Super God

Chapter 1359: Get things done

When entering the half-century consummation, Jin Xingyao was suspended in the air, punching the immortal gate. Although he was unsuccessful, he was envied by many powerful people.

However, who would have thought that in just a few hours, the style of painting changed suddenly, Yun Feiyang was hit hard, and the abused body had no end.

In fact, this guy's defeat is also quite tragic, because Yun Feiyang's Nine Zun Taotian palm is very powerful, but it is difficult to hurt the enemy.

Jin Xingyao did not know, so when Yun Feiyang hit his second palm, he hurriedly exhibited martial arts, and the attribute giant was violently cracked, naturally frustrated.



The warriors in the distance swallowed saliva one after another, and looked deeply into Yunfei's eyes with deep fear.

The pinnacle of the Ninth Pinnacle peak, actually put a man into the great circle and finished the half-sen.

"Too...too elder..."

Jin Yuliang was paralyzed on the ground, his hands were trembling violently, and his eyes were shining with fear.

The plot should not be like this.

The plot should be too elders with terrifying power, just to abuse the kid!

Why is this happening?

In addition to fear, Jin Yuliang had this problem in his mind.

But there was no time to think about it, because after finishing Jin Xingyao, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him.


Yun Feiyang reached out with a big hand and buckled directly on his neck, said coldly: "I bullied you, have an opinion?"

The gloomy expression between the words made Jin Yuliang pale and sweaty, and he shivered: " opinion..."

"Just now, I had spared you, but if you don't appreciate it, don't blame me."

Yunfei Yang Lengsen said.

Jin Yuliang wanted to cry without tears.

If you know that the elders are out, it will be the result, and he will not dare to yell at him for giving him ten guts.

There is no regret medicine in the world.

Jin Yuliang and Jin Xingyao completely angered Yun Feiyang, and the angry Yun Dachen, definitely must do things!


Fifty thousand miles away, there is a city, named after the surname of the Jin family, called Jincheng.

Jin Xing Yao flew into the sky, broke through the half-cent immortal consummation, and bombarded the immortal gate, the whole city was completely sensational, and the Jinjia seniors and Jinjia heirs burst into tears and were very excited.

The family and forces in the ethereal realm, if there is a strong man in the strongest realm of all realms, can definitely enter the super first-class and enjoy endless glory.

Jincheng, and even the Jin family, have never been born with a half-cent fairy, so their excitement is completely understandable.

The strong family in the surrounding city also prepared a gift for the first time and went to the Jin family to say hello to Jin Xing Yao.

Jincheng, Jinfu.

A family head came in a hurry and smiled, "Master Jin, congratulations to Senior Jin for breaking through the half-cent immortal consummation, small gifts, and no respect."

"Master Sun, you're welcome, you're welcome." Jin Shangyue, the owner of the house, smiled back and smiled.

The Jin family and the Sun family are similar in strength. Although there is no major conflict on weekdays, they are secretly fighting. Now that the elders have broken through the half-central perfection, what qualifications does the Sun family have to compare with their own family?

More and more family powerhouses came to Dao Xi, Jin Jia's guests were suddenly full of people, and the lively crowds, the Jin Jia seniors and his heirs were all happy.



Suddenly, there were bombardment sounds from the distant sky, and the weak martial force quickly passed over, making many of the strong people present were amazed.

"It's too elder!" Jin Shangyue judged from the breath, that martial art breath came from Jin Xingyao.

Many strong people were surprised.

They can judge that Jin Xingyao, who broke through to the half-cent immortal consummation, is very strong and far from comparable.

Jin Shangyue caught everyone, with a slightly dreadful look, and the smile on his face was even better: "The elders have just broken through the half-cent immortal consummation, and they must be verifying the strength of the realm, everyone need not be nervous."

After the warrior breaks through, they will habitually burst out and experience stronger power, so the people present did not think much, but continued to say joy.

Master Sun said with a smile: "Senior Jin broke through the strongest state of all realms, and the Jin family will certainly become stronger and stronger."

"Master Sun, overwhelming, overwhelming." Although Jin Shangyue said very modestly, his eyes and smile were very proud.

Master Sun and other senior family members are secretly bitter. If his family also has a half-cent immortal consummation, it will definitely be worse than him.

"My Jin family has arranged the banquet, and when the elders return, they will definitely have a good dinner." Jin Shangyue laughed.

Many strong men will certainly not leave. After all, they want to see a half-cent immortal congregation at close range, but what puzzled them was that the explosion continued for three full hours, and there was no sign of stopping.

Master Sun said with a smile: "It seems that Senior Jin is still immersed in the joy after the breakthrough and cannot extricate himself."

"It is worthy of the half-cent immortal consummation, the eruption lasting so long, the strength is still strong." Everyone exclaimed.

In fact, they are at a loss, and in the weak energy, there are also different breaths. Is it possible that the elders of the Jin family are fighting with people?

If they are not in the Jin family, in the Golden City, and the energy fluctuates, and tens of thousands of miles away, they may fly out and find out.

Gradually, the sound stopped.


"Senior King must be back!"

Everyone looked forward to it.

"I'm coming!"

It didn't take long for a warrior in the city to shout, and many strong men in Jinfu turned their heads to see, and they saw a streamer burst out at a high speed, which made people stunned.


The streamer fell on the inner courtyard of the Jin family. The houses around the earthquake shook violently and almost collapsed.

Master Sun and others held their breath. They knew that the person must be Jin Xingyao, and he was about to face a half-cent immortal consummation!


The wind blew, and the dust spread.

A person gradually appeared in the field of vision, and everyone witnessed it, but it was a group of dumb.

The comer is Jin Xingyao.

But not standing proudly but lying on the ground on all fours with blood and flesh all over the body, which is terrible.

Obviously maddened!

"Too...too elder!"

Dessert on Jin Shangyue's face suddenly dissipated, and his eyes appeared horrified.


At this moment, another streamer flew and fluttered lightly in the Jin Mansion. When the light dispersed, I saw Yun Feiyang walking Jin Yuliang with one hand and stepping on Jin Xingyao's back.


The audience was silent.

The martial arts warriors from the congratulations couldn’t believe that Jin Xingyao, who had just broken through to the semi-celestial perfection, was not only so mistreated, but also humiliated on his back!

"Home... Homeowner..."

Jin Yuliang, who was not tortured to death, tried hard to open his eyelids and said extremely weakly, "Save...Save me..."


Yun Feiyang slapped him in the face and sneered: "Boy, even if your family is too elder, I have been abused to look like this. Do you still hope someone can save you?"


Everyone took a breath.

Yun Feiyang appeared and stepped on Jin Xingyao's back, they guessed whether it was him and threw Jin Xingyao back, and now what he said will definitely come down!

The strong, the absolute strong!

Jin Shangyue's face was ugly to the extreme, and the joy of the Jin family from the inside out was replaced by fear and collapse.

To be able to abuse the elders like this, this person's strength must also be half a fairy perfection!


Yun Fei cleared his throat and said, "Your eldest son offended me. If you want to resolve this moment, hurry up and show sincerity."


He paused, glanced at the senior members of the Jin family and his heirs, and looked coldly: "Jin family does not need to exist."

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