Super God

Chapter 1324: Prince

Please enter the text "Is the Fire Thunder Dragon King!"

In the hall, Huangfu Yi was shocked, and many elders were dumbfounded. 『Le』文『小』说|

That's a mythical beast. The entire ethereal world can be described as a rare existence. I didn't expect it to appear in the Hall of Pride today.

"This boy's contract beast is the Fire Thunder Dragon King?" the elder elder shocked.

Other elders twitched at the corners of their mouths.

As top powerhouses, they naturally know that the gods and beasts are so proud that it is basically impossible to treat humans as contract beasts.

Yun Feiyang was summoned like this, still standing on his head, obviously, it was really a contract beast!

So shocked.

It's incredible!

The upper floors of the Hall of Pride are shocked, not to mention the pride of the spectators. At the moment, their eyes are straight.

"This... this is the Fire Thunder Dragon King!"

Someone was shocked.


Many arrogants were horrified.

Obviously, they have heard that this kind of extremely rare fire and thunder double-beasted beast exists in the ethereal world!

"No wonder it's so scary!"

"Oh my God!"

The proud sons on the scene were shocked and hard to add. Looking at Yun Feiyang standing above it is even more admirable!


Surrendered a mythical beast!

They originally envied He Xiong, but now compared with Yun Feiyang's contract beast, it is simply poor.

"How can the Fire Thunder Dragon King become his contract beast?" Ji Feiya was still thinking about this issue while shocked.

Unfortunately, I can't figure it out.


At this moment, the Fire Thunder Dragon King roared again, and the terrifying hot breath erupted again, instantly spreading out.


Under the deterrence of the mythical beast, the bear of the earth was finally difficult to support. He was so scared that he fell to the ground. His hair was almost scorched.

He Xiong, who was standing on the back of the bear, was sweating in his forehead, so scared that he couldn't hold himself.

As Yun Feiyang said just now, it is no longer necessary to summon a contract beast, as it really is.

He Xiong and his contract beast both became bears, and even the ability to stand up was gone.


Yun Feiyang shouted: "Stand up and fight me."


Everyone raised a black line.

Brother, your contract beast is a mythical beast. Looking at that head and momentum, it is at least nine and a half grade.

How can He Xiong and his earth bear have the courage to stand up and fight you?

Yun Feiyang saw that the man and the bear were still lying on the ground, shook his head and said, "I'll shoot first."


The Thunder Dragon King roared again, and a hot flame condensed in his mouth, and the temperature rose instantly.

"It's over!"

"He Xiong and his earth bear are about to be scorched!"


The flame erupted, turned into a ball, and attacked He Xiong and his contract beast, and was eventually devoured.


About a moment.

He Xiong and the bear of the earth were burnt, and they fell to the ground and passed out.

This is Yun Feiyang's men's mercy, otherwise, with the flame intensity of the Fire Thunder Dragon King, it can be easily burned out.


Yun Feiyang jumped down and landed outside the Yanwu Field. After sweeping the crowd, his eyes were cold and said: "This is what challenges me."

He came here to practice and improve his realm. He was always sent to war, which made him very uncomfortable.

Now with the presence of the Fire Thunder Dragon King, he wants to tell these arrogants that he is not a good stubborn and is not easy to mess with.

Many prides are silent.

Give them a few guts, and dare not challenge Yun Feiyang, after all, there are gods and beasts!


The Fire Thunder Dragon King roared, and then the space was torn apart, and the huge body merged into it, disappearing into the sight of everyone.


Huang Fuyi and many elders were stunned.

In their understanding, the Fire Thunder Dragon King is not a beast of time and space, how can he shuttle through space?

They did not expect that the cracks in the broken space actually led to the flying continent, which was a false impression that Yun Feiyang deliberately made.


this day.

Yun Feiyang swept 499 participants with one person and won the first place in the routine assessment.

Later in the performance martial arts field, summoned the mythical beast Fire Thunder Dragon King, and easily destroyed He Xiong and the earth's bear.

Two words, amazing!

Many arrogants have been afraid to underestimate, or contempt Yunfei flying, has regarded him as a real powerhouse.

"He Xiong, who defeated the descendants of the beast family, Yun Feiyang's current strength should be able to impact the top five of the star list!"

"Strange, this guy is so strong, why not challenge the pride of the earth star list to improve the ranking?"

In their free time, everyone discusses.

Yun Feiyang didn't have any interest in the Tiandi Star List. To be precise, he didn't care what was ranked or not.

At the Dongling Academy that year, although he defeated Zhang Heng of Tianbang, he had never been certified.


the next day.

News came out.

Yun Feiyang found Sun Shaoyang, the 14th place in the earth star list, and launched the first war book that came to the Hall of Pride!

If you are someone else, you will be ridiculed by the pride of the fourteenth star from the beginning.

However, when many arrogants learned the news, they thought that Yun Feiyang had this strength. After all, He Xiong, who was defeated yesterday, ranked 11th.



An arrogant named Sun Shaoyang has already come up. He looked at Yunfeiyang and said coldly: "You and I are at war, don't call the beast."

He also heard about yesterday.

If Yun Feiyang summons the Fire Thunder Dragon King, he doesn't need to fight at all, he will definitely lose.


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Summoning the Fire Thunder Dragon King is also uncomfortable with He Xiong pretending to be in front of himself. Now he must rely on his fists to face other people.

"Sun Shaoyang is a half-cent immortal at the pinnacle of Qipin. Can he fight without using the **** beast?"

"It's hard to say."

The pride of watching the game is not sure because Yun Feiyang is really elusive.

"let's start."

Sun Shaoyang said lightly. As long as the guy doesn't use the beast, he still has confidence to fight one...


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him, flirting with a fist, seemingly slow, but it was directly hitting Sun Shaoyang's chest.


This punch was very explosive, hitting Sun Shaoyang in the chest, his back suddenly shattered, and a blurry air flow visible to the naked eye quickly spewed out.


Sun Shaoyang screamed in pain, then collapsed to the ground, and the meridians of the whole body were penetrated by the bursting force, and they were damaged.

"It's really weak."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and went on.



Everyone was dumbfounded.

A match ended quickly. However, when everyone retreated in shock, news came again that Yun Feiyang found Qi Weihong, the ninth in the earth star list, and launched the second war.


Just like Sun Shaoyang, when Qi Weihong came to power, he was ready to be knocked down by Yun Feiyang, and he then challenged Tang Rui, the sixth star on the earth star list.

"I understand!"

"This guy is in trouble for Prince Edward!"

Many prides suddenly, Yunfeiyang challenged the pride of the earth star list, not for ranking, but to put the three prides of Sun Shaoyang, Qi Weihong, and Tang Rui, known as the four kings of the Prince's Pavilion, one by one. Fall to the ground.


In the end, Tang Rui, who had reached the half-sen level, was tortured to the ground. Yun Feiyang withdrew his fist and shook his head, saying: "The four King Kongs in the Prince's Pavilion are really weak."

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Brother, not that they are weak, but you are too strong!


At this moment, a figure flew at a very high speed and landed outside the Yanwuchang. The person was a handsome man with long hair fluttering, showing a noble atmosphere throughout his body.


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