Super God

Chapter 1536: You won the first battle

??Emperor Tiantian inspired the strongest level of the emperor's magic formula, incarnate into a hundred feet high, and condensed the strongest power to bomb Щщш..lā

Yun Feiyang summoned countless flying swords, mainly composed of Hunyuan Qiankun swords, to form giant swords.

Not only did he use the three levels of Wan Jian to return to the sect, he also displayed three changes in the spirit of the God of War, and summoned the immortal sword spirit to form a unity of man and spirit.

The outbreak of so many cards is enough to prove that this is the moment of decisive battle.


Those who watched the war from a distance swallowed saliva.

At that time, Yun Feiyang and Nanmen God had fought such a giant sword, but they only saw it through the light curtain.

Now I was immersively watching and felt the fierce sword, but my mind was deeply shocked.

that moment.

They have an illusion.

Yun Feiyang, blessed by the sword spirit, seems to be no longer a person, but a sword that will sever the sky!

When Yun Feiyang merged with the cheap and cheap to form a giant sword, the state was only at the peak of the half-cent immortal consummation, and also used the third change of the God of War soul.

Today, it has broken through the quasi-century, and once again the combination of two bases, only one or two changes, but its power is more than ten times stronger than before!


Yun Feiyang waved with one hand and sneered: "Break me!"

The words just fell, and the condensed giant sword suddenly rushed up, carrying Taiqing sword gas and supreme morality at the same time!

It can be said that Yun Feiyang's real killer is to transform the giant sword and display the Taiqing sword tactics.

"call out!"

The giant sword soared into the sky, the sword intention spread, and wherever it passed, a deep sword mark appeared in the universe.


Emperor Tiantian's palms were suppressed resolutely.

At that moment, the giant sword was up, the giant palm was down, and two different forces exploded, suddenly eclipsing the entire universe.

"Boom! Boom!"

The earth trembles violently in the God Hidden Realm far enough away.

The warrior in it clearly captured the two terrifying forces, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

A plane farther away.

The warriors living here felt the emperor's breath and sword intent, and their expressions changed.

Soon, they found that at the end of the sky, there were two faint lights flashing, and they gradually moved closer together.

That was the light produced by Yun Feiyang's Great Sword and Emperor Juntian's palm prints. The distance between them has reached 10,000 light!

This final showdown allowed the warriors in the 10,000 light to witness it, which was really terrifying.

"what is that?"

"Is someone fighting?"

The warrior in the world looked blank.

In the end, they witnessed the two lights close together, exploded like a bomb, and formed a dazzling halo.


A little bit, the wind in the world was very strong, and the space was slightly trembling.

The face of the warrior in it changed suddenly, and he immediately guessed that the sudden fluctuation in the world must be related to the fusion of the two rays of light!

"Oh my God!"

"Did the two forces collide?"



Many strong men flew out of bounds, and when they stood in the universe, looking at the expanding halo, the corners of their mouths twitched violently.

Although I am not sure whether it is a collision of forces, it can be inferred that it is very far away from myself!


Then go back to the war zone.

The warriors who watched the battle retreated several thousand miles again, but at the moment they were all pale and seriously injured.

Just now, they witnessed the frontal collision of the giant sword and the giant palm with their own eyes. However, only the blasting sound from them shocked their meridians.

Especially after the explosion, Yu Wei struck and hit the internal organs.

This is still fast.

If it is slower, it may have been killed on the spot.

"Lying trough!"

In another area, Luo Mu clutched his chest and said pale: "It's too powerful!"

When Yu Wei attacked, he and Shen Qing simultaneously performed magical powers to form a defense. Although they resolved it, they also damaged the meridians.

Yan Shuang and others said nothing, and looked at the distant war zone.

What they care more about is, this time the competition between Brother Feiyang and Emperor Tiantian, what is the result?


Within the area of ​​engagement.

The fierce sword spirit and the breath of the powerful emperor mixed together, ruining the vast universe.

Gradually, the two forces weakened.

A shattered space spreading thousands of miles appears in everyone's field of vision, and at the same time a erected sword mark is particularly eye-catching, as if to divide the universe into two.

Everyone knows.

This sword mark must have been caused by Yunfeiyang forming a giant sword, and in the area of ​​the source of devouring, there are still the same sword marks.

In the severed universe, Yun Fei stood on the spot, floating countless fragmented swords around him.

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword stood in front of him, the light dimmed, as if extremely weak.


Suddenly, Yun Fei opened his mouth and a black blood spewed out, his face pale instantly.

At this moment, he has severely damaged meridians in his body. Even if the life attributes operate autonomously, it is difficult to repair in a short time.

"Brother Feiyang!"

Yanshuang and others were shocked.

The Lagerstroemia **** in the distance is also staring.

Yun Feiyang's wound was not light, but he raised his head gently and squeezed out a smile.

Where he looked, the emperor stood on the ground, his hair scattered, and he shook his head and sighed, "It is worthy of the destiny."

With that said, the body shrank quickly.

Only a moment later, Baizhang's body returned to its former form.

Yanshuang and others frowned.

They believed that Di Juntian did not seem to be injured except for her hair being messed up.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came.

Yanshuang and others immediately looked and saw that Emperor Tiantian's right arm, which had been suppressed previously, fell off and blood spewed out.


Yun Feiyang shook his said: "I haven't been able to take your lead with a sword."

Emperor Tiantian's face was a little grim, but he didn't care about his arm being cut off. He said, "You won this battle."


He looked coldly and said: "The real victory and defeat must be divided on the battlefield."


The million-strong army in the Shenyin Empire suddenly broke out for cultivation, forming a gurgling wave of terror.

Yun Feiyang said weakly: "I think so."



The million-spirit soldiers headed by Yanshuang also exploded in cultivation, and the formed waves immediately overwhelmed each other.

Emperor Tiantian left.

Yun Feiyang also dragged his weak body away.

Although he cut off Emperor Juntian's arm with a sword, he also paid a huge price.

Next, you can only give them to Yanshuang. If you destroy the army of God's Hidden Realm, you will defeat Emperor Tiantian in a real sense.


Returning to the camp, Yun Fei said: "Those souls must be alive."


Yanshuang and others nodded.



A little later, they took the army of the spirit race and flew towards the fragmented universe, and at the same time, the million troops of the Shenyin Empire also dispatched together.

For a time, the two sides were separated by hundreds of feet, arranging the formation, struggling.

Yun Feiyang and Emperor Juntian's battle is over, and then the battle between the two armies and the Soul of Soul is over.

The outcome of both sides is related to the final outcome.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang did not watch the battle. After the army was dispatched, he joined the flying world and began to suffer the side effects of the three changes of the God of War soul.

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