Super God

Chapter 1482: Little devil, Yunwuyou

"Have you heard? President Shen made an exception and ordered Yun Feiyang's son to be the new proud son."

"My God, is there such a thing?"

"If I remember correctly, the son of Yunfei Yang seems to be only three years old?"

"This is definitely the youngest arrogant man in the hall of pride."

The news that Yun Wuyou became an arrogant maniac spread wildly in all realms, and marveled the martial arts.

of course.

At this time no one would think that Yun Wuyou can become an arrogant because Yun Feiyang.

After all, the Hall of Pride is a highly authoritative neutral organization in the minds of all realms, and the appointment of Pride will never consider the relationship.

Without the discussion of the Presbyterian Church, the direct death of the arrogant means that the son of Yunfei Yang must have something extraordinary.

Many warriors have begun to make bold guesses. Soon after, a new generation of leading figures will definitely have Yunwu worry.


Yun Feiyang left his son in the palace, and then entered Feiyang Realm, began to practice retreat, and strive for an early understanding of the martial arts of the mid-century level.

During this period, Luo Mu and others relied on the meaning of the heaven and earth to break through to the level of the half-central perfection.

They did not relax their vigilance, but continued to practice and strive for breakthroughs to help Yun Feiyang reshape the God Realm.

Flying within.

The martial arts culture is even stronger.

In the Hall of Pride, the newly-respected Piaozi Yunwuyou was deeply loved by many prides and came to tease him from time to time.

This day.

Yun Wuyou sat alone on a boulder, dragging her cheeks with her small hands, her small face covered with melancholy.

The arrogant passing by shook his head secretly.

They often see this situation and understand that the little guy is missing his parents, after all, he is only three years old.


After a while, Yun Wuyou sighed and murmured: "Sister Jiayi, Sister Lingshuang, I don't have to worry about you."


The arrogant son fell to the ground, it turned out that this little guy was not thinking about his parents, but thinking about girls!


Shen Tianxing seemed to appreciate Yun Wuyou very much, and personally taught him martial arts, which envied the arrogant sons.

Yun Wuyou is also very attentive, fully showing her wicked qualities. It only took a month to break through from no realm to the realm of Wuwang.

This speed spread in the temple hall, and the proud pride, one by one, wanted to spit blood.

A month, break through the martial king.

This is definitely the evil spirit among the evil spirits, even if Yun Fei in those years, the rebirth is not so fast.

no way.

Yun Wuyou's qualifications are against the sky, martial arts resources are rich, and Shen Tianxing personally guides. It is strange if the realm cannot be improved quickly.

Two years later.

Five-year-old Yun Wuyou sits on the grass, practicing the mental methods passed to him by Shen Tianxing, and runs calmly and quietly for weeks.

About a moment, a strong gurgling breath appeared in his body and diffused towards the outside world.

The arrogant who is practicing not far away, feeling the breath, twitched their corners of the mouth, because they knew that the little guy was going to break through to Wushen!

In just two years, they never broke into the Wushen level and made their hearts hurt again.

However, what is even more exaggerated is that this little guy is only five years old. I wonder who else can break through to the level of Wushen at this age?


Absolutely not.

Standing in the distance, Shen Tianxing nodded with satisfaction: "Even in Zhenwu God Realm, five-year-old breakthrough Wu, no one should be able to do it."

After half an hour.

The breath of the outgoing wildly poured in, and not long after, Yun Wuyou opened her eyes, and the two lights flashed away.

"Sister Jiayi, Sister Lingshuang, I broke through to Wushen, if you know, you will be very happy." The little guy murmured.

After the breakthrough, I didn't think of my parents first, but the girl. If Yun Da Bian Shen knew, she would drag a forty meter knife and come to cut this little bastard.



One day, Yun Wuyou, who was practicing, suddenly fell to the ground, her face quite weak.

"Worryless brother, what's wrong with you?"

A passing woman walked in a hurry and picked him up.


Xiao Wuyou lay on the chest of her elder sister and said, "Sister Qinglian, may be over-cultivation."

Between the talks, a small smile of conspiracy hung on the small harmless human face.

The pretty school sister didn't realize that the little guy was performing, but softly accused: "Wu Yidao, pay attention to the gradual and natural, otherwise it will easily be counterproductive."


Xiao Wuyou said: "I know, Qinglian is a sister."


He gently loosened his nose and smiled, "Sister Qinglian, you're so sweet."

The pretty school sister laughed and said nothing.

Xiao Wuyou continued: "The book says that the more fragrant the woman, the more beautiful, no wonder Sister Qinglian is so beautiful!"

"is it?"

Being so praised, the pretty school sister smiled like a flower.

Coincidentally, several male arrogants passed by and saw Xiao Wuyou amused the beauty who had always been inaccessible, and immediately admired.


Yun Wuyou not only inherited Yun Feiyang's martial qualifications, but also inherited his skill of picking up girls.

He was only five years old, and he was loved by his elder sisters in the Hall of Pride.


This little guy also has a nemesis.

This nemesis is Ji Feiya.

For example, today, just after finishing training, the little guy is ready to chat with the big sisters, and at a glance sees the woman coming 咻! "

The little guy stared at the leg and slipped like a monkey.

However, only him in the realm of Wushen, in front of Ji Feiya, he could not run away if he wanted to run.

Just looking at her method, she stood in front of Xiaowuyou, and said with a cold face: "Stinky boy, see what I ran."

"This one……"

Yun Wuyou hurriedly clamped her legs and embarrassedly said, "I... I'm anxious."

"is it?"

Ji Feiya leaned over and filled her face with unbelief.

Yun Wuyou knew that she couldn't hide it, and said: "Aunt Feiya, the dean has given me a lot of martial arts homework recently. I really don't have time to accompany you to do tasks."

"You are quite smart."

Ji Feiya smiled and said: "I know that I came to you to do a task."

Yun Wuyou said: "Every time you come to do a task, if I can't guess, wouldn't it be as stupid as my father?"

If this word is heard by the **** Yun, the forty meter sword will definitely be out of the sheath again.


Ji Feiya said: "Following me to do the task is actually an experience."

Yun Wuyou said weakly: "Can I have the right not to go?"



In this way, Ji Feiya took Yun Wuyou away from the Hall of Pride and entered the mountain forest where the fierce beasts were all over.


Soon, Yun Wuyou shouted from the forest.

Countless fierce beasts are chasing behind his buttocks, it is possible to eat this little bite at any time.

Ji Feiya stood on the tree with her hands on her chest and smiled: "At this moment of crisis, the potential of the warrior can be most stimulated."

Yun Wuyou is crazy.

But in order to live alive, the power of feeding is used.

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