Super God

Chapter 1414: Re-enter the battlefield

The realm is improved, and more about the realm.

Yun Feiyang found that no matter the past God Realm, or the current Little God Realm is very weak.

As long as he breaks through to a stronger state and leads Luo Mu and others to kill in the past, it will surely be easily destroyed.

The most difficult thing is to find one hundred and eight gods.

However, Yun Feiyang did not expect that the Shenyin Empire would fight against the Little God Realm, and Tianlong Realm, one of the strongest four realms, would stand on the side of the Little God Realm.

"Thank you very much for the Shenyin Empire."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "If it wasn't for a sudden declaration of war, I still don't know that Little God Realm had such energy."

As the strongest four realms, Tianlong Realm doesn't think he has the power to contend.

"Brother Feiyang."

Yan Shuang said: "The battle of the world started three days ago. I heard that on that day, countless Tianzun fell and the thieves were fierce!"

Yun Feiyang said with amazement: "There is no regulation in the boundary war, can't Tianzun Realm participate in the war?"

Yan Shuang said: "It was originally not allowed, but the participation of the Tianlong Realm is equivalent to the strongest confrontation between the two realms, so there is no realm limit."


Yun Feiyang responded.

let's hit.

The harder you play, the happier I will be.

The battle between Shenyin Empire and Little God Realm is the scene that Yun Feiyang is most happy to see.

Above the misty world, the light curtain emerged, and the picture presented above was the battlefield outside the territory.

The God Hidden Empire represents the God Hidden World.

Little God Realm has Tianlong Realm backing.

This battle is definitely the strongest battle in history.

Regardless of the ethereal world or other small worlds, there are image light curtains, which can be said to attract worldwide attention.

The eyes of all the warriors are locked on the light curtain, and they appreciate the visual feast brought by the battle between the strong and the strong.


The two half-sen cents met, and a loud noise came through the light curtain.

What many warriors see is called excitement, and that is called excitement.


Yun Feiyang withdrew his gaze.

This kind of low-level half-central level battle, it looks dull.

During this time, he has been cultivating and doing tasks, watching the battle on the light curtain, and like other people, he is a spectator who is outside.

"Since it's boring, why not enter the extraterritorial battlefield and play with them in person?"

Shen Tianxing suddenly appeared from behind.

Yun Feiyang was not surprised, but shook his head instead: "I won't join in the fun of things between them."

The Shenyin Empire may be an enemy.

Not to mention the Little God Realm, the enemy of the enemy.

Go for the fun by yourself, if the two realms find out, they will definitely target themselves collectively.

It’s enough for Yun Da cheap **** to not be stupid, go to the battlefield outside the domain and watch the excitement outside.

"I heard."

Shen Tianxing said: "In this battle, Zhenwu God Realm attaches great importance to it, and the open meritorious pavilion is of a high level."

"If you get enough merit points, you might get a lot of treasures."

Yun Feiyang stopped suddenly.

Shen Tianxing said these words, full of temptation.

After all, at the Merit Pavilion in the battlefield outside the territory, he changed a lot of good things.

For example, Wuling Excalibur, and Ziyu Xianhu.

This two strongest realm confrontation, even the Zhenwu God Realm is concerned, the opening of the Hall of Merit, I am afraid it is a higher treasure!

going or not?

After thinking a little, Yun Feiyang made a decision.


Yan Shuang's eyes widened and said, "Go to the extraterritorial battlefield?"

He thought he was wrong and hurriedly said again: "Brother Feiyang, aren't you kidding me?"


Yun Fei said: "I'm serious."


Yanshuang collapsed and said: "I heard that both circles are mobilizing the strong, and it will be possible for the half-cent immortals to participate in the war soon."

Yun Fei's eyes were hot.

The higher the stronger enters the war, the more proof that the warring states are bigger.

If you don’t have a very powerful treasure in the open Hall of Merit, it’s no reason.


Seeing Brother Feiyang's look, Yanshuang knew that he had decided to go, and he couldn't change it.

"Brother Feiyang."

Yanshuang solemnly said: "Since you are so wave, brothers accompany you."

"You can't go."


"The strength is too weak, you will get points if you go."


Yanshuang was covering her chest and was very hurt and wanted to cry.

Yun Feiyang patted his shoulder and said, "Relax, I will take you to a place."


Yanshuang was stunned, but he still followed suit.

Soon, he was brought into the flying world by Yun Feiyang, and said: "This is my world."


Feeling the majestic nature of the world, Yan Shuang was stupid.

When going to the East China Sea, Yanshuang has always been puzzled. How did Feiyang summon so many alien soldiers?

Are there space objects for living creatures?

It can hold as many as one hundred thousand, and the space objects of Fei Yang must be amazing.


Today, I learned that there is a world in Feiyang Brothers. The area is so large, not to mention that it can accommodate 100,000, even if it is billions.

"Oh my God."

"Brother Feiyang, you are too good!"

Yanshuang was deeply shocked.

Later, it was known that this world is not only large, but also extremely powerful. The time flow rate is 200 times that of the outside world, and it almost fell to the ground.

"Come on."

Yun Feiyang pointed to Luo Mu and said: "I will introduce to Yanshuang knows Fei Yang, and found many gods and souls, and today he is also a formal acquaintance.

Later, Yun Feiyang took him to the barracks outside Helan City and said, "From today on, you will practice here while bringing soldiers."


Yanshuang finally understood the reason why Brother Feiyang brought himself into Feiyang.

As a deputy general of the Tianwei Army, Yanshuang's ability to lead troops must be more professional than that of Luo Mu and others.

After the placement, Yun Feiyang returned to the ethereal world.

The next step is to enter the extraterritorial battlefield and participate in the battle between the two realms as a free agent.

"Do you want to dress up?"

Yun Feiyang murmured.

He has no doubt that entering the battlefield outside the territory will become a target.

"I went here this time for the sake of merit. If someone knows my identity, they will definitely send the strong."

"This is a good opportunity to earn points."

Yun Feiyang thought for a while and decided to enter as he was.

This is a very bold decision, because once inside, it is always in danger.

Within the ethereal world, there are formations that lead to extraterritorial battlefields.

In fact, before that, there were many strong men who chose to enter as free men.

Yun Feiyang came here and was preparing to go in, but unexpectedly discovered that Yu Wenying, the third star in the star list, was also there.


Yu Wenying said coldly: "Boy, are you going to the extraterritorial battlefield?"

"is it not OK?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Not long ago, when he went to Zhenwu God Territory, he found that this person had been disappointed with himself.

Looking handsome is trouble.

Yu Wenying disdainfully said: "This battle in the world is far from the battle between other small realms. You go in and you die."

Yun Feiyang stepped into the formation and shrugged: "I am afraid of nothing, not afraid of death."

End of this chapter

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