Super God

Chapter 1307: 1 kick kick

"It's Yunfeiyang!"

"This guy is finally here!"

The warrior in the ethereal world, looking at the sky, the young man with a smile on his face, suddenly talked.

They were still looking at the light curtain just now, and they must have already remembered Yun Yunyang's appearance.

"This person is rumored to be arrogant. Now, at first sight, it really deserves its reputation."

"This guy smiled so badly and really wanted to rush up and beat him up."

"If you think you can beat him, you might as well try it."

"Forget it, let him beat the arrogant princes in the Hall of Pride, I have no such patience."

Undoubtedly, Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in the ethereal world, and suddenly became a highly anticipated existence.

All of this is also due to the strong performance of the extraterritorial battlefield and the pharmaceutical industry, otherwise, it will not attract attention.

"This guy is finally here." On the mountain, he immediately raced with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his face.

"He has a purple jade fairy gourd, which is supposed to be faster, but now he came, and he must have gone somewhere else." Sha Baolong said.

Li Qifei said with a smile: "This guy is not an idle master. In my opinion, maybe there is something wrong in this world."

If they knew that Yun Feiyang had gone to Nine Nether, and wiped out the Guijing II clan, they would definitely be stunned by shock.

"The Hall of Pride, which has been quiet for many years, may become lively because of the arrival of this son." The track immediately.

"I heard that Jin Yanan, 72 of the Earth Star Rankings, has put down the cruel words, and when Yun Feiyang enters the hall, he will write the book of war."

In the Hall of Pride, there is a double star list of heaven and earth, among which 36 are the star list and 72 are the star list.

Can get the ranking, even the lowest 72, the strength has reached five and a half cents.

The world double star list is the arrogant among the arrogant, everyone's strength is very scary.

It is said that the top ten stars in the star list are not weaker than the main level of the realm, and each has magical powers and is extremely terrifying.

The most famous one is the pride of the second-ranked star list thousands of years ago. With his own strength, he killed two world-class strongmen and was famous.

As for the three players in the immediate game, although their strengths have all reached the fourth grade and a half cents, they are not even qualified to enter the star list. It is the most common pride in the pride hall.

"In this way, as long as Yun Feiyang enters the hall of pride, he will have a lively look?" Sha Baolong smiled.

"That guy has boundless views from the outside world. When he came here, he was beaten up. I'm afraid it would hurt his self-esteem." Sai laughed immediately.

Li Qifei said nothing.

He was quite optimistic about Yun Feiyang, but came to the Hall of Pride, and played with other pride, especially on the star list, afraid that it might be a little dangling.


"call out!"

Yun Feiyang will release the Purple Jade Immortal Gourd into the Flying Continent and release Yuan Nian. He will soon be locked in the East and hang in the mid-air.

On the mainland, there is a very luxurious building complex, with palaces, squares, lakesides, mountains, and picturesque flashing lights.

This is the Hall of Pride, which covers an area comparable to a continent of the world. It is extremely luxurious and magnificent!


Yun Feiyang exclaimed.

"call out!"

Performing the technique, flying towards the continent, landing in front of the gate of the pride of the temple, rushing face to face, a sacred and inviolable breath.

"Even the main hall of the Divine Lord was not so full of breath." Yun Feiyang murmured.

"Come, but Yunfeiyang?" Su Ran, an old man with a short robe, came out of the door.

This man is gray-haired, about seventy years old, and his two eyes are full of fine hair, obviously, he has extraordinary strength.

Yun Feiyang was surprised, he could not see that this old man's realm had only an unfathomable feeling.

"Not bad."

The old man threw a big slap token and said, "This is your pride token. With this thing, you can come and go as you please."

Yun Feiyang took it and found that the token material is extraordinary, revealing a slight cold breath, which makes people feel calm.

The old man said: "Go along this road to the end is the main hall of the pride, go to report."


Yun Fei stood up and walked into the hall of pride, only to know that this place where thousands of pride is gathered is even more magnificent.

Walking on the broad road paved with bluestone slabs, each step takes a special breath.

"Full heritage."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

There are many warriors on this broad road, and they stopped to watch Yunfeiyang with interest.

"He is Yunfeiyang?"

"In terms of breath, it doesn't seem to be any great."

The whispers and whispers of everyone reached Yun Feiyang's ears, and he could hear that these people seemed to look down on themselves, there was no way, they looked handsome, they were easily jealous, and they were already used to it.


At this moment, a burly young man stood in front of him with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's Jin Yanan!"

"This guy is really going to play a book!"

Suddenly someone blocked the road, Yun Feiyang didn't care about it, but chose to bypass, but the guy was in front of him again, which made him frown: "What do you mean?"

Jin Yanan hugged his chest with both hands and smiled lightly: "It's boring, just want to learn from you, the new pride."

"No time."

Yun Feiyang was too lazy to care about him, and bypassed again, but Jin Yanan stood in front of him again, laughing: "Isn't it guts?"

Ay Ya I gi.

Endless, right?

Yun Feiyang said with a sullen face: "Hurry away."

"I'm going, this guy is amazing, dare to let Jin Yanan of the earth star list go away!" Everyone was stunned.

On the mountain in the distance, the race immediately laughed and said: "As soon as I entered the Hall of Pride, I was in trouble."

"Jin Yanan has a bad temper, and this battle is definitely inescapable." Sha Baolong said.

Li Qifei shook his head secretly.

"You let me get away?"

Jin Yanan stunned.

"Nonsense." Yun Fei said: "If you don't get away, how can I pass?"

"Okay, okay!" Jin Yanan gave a thumbs up and said, "Boy, you have a kind!"


He took a step back and put on a fighting stance, saying: "I Jin Yanan, I will start a war against you in Yunfeiyang today..."

Without saying a word, a big foot flew over directly and kicked on his face without any errors.

Very is very powerful.

But at the sound of "Bang", Jin Yanan flew out with a slanted eyes, and "Pun Tong" fell into the distant lake.


There was silence around.

From Yunfei's feet to Jin Yanan, who kicked the enclave on the star list, the entire process was only in the blink of an eye, and the pride of the neighbors did not see clearly.

Immediately, Sha Baolong was also ignorant. Obviously, the guy could kick Jin Yanan with five qualities and a half of the ball!


Yun Feiyang slowly withdrew his feet and said lightly: "This strength, don't come out and be disgraceful."

Very crazy and arrogant.

Everyone's mouth twitched.

An arrogant son of the earth star list was actually described as "this strength", this person is really bullish!

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