Super God

Chapter 1280: Admiral, Arina

Yun Feiyang's back soil can be explored far from the soil. As long as the mineral veins are found, even if there are elite soldiers guarding, there is no fear of looting.

Just one month.

He robbed six ore veins, wounded many elite soldiers, and obtained hundreds of thousands of tricolor holy stones.

Since then, within a thousand miles, the troops of the Jing nationality stationed in the ore veins were angry and worried.

"I heard that the Ghost Race has been rampant recently, and has robbed several mine veins of my Jing Clan in a row."

"It must have been from the family of the Baili family!"

"It's so annoying!"

"You can't let them be so arrogant, blast out the ghost warriors in the city!"

In all the cities, many warriors of the Jing race were very upset, and they developed extreme resistance, and began to target the warriors of the ghost race.

For a time.

Many ghost races were expelled, and even evolved into big hits, and the ‘friendship’ of the two races gradually developed a crack.

The culprit leading to the emergence of the contradiction between the two communities, Yun Feiyang is integrating into the Feiyang mainland, madly absorbing the three-color holy stone.

After absorbing more than 100,000 pieces, his three realms have broken through to the broken realm.

"No, it's too slow."

Yun Feiyang was dissatisfied, and then came up with an idea, that is, the integration of the three.

"A three-color sacred stone contains three attributes, each of which contains three spiritual nuclei."

"If you can combine them into one, cultivate one, and drive the other two, obviously the speed will be faster."

When I think about it, Yun Feiyang sits down immediately, runs the anti-tian tactics, and conducts three integrations.

Ordinarily, he who experienced the integration of Mowu and the fusion of the other three should be familiar with it.

But the result is not ideal.

After a period of experimentation, Yun Feiyang found that the difficulty of the three integrations was extremely high, and he had to change to the integration of demon and ghost.

Don't say it.

After several months of hard work and relying on the anti-sky tactics, the crystal nucleus of the demon and ghost were completely integrated into one.


A gurgling of pure power poured into Yun Feiyang's arms, and he was surprised: "The integration of the two, my strength is comparable to the ninth level of the void opening period."

(PS, this realm is just the realm formed by multiple paths such as demon ghost road, Yunfeiyang's magic sword, and it is still the early days of Tianzun.)

"If you reintegrate into Jing Dao, you should be able to break through to the level of the Great Consummation of the Nether Realm."

"Then, increase to a certain intensity and merge with my martial arts, or you can smoothly enter the middle of Tianzun!" Yun Feiyang's eyes flickered and refined.

Now, if he wants to break through a small realm, it will be very difficult. What he can do is to rely on the Qianxiangong and the tree of life.

At this time, the fusion of the three courses was used to improve the cultivation practice. Obviously, it was faster than the first two.

Of course, the premise of faster is that there must be an inexhaustible three-color holy stone, otherwise, it is difficult to break through the three ways of demon, ghost and essence in a faster time.


Yun Feiyang stood up and clapped with his hands: "Even if I don't want to provoke a dispute between the two communities, I have to grab more tricolor holy stones."


The night is coming.

In a medium-sized mine, dozens of miners are still working hard.


There was a sudden explosion outside, and a man in black flew in dashingly, waved his hands, and threw out dozens of miners.

"call out!"

After the infiltration of the attributes of the earth, with the thought of the heart, tens of thousands of three-color holy stones in the soil were all received by Yunfeiyang to fly to the mainland.

the next day.

Another mine vein, the news of being stolen by the ghost clan warriors, spread again frantically, making the elites in the big cities angry.


Don’t leave the main city, Alinai, one of the five generals of the Jing clan, scolded angrily: "Your group of wastes, even the veins of the mine can't be kept. What other faces do you have to see the general!"

"General, the thief who stole the mineral veins, is too strong to repair, and he is so fascinated that it is really difficult to catch." A captain said bitterly.

During this time, the three ore veins under his control were patronized one by one, and had been deployed in advance, but they were still unstoppable.

The other chiefs beside him also had mine veins stolen, but they couldn't catch anyone, and they were very stumped and helpless.


Alina said coldly: "I was going to go out personally and caught the person who stolen the ore, and I will definitely smash it to pieces."

Several captains had a happy heart.

The general was repaired to the third grade and half immortal. When he was out of the horse, as long as the ghost warrior dared to steal the ore, it would definitely be difficult to escape.


Flying over the mainland.

Yunfei Yangpan sat on the top of the mountain, exuding three different attributes around his body, showing a forward-looking shape.

At this moment, he is in the process of merging the ghost and demon with the essence, which is also the most difficult.

Time passed by.

Half a year later, the two spirits of the ghost and the demon prevailed, and they successfully integrated with the elite. The three crystal nuclei of ghosts, demon, and spirits in Dan Tian also merge into one, turning into three color crystal nuclei.


Yun Feiyang exhaled a turbid breath, murmured: "The integration of the three Dao, the realm has also entered into the realm of the void."

Strictly speaking, his Nine Nether Realm is the Great Consummation of the Void Realm, but his real strength is certainly comparable to God Realm and even higher.

The reason is very simple. After the integration of the three elements, the power increase is much higher than the realm.

"As long as you practice the three Dao to the Divine Realm, you should be able to merge with other avenues." Yun Feiyang murmured.

In order to make a breakthrough from the Nether Realm to the level of the Divine Realm, naturally a large number of three-color holy stones are needed, so he returns to Jiu You again and continues to snatch.



In a mine vein, Yun Feiyang struck out the soldiers stationed in it, and skillfully put the three-color holy stone in it.

"It's almost a million, it should be enough to make the three Dao into the level of God." Yun Feiyang murmured. When he was just about to leave, he felt a strong breath outside the cave.

"Half fairy?"

Yun Feiyang's face changed slightly, and he flew away from the mine immediately, and he saw the sky in the distance. An elite warrior wearing high-standard armor flew angrily.

"Boy, dare to move the ore of my elite, you really are impatient to live!" General Arina flew with a big hand as he flew.


The terrifying spirit erupted into a giant hand, and it suddenly blasted down. Its strength made the space collapse and the earth cracked!

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was At this moment, under the strong bombardment of the third grade and half fairy, he wanted to escape. It was no longer possible, and he could only summon the Taixu platinum battle armor.


The loud noise came and was deafening.


Yun Feiyang spouted a blood, then took advantage of the gap, stepped on the mysterious body method, and fled towards the distance.


Alina was rather stunned, but sneered: "Boy, do you think you can run away from this master?"


As soon as the words fell, the more powerful essence quickly condensed, turned into a roaring beast, and attacked Yunfei.

However, at this moment, a huge dharma appearance emerged, and turned into a pair of palm prints, striking towards the beast.

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