Super God

Chapter 1469: Big marriage (below)

The newlyweds came to power to worship Gaotang.

The woman's representative, Lin Ruoxuan was already in place, with a full smile.

On the chair representing the man, Taiwu is sitting, after all, Master is like a father.

At the beginning, Yun Feiyang arranged for Hou San, or Banxian, but they all politely refused, so they could only let the cheap master come.

Behind Taiwu, stood a masked woman, which puzzled the world.

Yun Feiyang was also puzzled, but since he was brought by Master, he said nothing.

And the masked woman has been looking at Lin Zhixi, her eyes flashing with a luster similar to satisfaction.

However, it quickly disappeared and nobody noticed.


The wedding of Yun Feiyang and Lin Zhixi is no different from that of a secular wedding. It is like paying tribute to Gao Tang and praying on knees.

When this set of procedures is completed, the two are considered to be true couples.

In fact, in the place of trial, Yun Feiyang and Lin Zhixi had been married once. At that time, it was nothing more than to show others.

This time, it was a big marriage in the true sense. Under the witness of many realm masters, it became a justified couple.

From now on, all martial artists will talk to Lin Zhixi, and the title will definitely change to Mrs. Yun.


Today's Yunfeiyang wedding is undoubtedly sad for many women, such as Qiu Yishui in the pharmaceutical world and Yanshan Xue standing in the distance of Feiyang City.

The mood of the two women is more of a bitterness and a relief.

Their feelings for Yun Feiyang's heart were also buried deep inside with the big marriage.


After the wedding ceremony, a banquet was held for the guests.

"Yun Shaoxia, happy wedding."

"you are welcome!"

At the banquet, the masters of all walks of life have toasted to celebrate.

Yun Feiyang did not refuse the visitor, and at the same time returned the gift, he drank the wine.

He knows his current strength, which makes many world leaders fear, so he will attend the wedding.

If there is no battle outside the territory, and the strong performance of the spirit soldiers, these realms must be regarded as air.


Yun Feiyang's wedding attracted countless realm masters to express their joy. For a time, everyone in the world became a wonderful talk after dinner.

At the same time, many warriors can also see.

This man, now in position, can already be on an equal footing with the masters of all circles.

A few years ago, in the battle between the Lingwu Realm and the Little God Realm, Yunfei Yangnian was only a warrior of the Tianzun class, and now he is not weaker than the Realm Master.

This growth rate has marveled and admired the martial artists of all circles.

They can totally imagine that Yun Feiyang will definitely have a very high voice in the future.


Someone sighed: "Why didn't he go to him at the time?"

This idea of ​​regret arose in the minds of many warriors, who regretted that the battle of the Three Realms had just begun and did not go to Feiyang City in time.

Many warriors in Little God Realm are the real regrets.

After all, many people at that time thought about whether to stand on the side of Yunfeiyang.

The ten major sects, such as the Blaze Sect and Yijian Tingyuge, also regretted one by one.

In particular, I remembered that the wine tables at the forefront of the banquet yesterday were the monk of wine and meat, the old man in black robe, and the elder Taizong.

Behind them are all the real master banquets, from which we can see that Yun Feiyang attaches great importance to them.

In the Lingxiao School, many elders were as uncomfortable as eating flies, because yesterday's banquet Tang Ruojian was also arranged in the front row.

And with Shen Tianxing, and the old man in purple robe!

They may not have heard of Taiwu, but the dean of the pride temple is absolutely thunderous.

Like this powerful person with identity, who can sit on the same seat with him, at least must be the master level.

If the elders of the Lingxiao School knew that the old man in the purple robe was not only Yunfei Yang, but also the fairy emperor of the True Martial God Realm, he was afraid that his eyes could be stared out.

In the toasting session, Tang Ruojian was also the third person after Taiwu and Shen Tianxing.

The elders of the Lingxiao School can clearly see from the light curtain that many realm masters looked at Tang Ruojian with a rather surprised look.

At the banquet, the order of the main family's toasting is particular. Usually, those who are toasted first have a certain identity.

It seems that the old man who is not high-level, after the nameless Taoist and Shen Tianxing, I am afraid the identity is not simple.

This kind of thought flashed in the minds of many realm owners, so that at the following banquet, many realm owners came to toast actively with smiles on their faces.

To be honest, the pictures at that time were seen by many elders of the Lingxiao School. They suffered 10,000 times the critical strike damage and almost spurted blood.

When the Battle of the Three Realms started, they vigorously opposed going to Yunfeiyang, believing that this child's confrontation with the Little God Realm with Tianlong Realm was simply death.

Tang Ruojian made up his mind and took the disciples of Jin Xiaofeng away, but instead caused them ridicule.

What now?

Yun Feiyang, with his powerful spirit soldiers, beheaded and killed more than one million Tianlong Realms, and he broke through the madness of the city, and directly announced the defeat of the Little God Realm!

In the battle with the Shenyin Empire, although there was a defeat, in general, it still did not fall.

In particular, a wedding attracted countless lords to congratulate, which can be said to have created the most powerful wedding banquet ever.

This is a face-slap.

The most painful face-slap is that Tang Ruojian will be taken care of by Yun Feiyang.

When the genius was compared, the Lingxiao School had already deeply regretted the glance they once had.

Nowadays, because he chooses Little God Realm on the station team, he even regrets wanting to vomit blood.

Of course, it is far worse than acting as the little **** That guy has witnessed countless world masters attending the wedding banquet, and he has been spitting blood.


After the wedding, the masters of all circles returned.

However, before leaving, they all looked at the purple robe Taoist.

Intuitively tell yourself that this old man is by no means simple.

Not to mention, this group of lords has a really good vision. It can be seen that Taiwu is not a simple person.


Tai Wu Dao: "Tu'er, you must leave as a teacher."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's a rare visit, don't stay for a few days?"


Taiwu sighed: "I want to live, but I'm too busy. I really don't have much time."


Yun Feiyang personally saw off.

Taiwu took the masked woman away, the two entered the teleportation array, and gradually dissipated, returning to the real martial arts domain.

"Thank you."

After the return, the woman was judo.

Taiwu Zedao said: "Your lower bound, Shou Yuan has lost thousands of years."

The woman smiled and said, "It's also worth seeing my son get married, which will damage Wan Zai Shouyuan."

"That's true."

Tai Wu paused and said: "Yes, your daughter-in-law, already pregnant."

"See it."

The woman smiled and said: "My cloud family, finally there is a back."

Tai Wu Ning solemnly said: "Your daughter-in-law, the daughter of the former Emperor Dongyi, may have a very bad qualification after the child is born."

The woman was delighted.

To get such a high evaluation of this strong man, the son's children will never be worse.


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