Super God

Chapter 1438: This battle is your stage

The two circles worked together to encircle the flying city and declared failure with retreat.

In this campaign, the Shenyin Empire suffered 30,000 casualties and the Tianlong Realm suffered 50,000 casualties, which is not a small loss.

The various siege equipments brought in were either damaged or seized.

In this battle, warriors from all walks of life have truly seen the intrepid soldiers, and their understanding and application of formation.

"too strong!"

"Such a legion is simply a **** general."

"The two super circles think that those flying cities will be difficult."

Everyone talked.

In their minds, they still prefer the two realms.

After all, the two strongest circles, both human and resource, are very scary.

If you use the sea of ​​people tactics at all costs and put pressure on Feiyang City, you can definitely suppress it.


After the two armies retreated.

The foreign battlefield calmed down again.

After some inventory, Yun Feiyang’s Ling soldiers wounded about 10,000 people and killed more than 3,000.

This number is already a lot.

It also proves that the strength of the legions sent by the two circles is very strong.

Yun Feiyang has the attribute of life, which can make the wounded heal faster, but he didn't do it.

There are too many wounded people. It takes time and energy to recuperate.

Therefore, at this time, the three provinces of Yan and the many elders of the Shanggan Dan Palace showed value.

Before they started the war, they began to refine the super-healing healing pill.

Pills of potions were released and distributed, and the wounded soldiers recovered quickly after taking them in a few days.

At this point, the two super circles can't compare, because there are very few Dan Wang level strong.


Three days later.

The peaceful extraterritorial battlefield was broken again.

The 400,000 troops are divided into two roads, from the east and west gates of Feiyang City, to attack Tianxiong City and Kuangsha City respectively.

It is impolite to come and go.

Yun Feiyang will naturally return to the two realms.

At the same time, let them understand that they can not only defend, but also take the initiative to attack.


After seeing the intention, everyone suddenly stunned.

Yun Feiyang dare to take the initiative to attack the two realms separately.

Awesome, too awesome!

Warriors from all walks of life admired it one after another.

After all, if you switch to them, you must defend and not attack.

"It seems that the troops going to Tianxiong City are relatively small. Could it be that God Realm is attacking Mad City?"

"From the perspective of the strength of the legion, Tianlong Realm is obviously weaker than Shenyin Empire. Yun Feiyang's move should be to first concentrate firepower and cause trouble for Tianlong Realm."


After a few hours.

On the East Road, the 300,000 Ling clan army first killed outside the madness city.

Various siege equipments were launched, and after correction, they were all locked on the city gate.

The battle has not yet begun, and the small warrior in the city suddenly panicked.

They entered the battlefield outside the territory, completely unable to help themselves, and now facing Yun Feiyang such a strong army, naturally panic.


At the order of Yanshuang, the crystal core throwing machine suddenly occurred.

Countless rounds of artillery shells, dragging the streamer, pierced the sky, and finally blasted on the defensive junction above the city.

It turned out that there was not only the formation of Feiyang City, but also of Kuangsha City.

The first round of bombing failed to shake, so that the little warrior in the city suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tianlong Realm is famous for its formation."

"Yunfei's army would be difficult to break the city."

"Yeah, it's totally useless except for shells and money."

Everyone talked about it.

The second round of artillery shells was fired again and blasted into the wild city. Although the space was slightly distorted, it was not a problem.


The general standing on the tower, sneered.

He personally ordered a very strong defensive formation, not to mention artillery shells, even if the half-cent immortal consummation in the stable period would not break.

boom! boom!

The third round of shells was bombarded again, without breaking through the formation.

"It's quite strong."

Yanshuang shook his head helplessly, then flew up and said loudly: "Dare to go out of town for a battle."

Can't break the formation, can't attack the city.

Therefore, according to Zhuge Jin's instructions, he planned to call in front of the city.

It is a pity that the defender of the city will not fight, after all, he has already seen the intrepidity of the spirit soldiers, and he will never easily be in the city before the stronger reinforcements come.

The opponent did not fight, Yanshuang ordered the army to be stationed twenty miles outside the city, waiting quietly.

Doing so is also worried that the other party will form a tacit understanding with God Hidden Realm for the second time, and will be surrounded by the flying city.


Tianlong Realm chose to defend the city, and Yanshuang could only camp.

However, the 100,000-spirit soldiers commanded by Luo Mu and Yunli were inseparable from the God Realm.

After a long battle, the two sides lost each other and could only strike back to the city.

"The army of the Shenyin Empire is stronger than the first battle!"

"Yun Feiyang's group of alien soldiers didn't take much advantage."

"In my opinion, it should be the elite teacher of the Shenyin Empire."

Everyone talked.

Yun Feiyang in Feiyang City frowned.

The corps of the Shenyin Empire that fought out of town was very powerful in terms of strength and equipment.

In particular, the same mastery of formation, when playing with his own spirit soldiers, he behaved very calmly and calmly.

"If this is their elite teacher."

Zhu Gejin pondered: "It's going to be I'm afraid it will cost a lot."

"It's okay, take your time."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "A war of such a high standard cannot be won or lost overnight."


Zhuge Jin nodded and began to continue thinking about strategies.

Yun Feiyang said: "It's here for you, I'll go to the ethereal world."

"Are you going?"

Zhuge Jin was slightly startled.

Although she is the commander in charge of this battle, there are some things that need to be decided by him.

For example, this time the soldiers were divided into two groups, attacking Tianxiong City and Mad Sha City.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I'm gone, won't you fight?"

"how is this possible."

Zhuge Jin immediately rejected.

Whether the man is present or not, and how to fight, she is very clear.

"That's not enough."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It is up to you to command the entire battle, it doesn't seem to matter whether I am here or not."


Zhuge Jin suddenly speechless.

She finally realized that this guy was going to shake hands again.

Yun Feiyang raised her hand and touched her tender white face, and said softly, "This battle is your stage."

"And all I can do is watch and provide you with logistic support."


Zhuge Jin was at a loss.

Yun Fei said: "I'll go to the ethereal world to get some equipment and shells."

Zhu Gejin's eyes lit up and said, "Yes."

This boundary war must be a protracted war. If there is not enough supplies, it will definitely fall into absolute passiveness.

"I am leaving."

Yun Feiyang waved away.

When he was out of the city, he merged into the teleportation array, and suddenly made the martial arts world wide-eyed.

A few days before the Three World War.

Yun Feiyang, who represents God Realm and Feiyang City, has left?

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