Super God

Chapter 1430: Commanders

Yunfeiyang learned from Ziwei God's mouth that Emperor Juntian replaced himself and reshaped the purpose of God Realm.

I also know that more than 80 gods and souls were found by him first.

But there is another key issue.

Emperor Tiantian is not the man to whom the destiny belongs, how to reshape the God Realm?

Ziwei Shinto: "I don't know how he reinvented God Realm, but since he did so, he must be quite sure."


Yun Feiyang replied, and said: "Emperor Heaven is a quasi immortal, why not directly kill the Little God Realm and destroy the Little God Lord?"

"Cloud God of War."

Ziwei Shinto: "If it wasn't for Emperor Heaven to declare war, would you think that Little God Realm could invite Tianlong Realm?"

"Don't think of it."

Yun Feiyang said truthfully.

Ziwei Shinto: "Although Little God Realm was born for ten thousand years, the overall strength is weak, but there is an alliance among all realms."

"Dijuntian knows this."

"So, instead of hurriedly shooting, I chose to go to war."

"The purpose is to have a more comprehensive understanding of what power is behind Little God Realm."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He found Emperor Tiantian more than he thought.

"As soon as the boundary war begins, Emperor Juntian's identity will eventually be revealed."

Ziwei Shinto: "I believe that the Little God Realm will also contact the Zhenwu God Realm in time, and soon there may be a quasi-Xian lower realm."

Yun Feiyang stunned and said, "God Realm does not have regulations, can't the quasi-central level come in?"

"There is this rule, but..."

Ziwei God paused and said: "There is also a rule that the Nether Warrior breaks through the Quasi Immortal level and must fly to the Real Martial God Territory. It must not stay too long, affecting the balance between heaven and earth."

"Jun Tian and I have broken through to the quasi-cent, and violated the rules of the gods domain. The other party grasped this point and allowed the quasi-immortal strong to enter the realm."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Once the quasi-century level entered the war, the scene would never dare to think, and it was by no means able to intervene.

"Cloud God of War."

Ziwei Shinto: "I came to the extraterritorial battlefield today, one is to protect you, and the other is to ask you."

"Please me?"

Yun Feiyang said blankly.

Ziwei God said solemnly: "On behalf of the Little God Realm, defeat the God Hidden Realm."


"Because this battle for the emperor and heaven and the gods is just a pre-war training."

"If you can defeat the army of the Shenyin Empire, the gods will understand that you are the one to whom the destiny belongs, and no one can replace it!"


Quasi immortal level, can not stay in the extraterritorial battlefield for too long.

So after talking with Yun Feiyang for an hour, Ziwei God still left.

Before leaving, he asked again and again, hoping that Yun Feiyang could represent the Little God Realm and defeat the Shenyin Empire.

Not only to let the gods understand, but also to make Emperor Tiantian understand that the destiny can not be violated, Yun Feiyang is the one who really reshapes the God Realm.

If you look back, it’s better.

Ziwei God knows the character of Emperor Juntian very well, and he may have a low heart when looking back, but he should try it anyway.

"Defeat the army of Shenyin Empire?"

Yun Feiyang pondered for a long time in the room and grinned: "It seems that Emperor Juntian has been developing with all his concentration over the years."


He grinned: "I'd like to see if his army of empire is powerful or my army of spirits is better!"

Yun Feiyang left Kuangsha City, and the reminder sounded as usual.

At this time, many mischievous strongmen, although knowing that he was out, were afraid of too many beasts and dared not keep up.


After leaving the city.

Yun Feiyang came to the center of the war zone and looked around.

"What is he doing?"

"Is it possible to admire the scenery?"

The warriors from all walks of life always locked in Yun Feiyang, and when he saw him, he sometimes looked into the distance, and sometimes he stopped thinking, and was immediately confused.

After half an hour.

Yun Feiyang stopped in a flat area, and after exploration, said: "Just be here."


He squatted down and put it on the ground with one hand, and the attributes of the back soil instantly appeared and merged into the soil.


Suddenly, the earth shook violently, and the soil cracked quickly.


Many warriors were stunned.

They had no idea what Yun Feiyang was doing.


Under the traction of the properties of the back soil, the soil quickly cracked to form a long pit.


Some warriors saw the clues from the light curtain.

"I go?"

"Does this guy want to build a house on the extraterrestrial battlefield?"

As the attributes of the back soil continue to spread, the length of the pit expands infinitely, and finally hangs for twenty miles.


Everyone's mouth twitched.

At the same time, I understand that Yun Feiyang lays foundations, not a house, but a city!


At this moment, the space shattered, and huge boulders of hard material flew out and quickly filled the pit.

Under the control of Xiannian, stones of the same size were quickly piled up, and for about a moment, the wall of a city appeared on the light curtain.

This ability to quickly build a city, as long as there is stone in the space ring, many strong people can do it.

However, they are very puzzled. Why is this city built for no reason?


After surrounded by the city pool.

Yun Feiyang transferred wood from Feiyang circle and began to fill it.

After an hour.

After the construction of the city pool was completed, there were towers, sentry towers, playgrounds, and military camps, but there were no houses for the people to live in.

The warriors of all realms look They have already seen that this city is not used to live in the people, it is used to station the army!

This is a military city!

In the battlefield outside the territory, what is the purpose of Yunfeiyang to build such a city?

The Ziwei God who had just been sent out was also puzzled, and he really didn't understand the idea of ​​Yun Dashen.


Yun Feiyang walked to the gate of the city, waved his finger, and carved it on the stone plaque, and soon the three vigorous and powerful characters of "Feiyang City" appeared.

"Name yourself?"

"What the **** is he doing?"

The more people look at it, the more puzzled it is. Is it boring to build a military city?


Yunfei flew up and landed on the tower.

In the process of flying up, he radiated white light around him, and after dissipation, the Taixu platinum battle armor was already covered.


Wuling Excalibur appeared before him.

Yun Feiyang pressed his palms to the top of the hilt, his body was straight, and a strong breath erupted around him.

This kind of breath makes the warriors of all realms think it is the wind of generals, but only a few people know that this is the style of the head of the three war gods of God Realm!

Yun Fei looked at the city and said loudly: "The generals will listen to the order."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Although this guy has the style of a general, there is no one but Cheng Chi except himself. Have you ever thought of such an addiction?


Suddenly, countless streamers flashed on the city playground.

In an instant, two hundred thousand tall and burly alien soldiers were lined up and their eyes were hot.

Yanshuang and Luo Mu and others wearing general armor were listed in the marching ceremony before the battle. Hundreds of thousands of spirit soldiers also acted the same way, Qi Xiangyunfei carried on the marching ceremony.

Judging from the light curtain, the scene is magnificent, even not weaker than the previous beasts!

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