Super God

Chapter 1428: Obstinate

The middle-aged man who appeared suddenly covered the air of the emperor with the supreme divine power at the same time!

This kind of breath, Yun Feiyang's memory is still fresh.

It is emperor heaven!

Only he, practicing Emperor Tianjue, can produce such a supreme divine breath!

In an instant, Yun Feiyang's anger spread from his heart.

Although he already knew that there were reasons for his repression.

But when I saw Emperor Juntian again, the hidden hatred came quickly and was difficult to control.


Lin Zhixi's heart shook slightly.

She had never seen it before, Yun Feiyang would show that anger that broke her heart.

Shen Xiaoyu said blankly: "What's wrong with Uncle Yun?"

"What's wrong with Yunfeiyang?"

"The anger that's revealed through his eyes is terrible!"

The warriors of all circles discuss.

Shen Tianxing fixed his eyes on Emperor Juntian and murmured: "This person seems to have broken through to the quasi-cent."


"Why stay in the realm, did not fly up to Zhenwu God Realm?"


Suddenly, Shen Tianxing looked at Kuang Shacheng, and said in amazement: "Another quasi-cent?"


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

After Emperor Tiantian appeared, he kept staring at Yunfeiyang.

After a while, he sighed: "Unexpectedly, after ten years, we will meet here."

"Neither did I expect."

The anger in Yun Feiyang's eyes grew stronger.

"you hate me?"

Emperor Tiantian saw it.

Yun Feiyang gritted his teeth and said: "If you ordered it, how could my hundred thousand heavenly army be destroyed!"

Emperor Juntian shook his head and said: "So you hate the past life."


He said: "You should know that I did this to protect you."


Yun Feiyang laughed, with a grinning look: "I just know it, so I hate it."

Emperor Tiandao said: "Because, you don't want to admit that I was helping you and saving you."

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang gritted his teeth.

Sealed for thousands of years, he ruthlessly gods, ruthless emperor.

Although he was reborn and practiced in Fanchen with his cynicism, his inner anger has never been extinguished.

Later, when he learned the truth, the person he hated was helping himself. This change made him unacceptable.

"When I helped you, I was also helping all beings."

Emperor Tiandao said: "If you hate me, you can continue to treat me as an enemy."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Isn't it now?"

This sentence meant something, and Emperor Juntian could naturally hear the words: "Yes, I took the God Soul."

Yun Feiyang is not surprised.

In fact, after knowing that the giant monarch is the person of the Shenyin Empire, he already guessed the rough.

"I am the man of destiny."

Yun Fei said: "Why did you take away the soul of the gods?"

This question is crucial.

Di Juntian smiled and said: "I don't think you have the ability to reshape God Realm."

"What do you mean, do you?"

Yun Feiyang sneered.

Emperor Tiandao: "From the perspective of my current strength, I am indeed more capable than you to reshape the God Realm."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

It turned out that this former Divine Lord really wanted to pass on to the mission and complete the mission for himself.


Yun Fei said: "You are not the one to whom you are destined, you are not qualified."

"Fate of destiny?"

Emperor Tiantian shook his head and said: "This illusory existence, when it has, there is, when it is not, nothing."

This sentence is very profound, Yun Feiyang did not understand.


Emperor Tianyu said gently: "You should not enter the battlefield outside the territory, you should not stand on the side of Little God Realm."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Did my arrival disrupt your plan?"

The emperor said: "Perhaps."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "If this is the case, I will be very happy."

Di Juntian shook his head and said: "You better leave as soon as possible, otherwise..."


Yun Feiyang said coldly.


A strong breath erupted from Emperor Tiantian's whole body, and instantly filled.


Feeling a terrifying momentum, Yun Feiyang looked shocked.

Even if Yu Wenying condensed Kunpeng's power and formed the breath, he never shocked him.


Yun Fei raised his eyes and said solemnly: "Break through to the quasi-cent?"



The eyes of the Lord of all circles appeared horrified.

After all, this level can already ascend the True Martial God Territory, and should not exist in the realm.

To say the most shocking thing is still acting as the little **** master. At this moment, his eyes are uncertain and more and more gloomy.

This lord of the imperial empire was the emperor of heaven.

He had been informed after the other party declared war, but he did not expect the other party's strength to reach the quasi-cent.

"The Lord."

Zuo Zhidao: "Be sure to inform the Lord, otherwise, there will be a devastation in the Little God Realm."


Acting the little **** Lord said angrily: "Why was it that my father wasn't a good fit, why did he become so strong."

What he thought was also what Yun Feiyang thought.

After all, the emperor's heaven of the previous life, if counted, has just entered the level of half-cents.


Emperor Tiantian withdrew his momentum and said, "You should agree now that I am more qualified than you to reshape God Realm."

If we only talk about Yun Feiyang admits.

After all, I am now only half a cent in the stable period, and the other party is a quasi-cent.

This level, absolutely in the world, is a sideways existence.

"You are still not qualified."

Yun Feiyang suddenly smiled and said: "Because this is my mission, even the Emperor Xianfei is not qualified to replace it."

Very crazy and arrogant!

Emperor Tian shook his head and said: "If you don't talk about this matter, you better leave the battlefield outside the territory."

"What if I don't leave?"

Yun Fei said.

Emperor Tiandao said: "If you are obsessed, don't blame me..."


At this moment, the distant swept across, the more powerful divine power, saw Ziwei God flew by.

"Emperor Heaven."

He stood in front of Yun Fei and scolded: "It's you who perseveres!"


Yun Feiyang looked dull.

Suddenly the man who appeared suddenly was familiar with the breath.

And in terms of momentum, it is not weaker than Emperor Tiantian, is it also a quasi immortal?


Emperor Tian frowned slightly: "Do you want to stop me?"


Yun Feiyang stunned and said: "Zhongtian Ziwei God?"

Mom, did you make a mistake, how could this guy break through to the quasi-cent?

Yun Dachen was hit hard.

After all, he thinks that after his rebirth, the realm is suddenly elevated and placed in the former God Realm, which is definitely crushing the gods.

Now it's alright, both Divine Lord and Ziwei God, one of the four imperial masters, have reached the quasi-centenary. Is it still alive?


In the real martial arts realm, Taiwu murmured: "Two little girls, I was instructed by them at that time, but I didn't expect to rebirth and come back, but I broke through to the quasi-century."

If Yun Da Bian God knows that Emperor Juntian and Ziwei God can enter the quasi immortal and Master, they will vomit blood.

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