Super God

Chapter 1476: The end of the battle

In the final battle between the two realms, a total of two million troops were invested. Not only was the realm high, but also well equipped. &Le&Wen&Fiction..

It can be said that since the creation of a battlefield outside the territory, it is the first time such a large-scale battle between the two armies has been carried out.

As witnesses, the martial artists from all walks of life were honored, and always locked the light curtain, watching the mighty army fight.

With so many troops, it takes time to distinguish between high and low.

as predicted.

After playing for three hours, there was still no difference.

However, the warriors of all circles can clearly see that in these few hours of confrontation, the alien soldiers of Yunfei Yangfang, the more brave the war!

The soldiers of the Shenyin Empire were completely passively beaten, and eventually fell one by one, adding another body to the battlefield.

"The soldiers of the Shenyin Empire, although good, are still not good in front of alien soldiers."

"If there is no accident, this final matchup will definitely be a victory of God Realm."

The reason why everyone judges this is because from the light curtain, it is obvious that there are more foreign soldiers.

This means that after three hours of fighting, the Shenyin Empire suffered heavy losses.

"The outcome is divided."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

In his view, it was only a matter of time before the victory of this battle was won.

Yun Feiyang raised his head, looked at the shadow formation, and said lightly: "Emperor Juntian, the soldiers you trained are just like that."

This is mocking and provocative.

Many warriors believe that he has this capital.

After all, after destroying the Heavenly Dragon Realm first, there is now a suppression of the God Hidden Empire. In the world, who else can do it?

In the palace, Emperor Tiantian was silent, as if he didn't care about Yun Feiyang's sarcasm and provocation.

"The Lord."

The general beside said: "Do you want to use the last killer?"

"No need to."

Emperor Tiandao said: "The purpose of this battle is nothing more than training troops."


From the beginning, this battle was a military training.

But Emperor Juntian didn't expect that Yun Feiyang would cross the foot in his fight against Tianlong Realm.

It was originally intended to show the world that the mighty army of Shenyin Empire finally turned out to be the Wutai he performed.

This is very helpless, but also very collapsed.


Let's talk about extraterritorial battlefields.

The two sides have been fighting for six hours, from morning to dusk.

The millions of troops in the Shenyin Empire suffered heavy casualties, and only two or three hundred thousand left to resist.

Yun Feiyang also suffered losses, but the number was only more than 100,000.

This is also thanks to the age-old art of war, otherwise the two sides will fight before they are replaced, and even if they can win in the end, they will definitely win.

In terms of the Shenyin Empire, there are only 2300,000 soldiers left, and they are already at an absolute disadvantage. Without reinforcements, they will never be able to make a comeback.

Yun Feiyang stood in the sky, and Xiannian enveloped the battlefield outside the domain. At the same time, he paid attention to the flying city behind him.

This kind of worry is obviously unnecessary, because not only the flying city forces are all out, but also the Tianxiong city forces are on the battlefield.

Emperor Juntian and Yun Feiyang thought the same, and came to the final decisive battle to declare the end of the boundary war.




The spirit soldiers roared angrily, pushing forward constantly, and after several hours of fierce fighting, they were still full of energy.

At this point, there is absolutely no way for a large army of humans to be compared.

After half an hour of fighting, more than two hundred thousand enemy troops were killed and fragmented, and the remaining scattered soldiers did not escape back to Tianxiong City, still fighting until all were killed.

The millions of troops of the Shenyin Empire all died in battle, except for the coach who led the army.

At this moment, he stood in the heap of his own soldier's body, and his eyes showed a lot of bitterness. As a famous general in the hidden world of God, this battle was the worst in his life.


The head coach of Shenyin Empire looked up and laughed, full of sadness.

"Zhuge Jin!"

He withdrew his laughter and said, "You are worthy of the **** of war. This old man was defeated and convinced."

Between the speeches, the firefly-like streamer gradually appeared around him. Obviously, the veteran who had been in the army for many years was going to end his life in a self-explosive way.


Shen Qing shouted, and at the same time the divine power condensed, a giant shield was erected with divine power not far from the old man.


The explosion came and shook the world.

But because of the presence of the Aegis, the impact formed did not affect the army of the spirit race.

Gradually, the dust dissipated, and the coach exploded the area, forming a large, deep pit.

The warriors from all circles are silent.

Although the Shenyin Empire was defeated in this decisive battle, the soldiers and coach did not retreat, making them impressed.

Zhuge Jinli stood in the army, and there was no slight change on Qiao's face.

In this level of battlefield, once the winners and losers are separated, the losing side's ending must be death.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang fell beside her and smiled: "It's hard work."



The gates of the Tianxiong City were breached, and the spirit soldiers poured in like a tide, occupying the entire city.

Not long.

The battle flag engraved with the word "cloud" on the tower stood up and spread against the wind.

At this point, the battle for several years has ended at this moment, and the winner is God Realm headed by Yun Feiyang.

The warriors from all walks of life admired it.

After all, this young man defeated the two super realms of God Hidden Realm and Tianlong Realm respectively.

As to whether anyone can do it in the future, they are unknown, but understand that in this battle of the Three Realms, Yun Feiyang will definitely be known forever.

"call out!"

It didn’t take long for the battle flag to stand The sky flashed streamers, and the voice of the Aurora Immortal came: "The battle of the Three Realms is over, and the God Realm of the Victor, rewards Yun Fei for five million merits."

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang's identity on the waist card, the light flashed, the merits skyrocketed.

The merit of this guy has reached 15 million, which is definitely a huge number.


Yun Wuyou sitting on his shoulder asked silly, "What is merit?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "A good thing that can be exchanged for treasure."


Yun Wuyou seems to understand.

The little guy has no idea about the treasure, because he has not lacked since childhood.

This is unmatched by other peers.

However, after growing up, in order to like the woman, this kid personally led the Ling clan soldiers into the extraterritorial battlefield, and decided to compete with the strongest four realms in the future.

So much so that the **** of war Yun Feiyang created the name of the world, was replaced by his son Yun Wuyou.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Dad takes you to exchange for treasure."

With that said, he got up and went to the Hall of Merit of Tianxiong City.

"Yun Xiaoyou."

The shopkeeper of the Gongxiong Pavilion in Tianxiong City was also the kind old man. He smiled and said, "Congratulations on winning this battle of the three realms."

He said, after taking a glance at Yunwuyou, he was surprised when he saw that at a young age, he had different attributes shrouded in his body.


The shopkeeper praised: "This child has excellent qualifications and will become a great weapon in the future."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Senior, if I guessed right, should there be more advanced meritorious service pavilions?"

"Yes, there is!"

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Yun Xiaoyou, please follow me."

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