Super God

Chapter 1295: 2 will be destroyed

A city, the first second was still there, and the next second was razed to the ground, causing Luo Mu and others to widen their eyes.


Everyone swallowed a spit, and the waves were still rolling inside, making it difficult to calm down.

Hao Lianliu was also stupid.

He could hardly imagine that this guy would destroy the expansion city in front of himself with just one move.

It doesn't matter if the city is gone, but the hundreds of thousands of black Yaojun in the city have also been buried with them, which is the deadliest!

Things have reached this point.

It can only be said, deserve it.

If Hao Lian stayed again and again to perform large-scale bombing techniques, trying to injure the spiritual army behind him, as well as Luo Mu and others.

Yun Feiyang will certainly not use the overbearing martial arts of "Tianlei Kendo" to directly flatten the expansion city.

To be honest, if it is a normal battle between the two armies, even if Zhuge Jin can win the expansion of the Celestial City, it can't do it.

This is just great.

One move was blown away by Yun Feiyang, and the soldiers inside had no chance to escape, and could only die in the battlefield.

If hundreds of thousands of soldiers can come back to life, they will definitely scold Hao Lianliu.


Yunfei raised his sword, looked at Hao Lianliu, and said coldly: "Next, it's you."


The voice just fell and appeared in front of Hao Lianliu. The Wuling Excalibur waved violently, and the trained sword burst into flames.


Hao Lian stayed hard against a sword, his body exploded, but his appearance changed a lot, because, he realized that this guy's strength was much stronger just now!

"Did he not really break out before? Has he been hiding?" Thinking of this, Hao Lian shuddered attentively.


Yun Feiyang appeared again, with his hands up and down, cutting out a strong sword spirit.


Hao Lianliu was repelled again, and his right arm, which was used to harden Jian Qi, was scratched and blood ran down.

Two swords.

Break the defense.

Hao Lianliu was immediately terrified, because he can do this, this person's strength, certainly more than five grades and five cents!

"Are you afraid?"

Yun Feiyang waved the Wuling Excalibur and chopped several swords again. The strength of the sword's energy was stronger than before.




After continuously resisting the three sword qi, Hao Lianliu's right arm showed three striking sword marks, and his face was also grim.

Luo Mu and others secretly shook their heads.

The big guys shot together, all kinds of supernatural powers broke out, and two magical beasts helped to repel a wounded half fairy.

On the other hand, this guy, one person is slinging, a best-in-class fifth grade and a half cents, the gap is really a bit big.

Fortunately, they had been in contact with Yun Feiyang for a long time. They were only slightly shocked and accepted this fact.


At this time, gluttony raised his head and swallowed.

"No, really?" Luo Mu and others almost didn't stand still and fell to the ground.

In the distance, Yun Feiyang also collapsed, thinking to himself, but that energy, wasted by him, it was a waste.

It won't be wasted.

As a glutton that eats all directions, it can swallow a half-cent power, no matter whether it is energy or flesh, it can grow itself.


The gluttonous burp, his head back to its original state, picked purple hair, aftertaste endlessly said: "It's delicious, really delicious!"

Since his awakening, he has eaten people for the first time, especially a half-cent, which is absolutely what he used to eat.


Chen Chen squeezed his nose and kept a certain distance from him, saying: "Not too dirty!"

"Third brother!"

Hao Lian looked away.

"At this time, let's care more about yourself." Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him, beheaded with a sword.


Hao Lianliu fought back again with a sword, stepped back a few steps, and then walked into the distance with a huge body.

Yun Feiyang's understatement of the swords made him realize that this person is too strong and he has no chance of defeating or withdrawing. It is the only choice.

As for the big enemies of the third brother and others, after returning to Heisheng Prison, I will discuss with my brother!

Back to the black rope prison?

It was too simple to think. With Yunfei's character, would he let this big fat sheep run away? He chased on the steps of drunken shadow.


Jian Qi cut down.

Hao Lianliu was chopped with a sword on his back, flew up with pain, and fled towards the endless sky.

However, just after flying, he saw the clouds, and a big hand with a whiff of the ancient was suddenly suppressed.

"not good!"

Hao Lianli was shocked.


As if a big hand from the endless starry sky, Hao Lianliu was directly suppressed in the big pit of the expanding Tiancheng.

After the big hand disappeared, the fifth-general half-century sperm general fell down to the ground with blood and flesh, and the man passed out.


Luo Mu and others shook their heads.



In the meeting hall of the ghost race, after learning the latest battle report, Shuo Lao stood up with a shocked expression on his face: "Zhou Tiancheng lost his guard!"


Everyone was shocked.

Yesterday they were still discussing this matter, and still speculating that the elite sent two generals, and they will definitely fight blood with the aliens to fight you to death.

"Hao Lianliu and Citi are too useless, not in a day, lost the expansion of the Tiancheng?"

"These two guys are afraid to return to Zhong Sunting for a faceless face." Someone laughed.

"Commission?" Old Shuo shook his head and said, "They can't go, they are dead."


Everyone looked dull.

Shuo old eyes solemnly said: "There are a lot of strong in that alien, two generals of the Jing clan have fallen."


The strong ghosts present were unable to sit still and stood up one after another, their eyes showing shock.

They know the strength of Hao Lianliu and Citigroup. They can kill them. Doesn't it mean that there are strong men with six ranks and half immortals in the alien race?

"Can't wait!" Shuo Lao ordered immediately: "I waited to lead the army and quickly rescue the sperm!"


Several strong men got up immediately, but just about to set off, but heard the soldiers report: "Report! The black collar of the elite is completely lost!"

Shoulao et al.'s eyes widened.

The four prisons controlled by the elite are Blackwater Prison, Black Heaven Prison, Black Collar Prison and Black Rope Prison.

In a short period of time, three consecutive prisons were lost. This speed is so fast that they dare not think about it.

In the end is fighting.

Still harvesting like a sickle?


Another soldier came in a said: "The alien army has been killed to the Black Rope Prison. Nine cities have fallen behind and are attacking the Black Rope City!"


Shuo Lao sat down and muttered: "It's too late to support at this time."

"What kind of race is it so powerful!" someone collapsed.

Shuo Lao said: "Submit the order, increase the strength of the border city, keep the combat state at all times, wait, follow me to the black rope city."


brush! brush!

Headed by Shuo Lao, a total of four half-cent powers flew towards the black rope prison.

Once they wanted to take advantage of the fisherman, but now they realized that it was a fierce tiger who attacked the elite.

If Zhong Sun Ting could not bear it, and the last Black Rope Prison was also lost, then, the next one to be devoured must be his own ghost race!

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