Super God

Chapter 1618: Fairy-level beast!

Yun Feiyang's feelings were difficult, but after drinking, Cui Xingzhu came to Cui's house and was placed in a very elegant single courtyard.

Since then, his identity as "Yang Feiyun" has successfully entered the interior and established a good relationship with Cui Er Gongzi.

In the next few days, Cui Xingzhu was very enthusiastic and often came to Guan Guan wine to drink with him. The two were very happy to talk.

of course.

Yun Feiyang was ignorant of the snake while paying attention to the Cui family's every move, and soon discovered that this large family was calm on the surface, but actually surging undercurrents.

"Once Cui's sister-in-law tears his face completely, this Cui's family must be very lively." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

One day.

Cui Xingluo came again, but he also brought a rich old man.

Under the introduction, Yun Feiyang learned that the old man was named Cui Tianba and the three elders of the Cui family.

Different from the six elders and eight elders.

Elder Cui Jiasan was quite mature and stable, and kept watching Yun Feiyang secretly while drinking.

Yun Feiyang knew that this old man was a strong supporter of Cui Xingzhu, and he must have been examining himself this time.

Therefore, when drinking alcohol, the anti-sky tactics are used to release the Dao slightly, and the temperament of the whole person suddenly becomes more mysterious and unpredictable.

Cui Tianba secretly surprised.

As a veteran quasi-central consummate, he could hardly see the strength of this child.

Even, the intention to spread intentionally or unintentionally is very heavy.

And this means that this person's perception of Daoism is definitely stronger than himself, and I am afraid that it has been infinitely close to the fairy level.



On the way back, Cui Xingzhu smiled and said: "How about this Yang Feiyun?"

Cui Tianba supported his chin and said, "Xing Lian, this person is very good, stronger than the doormen you have previously drawn, so no matter what means you have to use, you must pull it in."

"Relax, Sanye."

Cui Xingzhu smiled confidently: "The prey I see can't escape."


Cui Tianba nodded, but said solemnly: "The star-strength boy has been closer to Xingtan these days, and he should be trying to win him over."


Cui Xingzhu said disapprovingly: "Brother Lobby has no power and power in the Cui family, and it is stupid enough for the three cousins ​​to woo him."

"You can't say that."

Cui Tianbao said: "Although Xingtan has no power, it is said to be closely related to Bailifei of Yunji."

"Flying in a hundred miles"

Cui Xinglan smiled disdainfully: "It's just a businessman."

"Xing Rian."

Cui Tianba said solemnly: "Bai Li Fei Yang has a great relationship with Wang Treasurer of Hengtong Commercial Bank, don't underestimate him."

"Sir, I know."

Cui Xing said this on his lips, but he didn't care.


"This kid seems to despise my identity as a flying lily."

Yun Feiyang, pretending to be drunk on the bed, quietly withdrew Xiannian.

Obviously, the conversation about Cui Xingzhu and Cui Tianba was heard in his ears.


Three days later.

Yun Feiyang had a more comprehensive understanding of the Cui family. During the period, he was very active in asking the guests to drink and chat, just yesterday.

When he was drinking with Li Fei, he complained when he heard that the other person was drinking, and suddenly understood that these doormen were resentful and dissatisfied with Cui Xingluo.

"There is an opportunity!"

After a short period of thought, Yun Feiyang decided to make a better match with this group of doormen, and then looked for opportunities to dig them up.

In his view, the reason why Cui Xingzhu has energy in the Cui family is nothing more than a large number of visitors. Once lost, it will surely be the same as Cui Xingshi, with no threat.

the next day.

The opportunity comes.

According to Cui Xingzhu's regulations, the doormen living in Juxian Pavilion are going to hunt a certain number of crystal nuclei in the wild.

Li Fei and others left the Cui family in droves, and entered the wilderness full of fierce beasts. Although Yun Feiyang was not a guest, he came with them on the grounds of boredom.


How can such a good opportunity be missed?

Yun Da cheap **** followed, also made Li Fei and others quite secure, after all, this person can deter the beast.


When hunting one day, a large number of fierce beasts attacked.

Yun Feiyang once again sipped coldly, and fell to the ground with the fierce beasts, not daring to move.

For a time, Li Fei and others admired him.

Cui Xingluo will buy the hearts of people.

Yun Dachen also knows how to get them done.

After another day of hunting.

This guy deliberately went to the mountain forest to attract a very powerful beast. Under fierce fighting, he was killed at the cost of injury.

Since then, Li Fei and others have become more admired, and even moved to cry.

The experience is over.

Yun Feiyang succeeded in establishing a high enough prestige among this group of doormen.

of course.

Digging at the foot of the wall is definitely impossible now.

Yun Feiyang needs to wait until the time is right to take them all away, so that Cui Xingzhu can become the commander of the bare rod in an instant.


When everyone evacuated the forest, a roar suddenly sounded.

The sound contained a certain power, shaking the trees around, and at the same time the ground began to tremble violently.


Another roar sounded.


Suddenly, the gust of wind rose, carrying a stench.


A doorman exclaimed.

Everyone raised their heads together, and saw the sky above the forest in the distance, a black snake beast stood upright, and the huge eyes showed the luster of the dead.

"not good!"

Li Fei's complexion changed and said, "This must be a fairy-level beast!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Fairy-level beasts are absolutely god-like for these quasi-mid-term gatekeepers.

"A little trouble."

Yun Feiyang in the team frowned.

Obviously, he was not drawn by this giant snake beast with a long body.


The black snake beast roared again, the big head turned, and his eyes locked on the group of human warriors directly in front.

"It's over!"

Li Fei said pale: "I was found!"

Yun Feiyang solemnly said: "Hurry and escape!"

As soon as the words were finished, the person had already started walking away, and the speed of running was fast.

However, when he ran for a while and looked back again, he found that Li Fei and his legs were standing trembling, so he collapsed and said, "What are you doing, ran!"

"Brother Yang..."

Li Fei swallowed a bit~ said with a bitter face: "Body...the body can't move!"

Yun Feiyang realized that after the appearance of the black snake beast, there was a strong oppression in the air.

Because of his anti-natural tactics, his morality is extremely strong, so he is not disturbed.

Li Fei and others were not so lucky. They seemed to be carrying a big mountain. Not only was their body pressed hard to move, but even breathing became extremely difficult.


The black snake beast roared again, then flew over, its huge mouth opened, and sharp fangs appeared, accompanied by a disgusting smell!


I will die here today!

The fairy-level beast came out of anger, leaving Li Fei and others completely desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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