Super God

Chapter 1569: Sengoku

Yun Feiyang once again took out two fairy stones to exchange crystal cores, and the shopkeeper of the exchange cabinet was dumbfounded.

He is very puzzled. What kind of person is this person? There should be so many fairy stones?


Will this guy be a fairy stone trainer!

As the shopkeeper's thinking jumped, his expression suddenly became alert.

It is very difficult for normal warriors to do this kind of exchange of fairy stone for crystal core.

The fairy stone trainer hired in the exchange cabinet needs 7,000 crystal nuclei to condense a fairy stone.

And this is the most common.

The governor knows that some fairy stone condensate trainers can condense fairy stones with fewer crystal nuclei.

It is not uncommon for colleagues to take Xianshi to exchange crystal nuclei, refine them, and then exchange them.

"Little friend."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "The market for Xianshi exchanged for crystal nuclei has changed recently. One xianshi can only be exchanged for 6,000 crystal nuclei."

He changed it on purpose to prevent his peers from maliciously redeeming it.

Yun Feiyang could see that his behavior had caused the shopkeeper to be vigilant, and immediately shrugged, said: "Do you think that the two fairy stones I brought are ordinary fairy stones?"


The shopkeeper instinctively picked up a fairy stone, and Xiannian poured into it.

However, this exploration turned his face, because he found that the meaning contained in the fairy stone, both in purity and measurement, is much stronger than the normal specifications of the fairy stone!


He picked up the second immortal stone again, and found that it was the same as the previous immortal stone, and was shocked: "Is this a middle grade immortal stone?"

Xianshi also has levels.

Most of the immortal stones flowing on the market are inferior immortal stones, while the middle and even the highest immortal stones are quite rare.

Yun Feiyang's two immortal stones are much higher in purity and measurement than the inferior ones, so they belong to the category of middle-grade immortal stones.

After this was refined, he exchanged it directly. If Wu Tongyu was investigated first, he would be shocked.

For the first time to condense immortal stone, he extracted two middle-grade immortal stones. What a god!

The shopkeeper's expression solemnly said: "Xiaoyou, how do you get this Zhongpinxianshi?"

The condensate trainer who can condense the middle grade immortal stone is definitely at the middle level.

The trainer also has levels.

Divided into inferior, median and superior, corresponding to inferior, intermediate and superior stone.

Immortal stone trainers like Wu Tongyu belong to the better ones in the lower ranks, and they can make an immortal stone with 6,000 pieces.

of course.

The strength of a Xianshi condensate trainer is not determined by condensing out the Xianshi with the least crystal nuclei, but the quality of the look.

For example, the median fairy stone trainer may need more than 10,000 crystal nuclei to refine a fairy stone, but the refined middle-grade fairy stone is comparable to two lower-grade fairy stones.

If this shopkeeper knows that Yun Da Bian Shen uses 3,000 crystal nuclei to condense a middle-grade fairy stone, his eyes will definitely stare out.

To be honest, it is very difficult for the three thousand crystal nuclei to condense the middle grade immortal stone, even the best concentrator in the middle.

Yun Feiyang wouldn’t say that it was made by himself, so instead of answering his inquiry, he smiled and said: “This level of fairy stone, if you only give six thousand crystal nuclei, I can only change the house. ."


The shopkeeper hurriedly smiled and said: "Little friends, we can discuss it carefully."

Zhongpin Xianshi is very rare and must not be missed.

Yun Feiyang said impatiently: "My time is limited, it is best for the shopkeeper to show sincerity."

"Little friend."

The shopkeeper said: "Let me consider."

Yun Feiyang kept silent and looked at him quietly.

The shopkeeper's brain is running fast, and he starts to calculate what price should be opened in order to get two middle-grade fairy stones.


In the end, he shot the table and said: "Yingdian is willing to exchange five lower-level fairy stones for two middle-level fairy stones in the hands of children."

The shopkeeper is very sincere!

Because of normal circumstances, two median stones can only be exchanged for four lower stones.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "I only need crystal nuclei."


The shopkeeper suddenly collapsed.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I will not bargain anymore. Two median fairy stones will be exchanged for 40,000 crystal nuclei."


The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched slightly and embarrassedly said: "Xiaoyou, you can't get so many crystal nuclei."

What Yun Da cheap **** thinks is, rely on a large number of crystal nuclei to refine immortal stone, and then exchange it, so continuous superposition.

However, he overlooked an important issue, that is, in a small place like Night City, it is very unrealistic to want to obtain endless crystal nuclei!

"how many?"

Yun Fei said.

The shopkeeper stretched out **** and said, "Twenty thousand crystal nuclei."

"so little?"

Yun Feiyang frowned.

The shopkeeper said helplessly: "The night city is small and the state is generally not high. Few repairs have used crystal cores to exchange for fairy stones."

Yun Feiyang held his chin and said: "So, two middle-grade fairy stones, exchange for 20,000 crystal cores and two lower-grade fairy stones."

The shopkeeper immediately said: "Yes!"

Twenty thousand crystal nuclei plus two inferior immortals are significantly more cost-effective than five inferior immortals.

After the transaction was successful, Yunfei flew away.

The shopkeeper carefully preserved the two middle-grade immortal stones and said solemnly: "You must report to the headquarters as soon as possible. There may be a median immortal stone trainer in the night city!"


Yun Feiyang returned to into the ring of fortune.

Using two hundred times the time to accelerate, it took more than half a year to refine 18,000 crystal nuclei and obtain six fairy stones.

Relying on the anti-sky tactics and more skillful techniques, the six fairy stones are all of medium grade.


He sat down and began to ingest.

There is no crystal nucleus in the exchange cabinet, exchange the fairy stone, and then condense, repeat repeatedly, obviously not work, so you can only choose to use it yourself.


After ingesting an immortal stone, Yun Fei said: "I didn't expect that the immortal stone I condensed was so powerful!"

It didn't take long.

The six middle-grade fairy stones have been absorbed.

Yun Feiyang's ideology of spreading around his body is even stronger. Although it is still some distance away from the night of Bingshan, which is the perfect circle of Zhunxian, it is already very strong in the later stage.

After the moral improvement.

Yun Feiyang continued to comprehend Taiqing sword tactics and shift stepwise.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

In the space, Yun Feiyang waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and all the swords of Taiqing burst into the air.

After ingesting six middle-grade immortal stones, Yun Fei has a stronger sense of Tao, and his comprehension of Taiqing sword tactics is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Now, if he is faced with the late quasi-century like Yan Mogang, he does not need to condense Qingtian Yijian and play it normally, he can easily beheaded.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and cast a vertical step shift. The whole person jumped in space suddenly, the distance increased from the previous thousand feet to three thousand feet.

Obviously the morals have improved, and the body has also been enhanced.

However, Yun Feiyang can see that the Jianjue and body skills have reached the limit, and even if the Dao will become stronger again, there will not be much change.

After all, Taiqing Jianjue and Longitudinal Shift are quasi-central martial arts skills, and they have an absolute upper limit.

"It seems."

Yun Feiyang murmured: "I have to find a way to get a stronger martial art."

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