Super God

Chapter 1426: Surrender to Kunpeng!

The eight-headed monster with a height of 100 feet erupted in terror and killed Yuwen Ying.

Si Wuji and others frowned.

Yun Xuedi has so many mythical beasts, it looks scary, but it is not far behind Yu Wenying and his Kunpeng.

I rushed to death or torture.


Yu Wenying sneered: "Boy, today you my gods and beasts are mine."

He can surrender to Kunpeng, and naturally has the ability to surrender to other gods and beasts.


Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "This sentence, I should be right."

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, a big wave of his hand saw the sky, and a pair of scrolls appeared, revealing a desolate breath.

When Kun Peng saw the scroll, strong anxiety and fear appeared in his huge eyes.

"what is that?"


Everyone locked the scroll through the light curtain.

In the palace of the Shenyin Empire, Emperor Tiantian whispered: "This is... the catalog of the Divine Beast."

"did not expect."

"He actually found it, the treasure created by the man who was the first destiny."

Di Juntian shook his head.

A general's expression condensed and said: "No wonder, so many beasts will be surrendered."


The powerful in all realms don't know the catalogs of mythical beasts.

But after the appearance of this object, he also found that Kun Peng was very frightened.

"It makes the beast so fearful, this thing is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Could it be a quasi-central treasure?"

Everyone was shocked.


At this time, the Fire Thunder Dragon King and other mythical beasts showed their magical powers, condensing gorgeous energy and attacking Yuwen Eagle.


With a big wave, Yu Wenying easily dissipated his energy and frowned, "Kunpeng, what's wrong with you?"

He clearly felt that Kun Peng's state of mind was very chaotic, and he seemed extremely frightened.

"the host."

Kun Peng said nervously: "I have unpredictable..."

Without finishing the speech, the hanging scroll, slowly unfolded under the control of Yunfei Yangxiannian.

For a time, it shines!

The warriors from all walks of life stared at the scroll, wondering in their hearts, what is the power of this thing?

The reel gradually opened.

A lot of birds and beasts have emerged on it, which can be described as different forms.

The warriors of all circles found that this was a pure pattern of gods and beasts, some were bright and vivid, and some were dull.

Soon, the scroll opened a lot, showing a Peng beast spreading its wings among the sky.

"It's Kunpeng!"

Someone exclaimed.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the pattern of Kunpeng on the reel flew out a streamer.


Kun Peng roared in horror, immediately spread his wings, fled at a rapid rate, and his eyes appeared fear.

As a beast of birds, Kunpeng is really fast.

But no matter how fast, I couldn't pass the streamer. After only a thousand miles, I was caught up and integrated into the body.


Kun Peng screamed in pain.


At the same time, Yu Wenying screamed with his head clasped, a force of terror was cutting off the seal of his soul.

As soon as the mythical beast catalog is published, the mythical beast must submit.

Even if Yu Wenying had entered into a contract with Kun Peng, he could not contend.

This is the man who created the first destiny of God Realm and relied on supreme merit to create it.

Its quality may not be as good as a quasi-sen.

However, it has an unmatched effect in conquering the beast.


Yu Wenying is still screaming.

The connection with Kunpeng became weaker and weaker as the pain increased.

In the end, the sound of "Bang" came from Shihai, completely breaking off contact with the contract beast Kunpeng.


At the same time, the power of Kunpeng condensed in the body quickly dissipated.

His mysterious mentality was built on the contract, and now the contract with Kunpeng is lifted, and certainly not any blessings.

Losing the power of Kunpeng, this third star in the star list, I am afraid that his strength is a little stronger than Si Wuji.

"Do not……"

Yu Wen's eyes were split, and he shouted angrily.

Without Kunpeng, it was a huge blow for him, unbearable!


At this moment, the Fire Beast Dragon King and other mythical beasts once again gathered their magical powers and bombarded them relentlessly.

Without Kunpeng, Yu Wenying's strength plummeted. In the face of so many beast bombardments, the result is destined to be a great tragedy.

boom! boom! boom!

The power of various beasts erupted in the area, and they were shocking.


Si Wuji et al.

They were the closest, witnessing Yu Wenying with their own eyes, torn by a group of tall beasts, and the picture could not bear to look directly.


Yu Wenying is very pretending.

But this pretense is based on his ability to overlap with Kunpeng's power.

Once Kun Peng is lost, the mysterious mentality of cultivation loses its effect and is equivalent to being beaten back to its original form.

After all, it is the third arrogant of the Stars List, and its strength is still there, at least stronger than Si Wuji, who is ranked fourth.

But Yunfei's beast is not weak.

In these years, relying on the acceleration of the flying world 200 times and the stronger world attributes have entered the peak period.

Yu Wenying is not afraid of heads-up.

But all of them came up and played seven beasts comparable to the peak in one person, and the result was definitely exploded.

Oh no, eight.

The gluttonous man hiding in the dark is looking for opportunities to eat him.

boom! boom! boom!

The red blood continent, the loud noise is uninterrupted.

After half an hour.

The arrogant and self-confident Yu Wenying is obscured by the flesh and blood of Fire Thunder Dragon King.


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Being able to be bullied by so many beasts, this guy is also worth Many warriors are not always locked in Yu Wenying, but occasionally look into the distance.

a long distance away.

Kunpeng, who was so tall, was still screaming in pain.

At that moment, the streamer was slamming into the sea, forcing it to bow to Yun Feiyang and bow down.

As an extremely powerful beast, Kunpeng's resistance to death never compromises.

"It's pretty stiff."

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.


Xiannian is integrated into the catalog of mythical beasts to make it more brilliant.


Kun Peng screamed again, as if suffering a more intense pain.

Time gradually passed.

In an instant, an hour passed.

Although Kun Peng endured all kinds of pain and torture, he still stuck to the last line of defense.

It is a noble representative in the Divine Beast Circle, and it must defend its dignity anyway.

However, under the constant pressure of Yun Feiyang, Kunpeng's resistance will not last forever.

Another hour passed.

Streamer has completely engulfed its thoughts and severely suppressed its dignity.



Knowing the sea, there is a constant sound rippling, disturbing Kunpeng's last bit of defense, but it still does not succumb.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "I like it."


During the speech, the quasi-xianxianxiannian swarmed and instantly integrated into Kunpeng.


Under the terrifying soul power, Kunpeng's persistent defense line finally broke down, and his painful eyes instantly became hollow.

After half an hour.

Kun Peng retracted his huge wings and slowly landed on the ground.

This noble beast within this divine beast circle gradually lowered his arrogant head and respectfully said, "See master."


The warriors of all circles were dumbfounded.

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