Super God

Chapter 1357: The perfect battle!


The right arm slammed violently, and the power of terror erupted instantly, turning into a roaring dragon, rushing towards Venus Yao in the air!

The blessing of the first and second changes in the three changes of the God of War soul body, Yun Feiyang's blow can be described as terrifying, and the space that has passed is extremely twisted.

Jin Xingyao's face changed slightly.

He had already noticed that this young man's outburst was very powerful, and it would be difficult to contend if he changed to himself before being promoted.

"Do not control yourself!"

Jin Xingyao sneered, and once again condensed a scary palm print, and suppressed it against the whistling dragon.


The palm print directly smashed the dragon, carrying Yu Wei, and pressed down towards Yunfei.


Yun Feiyang held Ling Tian's battle halberd, turned into a streamer, and pierced towards the palm print. The Taixu platinum battle armor shone with dazzling light, and the defense was also blessed to the strongest.


In the end, Yun Feiyang penetrated the palm print, as if poking the sky into a hole.

"Oh my god!"

"This guy is so strong!"

The warriors in front of the Golden Blade Cliff widened their eyes one by one.

Previously, Yun Feiyang's hard resistance against Jin Xingyao shocked them without falling down, but now he is confronted with it positively, and it is even more shocked to speak.

Jin Yuliang was also ignorant.

He thought that the elder who had broken through to the half-cent immortal consummation could wipe out this child with one palm, but did not expect to be alive now.

Yunfei Yang again, when he broke the palm print, the speed did not weaken, stab toward Jin Xingyao, Lingtian war halberd broke out a powerful divine power!


Divine power pierced the sky, a strong wave of air spreading wildly around him, Jin Xingyao's face was solemn, and he immediately waved a big hand to form a defensive barrier in front of him.


Ling Tian's halberd's halberd slammed on the enchantment, although it shook violently, but it did not shatter.

"how is this possible!"

Jin Xingyao, who resisted hard, was shocked, because he instantly felt that the strength of this guy was almost the same as himself!


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang raised his fist and slammed at the end of the handle of Lingtian's battle halberd. Under the power, the tip of the halberd suddenly sprinted, but listening to the sound of "Bang", the defense enchantment shattered!


The defensive enchantment shattered, Jin Xingyao's blood rolled inside, his body receded to the rear, and his face was very ugly.


Many warriors took a breath.

The young man had broken the defensive enchantment formed by the Half Immortal Great Consummation, and even shocked him back!


Really amazing!


At this moment, Yun Feiyang flew over, Ling Tian battle halberd cut through the sky, and a terrifying divine power broke out.

"Half a fairy perfection."

Yun Feiyang waved his right arm, Ling Tian battle halberd shot away, sneered: "Count as a fart!"


The powerful Divine Power blasted on Jin Xingyao and struck it away again. When he was struggling to stabilize his body, Yun Feiyang's Lingtian Battle Halberd came again.



In the blink of an eye, Yun Feiyang attacked several times in a row, and the forced Jin Xingyao had no choice but to make a hard connection and was repelled again and again.

The confrontation between masters, if you can't keep up with the rhythm, you will fall into absolute passiveness.

And Yun Feiyang, who is the God of War, will certainly not waste opportunities. Divine power poured into Lingtian Battle Halberd and bombarded again and again, giving no chance for the opponent to breathe.



For a time, the terrifying power and the explosive sound of the heavens passed on continuously.

The few spectators witnessed a half-sen who seemed to be the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade, and pressed a half-sen.

As the strongest state of Wanjie, the half-cent immortal consummation broke through to this level and absolutely beat everything!

But just today, they saw a half-cent immortal consummation, which was suppressed by a young man all the way, breathless!

Jin Yuliang was about to cry.

He really did not expect that this guy with a sword on his back would be so strong that even the elders were suppressed by death.


Jin Xingyao resisted another move, his body exploded backwards, and his face grew darker.

He who broke through the strongest realm of all realms, should have been infinitely beautiful, and should have shown strong power, which exclaimed all beings.

The result was so suppressed by a young man!


He shouted angrily and said, "Boy, you angered me!"


A force of terror, such as violent waves breaking out of the body, shattered the surrounding space on the spot.

Everyone took a breath.

The space barrier of the ethereal world is very hard, and it is a terrifying force to shatter it.

Yun Fei, who was about to continue his attack, changed his face slightly, and immediately withdrew his body and retreated backwards. However, the breath of terror spread very quickly and eroded instantly, disturbing his body and mind.

That terror force has a very strong squeezing force, and the squeezed Yun Fei Yang's face is grim.

"Boy, your strength is good, but in front of Banxian Daquan, it is still very weak!" Jin Xing Yao sneered sneered.

In the meantime, the breath of terror is still being released. Obviously, like crushing the space, crushing the clouds and flying!

The power of squeezing has increased madly, Yun Feiyang's face is getting more and more ugly, and the light of the platinum virtual armor is getting dimmer.

"This is the unique fairy pass of Half Immortal Great Consummation, named Xiaoxianyu. The warrior in it will be restrained and squeezed." The voice came from Jianhun.

"How to crack!"

Yun Feiyang said he is not weaker than Jin Xingyao, who has just entered the semi-sen perfect circle, he is still unable to do so under the magic pass that only the strongest state of all realms can comprehend.

Jianhun Dao: "With your current strength, there is no solution."


Yun Feiyang collapsed.

It was at this time that the Taixu Platinum Warframe was completely sad, and apparently, after counteracting part of the squeeze, it completely lost its divine power.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved her Taixian platinum battle armor into the flying mainland, her body was completely squeezed by Xiaoxianyu, and her clothes were broken.


Seeing the young man's bare skin shimmering with golden light, Jin Xingyao said with amazement: "God's body is great!"


"That guy is a masterpiece?"

Many warriors were shocked.

In their understanding, it is even more difficult to cultivate the flesh to the body of the gods than from the peak of the Ninth Grade to the Great Consummation!

"No wonder he can resist the full circle of the half-cent fairy, it turns out that he has such a strong body!"

"Who is he!"

With the strength of the Great Consummation of World War I and the Immortals, and the mastery of the gods, Yun Feiyang's identity makes them curious.

Jin Xingyao realized this too and said coldly, "Boy, who are you?"

Yun Feiyang didn't answer.

He raised his hand in the squeeze with difficulty, and the word "卍" in the sky condensed from the void, and the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva, who was rescued and rescued, appeared slowly.

"what is this!?"

"Buddhist martial art?"

Everyone exclaimed.


The condensed Bodhisattva of Freedom, waving with one hand, photographed the Buddha's seal with compassion, the goal is not Jin Xingyao, but Yun Fei Yang himself!

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