When that happens, we will ask Brother Yun to take care of it."

Yun Feiyang laughed and said nothing.


Upper Gandan Palace, the main hall.

Dan Dao genius, who won the top ten among Danby, walked in under the guidance of the elders. To be exact, there were eleven people. The fainting Zhen Deshuai was also carried in.

Although this person has lost, but his strength is obvious to all, so the palace will definitely close.

Yan Sanxing and many elders were seated in place, unsmiling, and the atmosphere was very calm.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "The top leaders of these first-class sects have quite a fan."

After a long battle, he turned a blind eye to the powerful breath of Yan Sanxing and others.

Nine people, including Feng Ming and Xiao Yan, were frightened and frightened. They stood still and did not dare to raise their heads.

Seeing Yun Feiyang's face, Yan Sanxing did not change his color, and secretly praised: "This son's state of mind is very strong."


He cleared his throat and said, "Will you wait to pass through Danby, would you like to stay in me to go to Gandan Palace to practice Dandao?"


The genius of Zhongdan Dao said in unison.

When I came to Shanggancheng to participate in Danby, it was to enter a stronger sect to improve Dandao. How could I not be willing?

Ten people, nine are willing.

Only Yun Feiyang didn't speak, Yan Sanxing asked: "Yun Feiyang, what about you?"

"I have a request."

Yun Fei said.


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Brother, you are very good, but Shanggandan Palace is a first-class sect, masters are like a cloud, it is good to accept you, and talk about requirements?

Yan Sansheng Road: "What requirements?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "I will not leave my sect door and enter the Qiandan Palace."

Yan Sansheng laughed and said: "My palace recruits Dandao geniuses, aimed at cultivating, and will not force you to leave the original sect."

In fact, Yun Feiyang also listened to Qiu Yishui, but when he asked this question, he also asked for proof, and after receiving the reply, he said, "There is another request!"


Everyone collapsed.

Yan Sansheng still smiled and said: "What requirements?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I have a female dependent, and I hope that the Shanggan Dan Palace can also be accommodated."


Yan San Provincial Highway.

Feng Ming and others secretly shook their heads.

They have seen it, Yun Feiyang's previous performance has been recognized by the palace master, otherwise, it will not be so good to talk.


Dandao talents, the treatment is different.

Both requirements were met, Yun Feiyang was very satisfied, and said: "I am Yun Feiyang, and I am willing to stay in Shanggan Dan Palace to practice Dan Dao."

brush! brush! brush!

As soon as the voice fell, many elders standing in front stood up. This move made Yun Fei stunned and instinctively alert.

"what's the situation?"

Feng Ming and others were also stunned.

Yan Sanxing also stood up. He arched his hand towards Yun Fei and smiled: "See Brother Yun."

"See Brother Yun."

Many elders also respectfully said.

The disciples standing in the hall were in unison: "See Uncle Yun!"

Feng Ming and others next to him were dumbfounded, and then looked towards Yunfei together, their eyes flashing and shocked.

Yun Feiyang was also confused.

Brother Yun? Uncle Yun?

Which one is it!

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, a laugh came from inside the hall, and a old man walked in from outside.

"It's him!"

Yun Feiyang recognized at a glance that this person was the one who had previously practiced his own apprenticeship and pretended to be the twelfth-ranked Pixin Dandi's wine half fairy!

"See too elders."

Yan Sansheng and many elders respectfully said.

Too elder?

Yun Feiyang looked stunned.

Feng Ming et al.'s face changed abruptly. They knew that there was only one surviving elder in the Shanggan Dan Palace, not only possessing the power of the 12th-ranking Dan King, but also a half-cent power.

It is said that because of the existence of human beings, even the first-class sect, they dare not offend. This is a legend. I didn’t expect to witness it today. It’s a lucky three life!

Jiu Banxian stopped in front of Yun Feiyang and grinned: "Tu'er, you should understand now, why did they call you Brother?"

Just... just children?

Feng Ming almost didn't stand still, one stumbled to the ground.

Oh my God! This guy turned out to be an apprentice who is too elder in Shanggandan Palace. No wonder the master of the first palace should honor his brother, and all his disciples should call him uncle!


Jiu Banxian was a disciple of Shanggan Dan Palace. Although he did not take over as the master of the palace, he was also a great elder. After another generation, he became too elder.

In terms of seniority, he is one generation higher than Yan Sansheng and two generations higher than all disciples.

Yun Feiyang is an apprentice of the wine half fairy, so naturally, he is the same as the master of the palace and the uncle of the disciples.

"No, the palace owner and the elders should call me brother, not brother." Yun Feiyang puzzled.

In his cognition, brothers and brothers generally depend on the order of entry. Although they are too elder disciples, they have only been worshipping for a month.

Jiu Banxian said: "Tu'er, I am the former elder of Shanggan Dan Palace. They are the other elders in the three provinces."

"According to the regulations of the Dan Palace ~ ~ the elder disciple is the largest of his peers, regardless of the order of entry."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang understood, but shook his head secretly.

Came here to practice Dan Dao, and somehow became the palace master and many elder brothers, this status is really a bit big.

"No!" Suddenly, Yun Fei said: "I am a disciple of Ling Danzong, not a disciple of Shanggan Palace!"

He finally thought of this, but he was ready to ask, but the wine half fairy had disappeared.

Looking at the house arranged for himself, Yun Fei twitched his mouth and said, "Is this old man's routine again?"

"Brother Yun...Uncle Yun!" At this moment, Feng Ming walked in from the outside and said, "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Several other Dan Dao geniuses who had just entered the Shanggan Dan Palace also came to congratulate them. Obviously, it is necessary to stunt this uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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