Super God

Chapter 1452: Attack of the Dragon Realm

The Four Door Classics not only helped Yun Feiyang break through to the pinnacle of the semi-central perfection.

At the same time, it also gave Feiyang a moral meaning.

The North Gate family of Zhenwu God Territory is really a wealthy boy.

Yun Feiyang now thinks that if the East and West Sanmen clan also came to kill themselves.

In this way, you can get the complete four door scriptures from their hands in advance, break through the quasi immortal, and enter the real martial arts domain, it will be easy.

"It's been long enough to leave, or build a warframe as soon as possible and return to the extraterritorial battlefield."

Yun Feiyang withdrew his unrealistic thoughts and began to concentrate on casting armor, and time passed unconsciously.

With the improvement of the realm, the intensity of the ground fire is strengthened, and once again refining a product of a half-sen level battle armor, only half a day, you can refine ten pieces.

What remains unchanged is that after a day of refining, soul consumption is severe, and you can only continue to recuperate for one day and refining the next day.

A hundred years later.

Yun Feiyang eventually refined 500,000 battle armor.

"too crazy."

Looking at the huge open space, with hundreds of thousands of armor piled up, Ouyang Hui was deeply shocked.

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she couldn’t believe it. Someone had been relentlessly refining a quality armor for hundreds of years and refining 500,000 pieces!

"call out!"

Suddenly, the armor placed on the ground flew one after another, Yun Feiyang released his soul power, and began his first soul marking.


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

Yun Feiyang has been away for nearly two years.

During this time, the God Hidden Realm has repeatedly exerted pressure to send troops to attack the Flying City. Zhuge Jin never closed his door and chose to defend.

After all, the opponent's strength is not weak, and they have elite equipment. If they continue to take the initiative, they will definitely be seriously consumed.

Zhuge Jin stayed on the ground, and the martial arts were unhappy.

They wanted to watch the battle between the two armies and the kind of **** struggle. It wasn't that one side was calling in front of the city, one side couldn't shrink, and finally broke up.

What disappointed them even more was.

Outside the madness of the city, the 300,000 troops headed by Yanshuang were stationed for so long, and they all built defensive fortresses, and Tianlong Realm never went out of the city to fight.

This is too cringe.


Zhuge Jin doesn't think so.

She guessed that the reason why the Tianlong Realm has been standing still is definitely preparing actively. When the attack is launched, it must be as powerful as a flood discharge.

In fact, in the past two years, Tianlong Realm has been sending troops to settle in Kuangsha City, and equipment is also being produced on a large scale in the realm.

As one of the strongest four realms, Tianlong Realm is definitely rich in resources, so after this period of casting, the various legions have been fully armed.

This is not.

It didn't take long.

The gate of the imprisoned Mad Sha City was pushed open, and the well-equipped Tianlong Realm Army was dispatched, with a total of half a million people.

"Tianlongjie finally sent troops!"

The warriors from all walks of life suddenly became excited.

The half-million troops, stepping on the earth-shattering voice, came in a mighty way.

The Yanshuang standing on the fort is twitching at the corner of his mouth, because there are not only many people in the Tianlong Realm, but also many heavy siege equipment!



In an instant, Wanmen threw the rack up, forming a line, calibrating one after another, locking the fortress in all directions without dead ends.

"so much?"

The warriors of all circles widened their eyes.

Some people said: "If this is a bombing, the simple fortress will definitely be vulnerable."

"It's more than a blow, it's going to blow up inside, and there will be countless deaths and injuries."

Everyone can imagine that Yanshuang, who has been through battles, must also understand, so he ordered an immediate retreat.

There are a large number of soldiers in Tianlong Realm, well-equipped and equipped with so many siege weapons, fools will defend.



The 300,000 Ling clan army retreated immediately.

And when they had just left, they heard the sound of "Bang Bang Bang", and thousands of shells swept through, just like locusts crossing the border.

boom! boom!

After a bombardment, the military fort that was built for more than a year was bombed without a trace, and even a large pit was recessed on the ground.

"Oh shit."

While Yanshuang withdrew, he said uncomfortably: "This Heavenly Dragon Realm, you're too big to play."

very large.

Because this round of bombing, the spent crystal nucleus, converted into spirit stone, is an astronomical number that I dare not imagine.


"Tianlongjie is serious this time!"

"No wonder they will cower in the city for a short time, it turned out to be armed forces and mobilization of siege equipment."

The warriors of all circles talked.

At the same time, I am also very curious. If these 10,000-throwing planes were set up outside the flying city and would be bombed wildly, would they directly destroy the city?

This idea was soon realized.

Two hours later, the 500,000 elite divisions of the Tianlong Realm were killed outside the flying city, and 20,000 throwing machines were set up.

"Ten thousand more than before!"

"Tianlong Realm is really generous!"


Flying inside the city.

Standing on the tower, Zhuge Jin witnessed twenty thousand throwing machines, and immediately ordered his subordinates to integrate into the defensive formation.


In an instant, the formation shrouded in the flying city flashed dazzling light, obviously stronger than before.

"Can you stop so many bombers from bombing by relying only on the formation?"

"From the perspective of the previous bombing, the strength of the shells prepared by the Tianlong Realm is probably comparable to that of the third, fifth, and fifth cents.

The warriors of all circles shook their heads one after another.

Yun Feiyang entered the extraterritorial battlefield, first summoned a lot of gods and beasts, and forged them to the city, which brought them enough shock But if they only talk about the army, they still prefer God Hidden Realm and Tianlong The world, after all, has deep roots and a solid foundation.


Standing in front of the battlefield, General Tianlongjie, who was in charge of the siege, shouted.


In a very short period of time, all 20,000 shells were loaded and blasted out one after another under the command to "fire".

"Boom! Boom--"

The dense shells exploded with a strong breath, and finally blasted on the flashing formation enchantment.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

For a time, the sky above the flying city was full of light and brilliance. At the same time, the surrounding space was shattered and the earth was cracked at a rapid speed.


No matter how fragmented the space and the earth are, the flying city enveloped by the formation is only a shock.

Not long after, the deafening roar subsided, the warriors of all circles saw the sky flying above the city, the formation still existed, and the enchantment shone proudly.


"Can this be carried?"

The warriors of all circles widened their eyes.

The general in charge of the siege was also stunned, and then his face was extremely ugly.

Twenty-thousand-thousand-three-grade and half-cent-class crystal-nuclear shells blasted collectively, but did not shake the formation of the enchantment, it was too shocking.


The general calmed down and said lightly: "I'm going to see how long this defensive barrier can last."


After that, he waved his hand: "Ready!"

The soldier standing in front of the throwing machine immediately loaded the shells and launched a second round of bombing.

The realms of the realms of the realms are endless. They deserve to be one of the strongest realms of the four realms. They take the extremely expensive cannonballs and do not take them seriously at all, they throw out 50,000 of them in a short time!

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